Are there more pictures like this, Veeky Forums?

Are there more pictures like this, Veeky Forums?

Please post them.


nice delusion


Nah you are one speaking.


LOL saved

>irrelevant laptimes



>benz - bright bold color - very chad tier
>Gtr - dull, safe color - very virgin tier

perfect. I saved it.


>mah irrelevant laptime
look at this pathetic loser having a meltdown

lol, he is having an episode indeed, missed his ritalin perhaps


this thread is pure garbage


yeah thanks to oversensitive Nissan fangirl(s)

Not Veeky Forums related, but pretty funny



>it is bad that a manufacturer upgrades his car
spoken like a true, GM cuckboi

>Irrelevant tracks

Camaro is already upgraded and ready to track anytime while non-nismo GTR requires more times to be upgraded.

>muh irrelevant tracks
it triggers ya because your beloved lost badly in other tracks except burgerkring pathetic

>base Camaro


>base GT-R

Seems the same to me.

lipstick on a cpig, which is it is slower on the only track that matters

>your beloved
I don't even like the GTR it's a pigfat pos lol

keep on sperging GM cuckboi

>Alphonse's thread just got deleted
keep crying bitch nigga



That's a decent one.

lethally mmed my friend

The fuck's this guy have against Kia?

Who has "The Virgin Tofu Delivery vs. The Chad Street Race"? I thought I saved it but I guess I didn't



Should've used a Scania or a Mack as the Chad since they have the best V8 sound in all of trucking.

>virgin still wearing New Balances








>Steve is gathering traction at unimaginable speeds

Why are gun fags always so unfunny

Someone needs to do "The Virgin V8" vs the "Chad V6". Have virgin drive a Corvette and Chad a Ford GT.

kek, I'd add on the Renault side
>only ships empty pallets
>can't use tunnels because of claustrophobia
>asks hookers for directions and never get an answer without paying
>drives only at night- full parkings makes him nervous


F off m8


I read that in his voice.

Also, started watching his channel a lot lately. Pretty cool dude.

Link my man


why do you weebs manage to ruin everything with your animoo shit?
it is never funny.

Kek, should've said Chad BTFOed Gaddhafi's army using only old Hiluxes
