>subcompact sedans
What the flying FUCK is wrong with Americans?
Subcompact sedans
it really is fucking terrible isnt it
THIS is what a subcompact should look like
Cheap car for broke ass millennials who are drowning in their debt. The back seats are just for the insurance break. Serves em right for goin to college for stupid things
you sound bitter.
Nah just enjoyin the cheap state college life, enjoyin leaving with the same education as private colleges. Enjoyin comin out debt free thanks to grants and working through college.
Not my fault that millennials need to have cheap shit created just for them because they went to college on student loans, didn't work the entire time and graduated 80k in debt :/
The American fetish for sedans is ridiculous. I don't get why people dislike wagons and hatchbacks so much, especially when the super popular CUVs are literally just lifted hatches.
Meant to reply to you
>I don't get why people have different tastes than mine
Maybe you're autistic.
>barely even compact
>is a millenial themselves
Some of these "CUVs" are literally just cars. There is no difference between this and a hatchback, it isn't even lifted
>didn't work the entire time
Never went to uni, so excuse ignorance. How do you have the time to work, attend classes, and study at the same time?
It's really a culture thing. American's never needed hatchbacks really because we always had large SUV and Trucks. Europeans never really had that luxury
Either do your homework between work, classes, and late at night or get a job like a secretary or concierge that leaves a lot of downtime to study/do work. Plenty of people do it.
I won't like, it really sucks sometimes when you want nothing more than to go to sleep but you need to finish a test/homework/paper etc. But in the end, I'm coming out ahead of everyone else in debt
That isn't a crossover bro
Dude, you're no better than anyone else for having college education, you can stop patting yourself on the back you have a degree like most of the rest of the population.
Also, most people are terrible with financial decisions, the vast majority of americans cant make due with a $1000 sudden crisis, so don't give me bullshit about how successful you are, you're on taiwanese basket weaving website after all.
Sounds awful to be honest. I guess it could only work if you lived at home.
Most people who grew up with station wagons as a kid hates wagons now. I do see a lot of old boomers driving wagons in Canada. Sedans aren't really that popular. It's 1/3 trucks, 1/3 crossovers and the rest is a mix of sedans and hatchbacks.
College freshman, sophomores, and I imagine a good chunk of juniors and seniors aren't millennials anymore. The cut-off is around '95, '96, there are people born in 2000 about to graduate high school.
filho duma ganda puta
Not saying I'm better at all. I just like to point out that college doesn't have to be expensive, but everyones had it pounded into their heads that you NEED to go to Uni. There are plenty of alternative CHEAPER paths that lead to the same outcome. Start at a community college, transfer after 2 years to a state college.
You learn the same shit, and in my experience community college professors are much more lenient than even State schools.
But it's no secret that this influx of tiny cheap vehicles is the companies trying to make up for the lack of available funds to millennials.
Honestly, you just sound salty because you're probably drowning in your student debt for 6 years ago
>The cut-off is around '95, '96
There isn't a clear cut off although yes the definition is "a person reaching young adulthood in the early 21st century" and people born in the year 2000 can be considered millenials too.
Damn I'm envyous of your alloys
t. N16 Almera owner
This is a proper 3-box design though, not like the ugly turd in the OP
If they're loaded with student debt they're retarded for buying a new car at all
the lack of funds isnt exclusive to "millenials" its the general rule for most americans who live in flyover and for most americans who have low wage jobs, you know almost half of all americans, and those people can barely afford a hyundai accent to start with.
Americans for you.
He doesn't mean luxury as in luxury car
It's the luxury of choice. The US for the most part doesn't have increased taxes based off cylinders, displacement, and curb weight. Anyone can buy a truck or SUV without completely drowning in taxes.
Lots of european countries have taxes so it is very burdensome for those people to buy large pickups or SUVs. In addition, some city streets in europe can't accommodate the sheer width of some cars like the Hummer, Navigator, Escalade, F150, and Silverados
vai-te foder
I wish. Those are actually covers. And I lost one recently.
Yeah, that Ford design is awful, but it isn't a bad segment.
Oh fug yeah actually it's missing the lug nuts and you can't see any cover for them :DDD
being this buttmad about the best type of car
also im a high school drop out with zero debt and lodes of cash monie
Objectively inferior to wagons/hatches
Modern trucks are too high to lift shit into.
Twincabs mean there's no room in the tray anyway.
On top of that they drink petrol like they're paid to.
I'll stick with a wagon.
Would you agree that each market has sensible regulations in regards to its circumstances?
yea but the sonic hatch is fugly.
plus its got a hueg trunk and the back seats fold down.
and if i really need to fit something big in a vehicle i can drive muh vee ate truck
montana bro. hope you enjoying those roads a bit better.
no one cares about your pos fiat
I wish they sold hatches here too dude.
There are plenty of well-paying jobs in flyover. It's not all forestry and mining out there. And it's also not my fault that that industry is dying and the only people who work them are older men and their sons.
Expand your skillset, network, apply yourself and you can make good money in just about any field. The only people who complain are the people who are either too nice and get shafted by their companies, or the shitty employees who complain about not being paid enough while doing sub-par work.
trying to but there are so many damn deer near the roads because of the fires. on the upside all the rain cleared away alot of the damn smoke
fuh q
also not knowing about how reflections work
>being so out of touch
what floats your row boat, if you can fit in it.
Flyovers are the best if you have a decent job, I always laugh hearing about people in metros on the coast working decent jobs and still needing to live with fucking roommates like they're in college working at Burger King.
Im not trying to say bigger is better, I was just pointing out the facts. I also prefer wagons and small pickups over huge SUVs and big trucks. But what one person likes may not be the same as another so its better to have the freedom for everyone to chose whatever they want to have.
Taxes based off displacement is dumb, which is why you see those stupid 1.0L diesel hatchbacks in britain that everyone hates, especially the brits themselves. For them, a 1.7L civic is considered high displacement and subsequently taxed accordingly.
Taxes based off car weight is dumb too. All modern cars are getting super heavy chassis reenforcement and a million airbags for safety, and yet they are going to tax those safer cars more? It's counterintuitive
look m8, i am a fat fuck no doubt and i wont deny it, but im not that THICC.
look at the cars in the reflection, cars dont look like that m8
It's actually a 3rd wold thing, in some places of Latin America, South East Asia or India sedans are seen as a symbol of status, hatchbacks are seen as a poor's man car. So that's why things like sedan version of tiny cars exist, like the sedan Hyundai i10 or the sedan Suzuki Swift
This. My wife and I are both working while saving as much money as possible, and we only spend $24k a year and live quite comfortably. We put away just as much. We even live in one of the biggest Midwestern cities that isn't Chicago, so the cost of living isn't as low as living in the country. House paid for in cash here we come!
it's a ford that's why it looks hideous. every ford vehicle except their trucks are fucking garbage cars that last a year tops.
No. I'm just being real.
Me and the other hard workers in the world will be profiting off of the laziness of people who want a job handed to them because it's harder to get a job now than it was 30 years ago.
Deal with the hand you're dealt. It is impossible to change this economical climate overnight, so expect to put in more and harder work than boomers.
So I will be working on my skillset, marketing, and will always be looking at the next job that will give me a bump in rank and pay. Put in the hard work, don't be a pussy and let your bosses push you around. Realize that if you try, you will be a valuable asset to many different companies.
It is not hard to get a job if you apply yourself. And that means more than applying for jobs and waiting for callbacks..
I consider taxing by weight sensitive since it's the determining factor in road wear and cause of public maintenance costs. Displacement used to more strictly correlate to the class of a vehicle and taxing it is an outdated concept, but taxing by emissions instead is alright.
Thanks for having my back, fellow flyover friends
>americans who live in flyover
>muh flyover
calicuck detected
Put your hubris over your location down buddy, plenty of us here in "flyover" are successful and happy, and flyover > destination for living, who the FUCK wants to live in a place where things are crowded and tourists are about?
Bill Burr said it best. "Once you start living by an ocean, suddenly you start to think you know more"
We all know how reflections work dipshit we all live on planet earth. Our minds have properly proportioned you in our brains to interpret the reflection and you're still a phat ass
Where I live (in NZ) there's tourists everywhere in summer, and dead quiet in winter. Fuck tourists ruining summer.
No, this is.
Posting now defunct (in the EU) Punto based Linea. It's still sold in latin america.
>on a GM platform
>it's xbox hueg
Have you seen their streets?
Cracked, unmaintained and populated with terrible drivers?
Yeah, I have.
I meant retardedly wide most of all. It simply doesn't matter whether your car is five and a half or six or seven feet wide. Hell, you could probably daily drive a fire truck in the US and driving would still be easier than in Europe.
>can't disconnect ESP
shit car
that's not a street user, that's a highway
I can't tell the difference between A and GLA.
All these crossovers sell better than their car counterparts.
Is that a Defender?
That's a trailer for yard cuttings in case you weren't joking.
McMansions on the McRoads with McCars on them
>GM platform
The Small Platform[1] or SCCS platform (Small Common Components and Systems platform), was jointly developed by Opel and Fiat for subcompact, front wheel drive and four wheel drive cars.
>subcompact platform codeveloped by Opel and Fiat
Its like an ungodly shitbox-fusion, theyre only missing Kia for the holy trinity.
The Corsa OPC and the Punto Abarth are pretty good in turns. Can the same be said about your car?
No need to get defensive, just because they make shitboxes doesnt mean they dont make good shitboxes.
I was just asking you a question. No need to be evasive now, babby.
Considering my car is a shitbox civic, id say its above average in turns. Why are you looking for an argument? And why are you so asshurt over a stupid joke?
hi. quit being retarded? thanks
>Taxes based off displacement is dumb, which is why you see those stupid 1.0L diesel hatchbacks in britain that everyone hates, especially the brits themselves. For them, a 1.7L civic is considered high displacement and subsequently taxed accordingly.
taxes aren't displacement based in Britain, they're based on emission standards. A Euro 6 compliant 540i would be cheaper to tax than a 1.5 diesel that isn't up to later emissions regs.
>it's another "self-absorbed prick talks down to everyone" episode
Because he drives that exact platform...with a diesel none the less
No they are to young. 95 / 96 is the last year
Their culture is pure trash. They're completely crass, tasteless, savages.
yeah but then you have to live in a fly over
LoL you make the liberal cucks salty
What the fuck. Thats like 4 line Autobahn
I seriously don't understand why anyone would buy a Fiesta sedan. The hatch is better in every way, It looks better and has more utility.
it´s not a question of status here in south america, it´s only that compact/midsize sedans are usually too expensive for the lower middle class to buy (not only because we are poor fucks, also cars here sell for almost twice as much as they do in the US) so, when people need a little more trunk space, they buy a subcompact sedan. They are ugly as phuc but they are not much more expensive than their hatchback counterparts.
t. argenigger
same thing for auto transmissions and electronics. Say what you want about american cars but you guys make some unkillable electronics and those ancient 3-4 speed autos are made like tanks. It's unheard of for a ~2001 german car to have its first auto transmission or electronic systems still functioning. Works in my cheap ass 2nd gen chrysler neon and my friend dads' 1995 voyager.
That's because we stole the Nazi scientists to help us design space ships and POWERGLIDE transmissions using truck parts to make muscle cars.
What the fuck happened to it?
It's the wrong shape entirely.
Fiestas are supposed to look like pic related.
Note: The almost vertically flat rear
They look weird because they are designed as an after though
>subcompact sedans
Its not really a new thing.
This car looks like a hoot to drive.
>tfw theres not enough tiny wagons.
poor ass niccas thats why