>*goes 80 to catch you going 57 in a 50*
Do you have any idea
>*stares at laptop instead of the road*
how fast you were going sir?
>*switches lanes without signaling*
I'm afraid I have no choice but to write you a ticket.
>*tailgates you for 10 minutes in the right lane*
That'll be $183, you can pay it at the courthouse.
>*runs red light without emergency call on radio*
Try to drive a little safer from here on out, okay?
>*peels out of traffic stop going 90*

Other urls found in this thread:


Just buy a sportbike and run from them.

>cop runs a friend off the road while going to chase someone missing a tail light
>whips around to ticket friend for reckless driving
>friend has dash cam, cop demands the recording
>friend refuses, is arrested for resisting arrest, cop rips dash cam out and pockets it
>dash cam has internal battery and wirelessly exports to backup hidden in car
>cop gets paid vacation after friend gets his lawyer to pull the video
>constantly harasses him now

desu I'm surprised more dashcams aren't like this

Just imagine if your friend was a few shades darker.

>Just imagine if your friend was a few shades darker.

Its called a fileing for a citizens arrest user.

there's a reason the dallas cop killer exists user

>speeding without being in a large crowd of cars

You like paying the cops?

>turn right down a blind intersection
>cop has someone pulled over on a two lane road
>only problem is that the cop is pulled up in the left lane right next to the other car for some reason
>cross over the yellow line to move around the cop
>pulls me over and writes me a ticket for "failure to maintain control"
Luckily I got it thrown out in court, but come the fuck on.

did he stop mid ticket to go ticket the other guy?

duh. is this your first time dealing with police man officers?

Cops are scum.

25, only pulled over twice. Once was cause my registration was expired and got a warning. Other time was dickhead motorcycle cop pulling me over for """"""""""""""""speeding"""""""""""""""" which got thrown out in court.

Just not really sure how it works when multiple people are pulled over. Does the cop just rush back into his car to chase a different person and hope the first guy doesn't bolt? I mean I guess he has their license plate but could be a stolen car or something.

>p plater
>in my fully Sikkk™ vr commodore 5l ute sikk skid machine
>pull up at traffic lights next to new black maloo ute that looks like it would eat and shit out my poor 20yo shitbox
>starts revving his engine like he wants to race
>think he's joking but give him a rev back
>green light
>take off normally
>light come on undercover cop ute
>lose license on the spot for trying to start a drag race and joocy fine.
>lol why do you hate the police? They're just keeping you safe on the road.

Why? So they can investigate themselves and find no wrong doing?

literally entrapment

>Strayan law
Fuckin lmao senpai. It's like you've never even lived in a police state.


Been a few of those in NZ/Auckland CBD a fair few moons ago. Not sure if it's still happening.

>being friends with negros

i keked

>1st day learning to drive manual in dad's V6 Challenger
>seem to be doing pretty well in the empty parking lot my dad took me to
>he has me drive him around for some errands
>leaving walmart and there's a really steep ass hill in front of a stoplight
>naturally the light turns red as I get there
>I'm in the left turn lane
>cop rolls up beside me in the straight lane
>"alright son, you'll be fine, just do like you were doing earlier"
>green arrow
>feel car rolling back and panic
>too much gas, dump clutch like the noob I was
>tires screech for a second
>cop lights the fuck up and pulls me over
>dad explains it's my first day driving manual
>cop doesn't buy it
>slaps me with "exhibition of speed"
>can't get it thrown out
>wind up paying the ticket

Life is tough.

This why why need our own second amendment

>Put car into pole due to idiocy
>Police show up
>Family friend, get ride back to town in back of cruiser
The joys of small town life.

I'll take things that didn't happen for $500 Alex

Hello, Officer.

Doesnt exist in Australia

Don't act like an idiot, it's that simple.

It's the sound of tha police.


>actually stopping for police

Phone with bracket and dashcam app that uploads to cloud.

>Buying a bike that only goes 120 mph to outrun a car that can go 140mph.

Are you using a 250cc???

>57 in a 50
holy fuck
in Poland you won't even get ticket for exceeding speed up to 11 km/h (7 mph)

>get a ticket for doing 3 over
>sir speedings speeding
Hes right but what a dick, didn't seem content on pulling over the SUV doing 10 over next to me.

>120 mph
Nigger what, most 600s will do at least 160, liter bikes will do 185 (modern ones close to 200). Plus, the time it takes them to reach that speed is much less than a car.

He doesn’t seem to know anything about the subject at hand. He could go on YouTube and watch blox stars to see how retarded he is.

He's using mph. That would be an 11km/h difference pollack

>driving home from friend's house at like 2am
>turn to take bridge over the river
>theres a cop with someone pulled over on the right
>another cop with his lights on is slowly driving down my lane the wrong way
>i stop
>he stops
>close enough to see this guys face
>not sure what to do, we're just looking at each other
>i decide to just cross the double yellow to go around him
>go on my way

That was it. Im really glad he didnt pull me over because i had half a 750 of rum sitting in my passenger seat.

>several years ago
>buddy i haven't seen in a while moves back to town
>calls me and other buddy up to go out and get some steaks
>each take our own car
>i've got an impressive 89whp honda fit
>take six-lane road, 3 north 3 south
>speed limit is fucking 45
>super excited, give the gas a little gusto
>end up doing somewhere around 60 at some point between two stops at red lights
>pull into steakhouse parking lot behind buddies a few minutes later
>sheriff literally pulls me over as i park
>"nah ah tagged you doin' 60 a ways back 'air, what's yer hurry?"
>explain that i'm seeing a friend i haven't seen in a while, just got excited on the way to dinner
>proceeds to fucking dangle me over a ticket
>"aigh't nah tell me why i shouldn't give ya this here ticket"
>"well, sir, since i was caught exceeding the limit, i should be ticketed"
>pig raises his voice a little
>"nah look here son i'm tryin'ta save ya a ticket here, so gimme a reason"
>"i wouldn't be able to have a nice evening out with friends if you ticketed me...?"
>"aight nah jus watch yer speed next time"
>drives off
>too livid to enjoy dinner
>friday night ruined

cops around here are the fucking worst

these make me mad

>bought my first car, its a manual
>driving around with my dad so i can take my test
>car literally runs on 3 cylinders because ford is shit
>literally cant get into first with AC on because ford is shit
>turn into giant neighborhood to practice at low speeds with lots of stop signs
>cop follows me around for 30 minutes

eventually i just parked on the side of the road and waited for him to leave


Idiot next time use the handbrake

Im from Baaria and drive all the time + 10 km/h

i swear on me mum if i hear this cuck shit one more fukkin time

ebrake hill starts are stupid as shit and you need to git fukken gud


not my fault you faggots need the ebrake to start on a hill because you cant into clutch control

literly this u ghay fag's if your ever totching the ebrake your retarted



Nobody ever taught me that, it was just "git gud" or roll back into whoever was behind.

>"exhibition of speed"
You have to be making this up, are you telling me there is a law that punishes you for slipping your wheels a little bit

and you couldnt toss it in under the seat because....?

Don't know what cuntry you're from, but in Australia the piggies will cuck you for the smallest amount of wheel spin. Might be reckless driving or something.

My buddy got a ticket for that in an RX8, we had just put new tires on it and he chirped em a tiny bit coming out a of a gas station, no smoke, no mark on the road, no slide, cop acted like he did a standing burnout, 183$

One of the first things I was taught learning manual was to be careful to not do accidental burnouts in traffic because police will write you a ticket. They couldn't give a flying fuck what the reason is, they just like to flex their power and ruin people's day.

UK and AUS are both cucked beyond belief, nothing new here

Yeah that’s pretty much what he did since he was already in his car when I tried to pass him.

>”exhibition of speed” by not actually moving your car
This type of shit is why I’m just going to go out and practice manual at 2:00am.

lmfao what a fucking pig

The last asshole I dealt with wasn't nearly that forgiving.

>driving on highway behind a truck, with another car in the lane to my right
>truck is probably doing 140, I'm behind him doing a little less (physically, literally could not be going FASTER than him and still remain behind him)
>disco lights as we pass a bend
>truck in front of me slams on his brakes and swerves into right lane, nearly takes out the front end of the car that was doing the same speed as him
>I have nowhere to go so I keep going in left lane until I get in front of them, then pull onto an offramp, not sure if cop is coming after me or them
>neither the truck or car make an effort to pull over
>cop just leaves them and goes after me instead
>tells me he's going to write me a ticket, that he got me with his laser gun
>ask him how he targeted me behind other cars
>ask him why he didn't tag the other cars
>he just looks at me, won't respond
>ask him again, he still won't respond
>writes me a fucking $320 ticket with 4 points
>ask him how I can contest ticket, or if he'll consider reducing it since it's likely he wasn't targeting me anyhow
>tells me I need to go to court, that it would be good for me because I'd have to do homework and spend my own money fighting it
>refuses to tell me anything else, just repeats "muh officer safety"
>cop leaves, I go to nearby parking lot
>take detailed notes of literally everything, back up dash cam footage with audio
>call paralegal, send them my stuff
>tell me this cop is basically fucked, they have dealt with his tickets in the past and they get thrown out because he's a lazy nigger who keeps shit notes and doesn't calibrate his gun

Just waiting for my court date now :^)

I hope Officer Cuntface doesn't show up so they just scrap the whole ticket 2bh.

bro i'm reading this article,
and it says
>Plans are underway by police to stage an all-in crush fest that will see more than a dozen hotted up hoon cars turned into scrap metal.
What the fuck is a hoon? please translate

Cops only respect you if you break a hundred. Otherwise they see some indecisive cuck who deserves to be taken off the road.


>going 89 in a 65
>cop gives me the whole ticket
>going 145 in a 65
>cop fucking lets me off the hook and tells me if he pulls me over again he'll kick my ass

>doing just a notch under 140 mph while still tailgating
>police pull you over
>I'm a victim, I was just doing 138 mph, and following very closely to two other cars going 140 mph. I wasn't the bad guy
>police doesn't buy your bull shit
>writes you a well deserved ticket
>could have easily towed your car and got your license suspended for doing literally 140 MILES PER FUCKING HOUR on a public road and tailgating
>proceed to go into a parking lot and take notes and dash cam footage which would show your dumb ass driving reckless
>psssh im gonna get out of this eazy.. fat pig doesn't even calibrate his gun... this is a win/win situation

That is what you think until you go to court and have to take a lesser charge. Better bring a lawyer with you or you might as well not show up. Take it as a lesson in driving safe because doing 140 mph could easily kill somebody and fuck up the roads for a few hours.

Not him but I'm pretty sure he was doing 140 kph which is about 90mph

Wow, I had no idea Veeky Forums became a cuck breeding ground.

>$320 ticket
>4 points
>stereotypical cop

I assume he is American. Even if is 140 km/h, that's still pretty fast for a posted speed limit of 55-65 mp/h.

Not when that's the speed of the flow of traffic

Grow up and stop endangering other people's lives and livelihoods on the road just because you want to live reckless. Go to the track or get a slower car if you can't handle driving reasonably

oh look it's THIS meme again

Speeding is speeding, just because you were going "with the flow of traffic" does not mean you weren't speeding.

>flow of traffic
>he literally says it was only 3 cars on the road at that time including him
>flow of traffic

My ass. There was no fucking traffic

>no other countries use 'dollar' as a currency
maybe hop back on the bus user

Two's a crowd if you want to get pedantic about it

Or or or or, hear me out on this, user...I could drive smart. Know when to speed and not when to speed.

Take that to court and tell the judge there were only 2 other cars on the road and they were going very fast and you were simply following them, doing 140 mp/h. You were just matching the flow of traffic and dindu nuffin

just got my fine of $1136 for 100+ and running a stop

Well seeing as how the cop didn't clock OP but a different car and he has his dashcam footage I think he'll be fine.

They don't have to clock your speed to pace you. And you realize any dash cam footage would just incriminate him right?

I'm Canadian, was doing about 130kph, guy in front was doing a bit more. Cop said his laser read 140, but again, he can't shoot lazers through cars so he'd have been tagging the guy in front of me and just assumed I was going the same speed.

That in itself is going to work against him, along with

>bend in road
>multiple vehicles
>glare on road reduces his visibility
>turned on his lights before we passed him
>meaning he already targeted a vehicle
>meaning it would've been the truck in front of me, and if it wasn't, why wouldn't he have targeted them (motive? credibility? proper procedure to stop a slower moving vehicle as opposed to faster?)

Get a load of this cuck. How does the sole of that boot taste, faggot? Speeding is only speeding because some nigger politician decided it would be a great way to generate revenue for gov't and local police forces.

I'm not a crazy sovereign citizen, but laws have less and less legitimacy the more people disagree with them. BC has speed limits of 110kph. It's perfectly fine to travel at speeds of 130-150kph. In Germany they routinely travel much faster.

This whole "muh public safety" cuck shit needs to stop. Leave your fucking house and drive a car, you'll soon grow tired of the speed "limits".

They have to clock your speed to issue a ticket for a specific speed violation in Ontario. He issued a ticket for me doing exactly 140kmh in a 100kmh posted zone. He is affirming this is the specific offence.

He isn't entitled to just write a blanket charge and say "well I think you were going pretty fast, maybe about 140 will do it". The fine is specific to the speed listed, there's a base charge and an amount for every 1km over the posted limit. The points also relate to this, if you're between 0-15, 16-29, or 30-49 over you get a different whack of points. If you're 50 over, you're "STREET RACING" and they can impound your car.

As long as the number the cop clocked is wrong it gets thrown out. Tickets aren't that serious, judges will check them for discrepancies and a quick but sincere apology to the judge.

What kind of truck can go 140mph?
Also he would have gotten fucking arrested right there for going that fast and be facing a hell of a lot fatter ticket than 320 bucks

use ur brian

Honestly I will be going to court even though I have representation. If it gets thrown out completely I'm going to make a point of rubbing it in the cop's face. I'm trying to think of some good snide remarks I can make to him when court is dismissed. He's a provincial officer so there's a 0.000001 chance I'll ever see him again, I want to make sure I get my digs in.

He's already cost me money for my paralegal, so I want to make sure I get my money's worth because of this shit cunt.

what are some good radar detectors? looking top pick one up so i dont get busted going 64 in a 45 at 630am on sunday morning.

Won't matter if they're using LIDAR, that's really hard to defend against.

But for radar, especially unmanned cameras/speed traps, Beltronics make the best units. There's different features, but anything with an auto-shutoff for countermeasures is advisable. If cops are running radar-detector-detecting equipment, it'll notify you and then shut off the device so they can't zero in on your car. Unless it's legal where you live.

In which case, see if it's legal to get a jammer too, fuck their shit up proper.

Figure out what laziness caused you to get off and then rub his laziness in his face.
>Oh man it must be soooooooo hard to press the calibration button on the gun
>Good thing you came all the way to court instead
>really a great use of a *public servant's* time

I'll emphasize "SERVANT", and add "don't forget, you work for ME. Now get back to work, I'm not paying you to stand around here all day."

I should show up looking like a total fucking autist too, it'll really grind his gears. Dressing like CVPI should do the trick.

In Ontario Stunt driving includes, but is not limited to, speeding in excess of 50km/h+ or even chirping your wheels. You can get a huge fine and your car is automatically impounded for a minimum of 7 days, and if you or the cop are a real cunt, it can be as high as 45 days.

Its still not as bad as the brit who was charged for revving his engine near some muslims though.

the point is that a nimble sports bike can go where a massive clunky interceptor cant

>>actually stopping for police
Driving a dirt bike on roads, no wonder you run cause you are constantly breaking the law anyways

>brit who was charged for revving his engine near some muslims though.

Serves him right that's literally a hate crime.

>Immediately pull over
>Shift into park
>Roll window all the way down
>Turn on all interior lights
>Turn off radio
>Turn off engine
>Put hands on top of wheel
>Be polite
>Be calm
>Don't say please or thank you
>This is a serious business transaction
>Move slowly, give the nice cop your information.

Congratulations, you probably just got a warning. Was that so hard?

Jeopardy doesn't have a $500 option.

You should get a car that goes fast enough to walk away from them.

I'm not a nigger. I keep my car on and talk informally with the cop. How's your day going, sorry to have you out here in traffic my bad, etc. I've found acting like a scared cuck makes them more likely to ticket. They'd rather shoot the shit with a friendly face than do a "professional transaction" with someone. They're a fucking civil servant, they work for you.

back to your cesspit

>he cant into 2 stroke
my 250 does 140mph/225kmh

are you genuinely stupid?

1000cc's will do 200mph and do it alot fukn quicker than a police cruiser

Not it doesn't, prove it.