/tesg/ ~ The Elder Scrolls General

>SSE? Should i use the Skyrim Special Edition?
Only if you don't want mods. It does not have SKSE and the ENB binaries are bad. Stick with Old Skyrim.

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>Thread was created with incorrect OP or a lot earlier than post?
Ignore and report; Wait for a correct thread to be made.

Remember to ignore and report shitposters.

Yes really.

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Waifus, lore, harmony

I just got eso for free a few days ago, and while I wasn't home, my friend who was staying at my house set up my account for eso on my ps4 using an email address he doesn't know the password to. Now my psn account is linked to some old ass email and I don't know how to unlink it and add my password. Please help me!

would you guys be interested if i livestreamed some gameplay?

>/tesg/ survives for one more thread

It's so fucking hot I'm literally melting

I wish I lived in the cold snowy mountains of Skyrim


Maybe some day.

post oblivion



I don't have a picture of my life.


sure as long as your default idles animations aren't too spicy for twitch

Are they going to have a gangbang?

it's the challenge that makes it interesting

What should my next character be? Playing with Ordinator if that helps.

I smell MMF(FF?)



I agree

>decide to play Morrowind again
>decide to try some mods from the guide
>Vodunius isn't pointing me to the Silt Strider
>try dialogue options
>a female voice asks "Does my ass look big?"
Absolutely fuggin epic xD

If I unpack a bsa in MO and delete the bsa does MOD recognize the extracted files ingame?




Silver shall now use my texture and body.

Do you have "LG_BM_Thirsk_Ex patch" enabled?






I did.
It says Children of Morrowind, maybe I should have read it before activating it.




Not every morrowind mod relies on masters for patch mods, yes read them before you enable them.
I'm hoping you're using mlox, but it should have told you that you were missing Children of Morrowind when you ran the sorter.

No, that'd be weird.

I assume MM's more your speed.

I'll smack her ass to be honest



Who here hasn't desu. Ruru is the /tesg/ bicycle, ever gets a ride. Even the giants.

oh god no not again
Is that bookshelf mesh from that Witcher 3 resource pack? Might just have to replace Tsajasuna's with it.

It's actually from the DLC. Dragonborn specifically.

that bookshelf is from Dragonborn DLC, lil cat

>Playing Morrowind for the first time
>No voice acting outside of intro, not expecting anymore outside of major NPCs
>Doing that fighter's guild quest where you help that knight lady kill a daedroth
>She has actual voice acting throughout the dungeon

what the fuck, is she the only other NPC with recorded dialogue?

Oh pfff, well just goes to show how much I've played it. Thank you kindly.

>To answer your other question: they'll probably stay like that until their next level up. I'm not sure
Just checked,it is permanent :(


Morrowind isn't a voiced game for the vast majority, wait until you get used to it and suddenly the chick in Thirsk feels like she gives an entire commencement speech.

Not sure how I should make a desert island look like, trapped in oblivion

have you considered making a deserted island with no sea? Just endless nothing in every direction, far as the eye can see. Maybe some sand dunes or something against a purple sky.


I'm giving different followers different mashups in nifskope, but yeah it's ded

That's actually a good idea. I have to look and see how to do that. I was thinking about doing that before, but decided against it because I might've wanted to "expand" on it. But seeing how I'm shit at scripting, might just leave it alone.

I do like this world more than the other one I made.

Why would you think that? Just to big, sweaty, muscly bros bro-ing out, grunting, and getting more sweaty. Don't know how that would imply MM. Wishful thinking, perhaps, boy?

>Using followers

Dead weight.

Why isn't this the default Yarti?

post more

when I first played Skyrim there was a straight up hole in one interior cell that lead to an endless plane of sand with a purple sky

should be possible I hope

>paid mods

Soul cairn?

b-but i don't like fighting so I have people to do it for me. Also playing as a follower's healer is fun.
I think i'll do a mashup for orchid, that's going to be a challenge

only one I got

no, it was Greenshade Cavern I think, there was just a hole

this was unpatched console on release day, mind you. The thieves' guild didn't work, reloading the game lowered the resolution of first person gear, and if you sprayed fire on Vilkas when training it would permanently gimp the framerate of the save. I've seen some SHIT.

>only one I got
Well then do more and post them.

>if you sprayed fire on Vilkas when training it would permanently gimp the framerate of the save.

Sounds like a typical quest mod from nexus

This ground mesh ain't gonna make itself.

Did Orchids thighs get thiccer?

Finally figured out that enigma?

r8 my shipwreck survivor

wut race

Too easy. If it's green and brown she will probably wear it. Bonus for no pants.


Not sure. Looks fine in NifSkope, but it's invisible in CK, which means either CTD when I drop it or it's just plain invisible. Soon, hopefully.

Comfy screen tho.


Hmm, for a temporary one I once replaced some shoes with the model for her hat, and it ended up flying about everywhere.
Have you check to see if it's beneath the ground in the preview?
also thanks, I had to edit in a candle there because the lighting for that bedding area wasn't too appealing and I removed tat blood cauldron too, I hope you don't mind

I forgot I took this screenshot a few days ago. I've been noticing everytime I load a save im missing am ObjectID? Whats odd is my 18 mod is ENB Snow FX. How can I fix this? Load order if that helps: pastebin.com/Ei4YrbyW

shitty meme coming through

Wax man

nice dress where'd it come from

Is there any mod to replace the texture of the Dragonbone dagger with the Ebony dagger texture or something?
The blade is good but it looks so fucking dumb

Are you saying that's appearing in your console automatically?

Faust, why are you wearing your sisters underwear? Do we need to have another talk again?

>buy some because i've never worn them before and figured i'd try it out
>full length mirror
>day ends jacking off
connect the dots.

Yeah, whenever I load a save, thats the first thing that pops up in my console.

>Dead weight.
No, all they're useful for is their weight.
Only reason I use a follower is because I can offload all my loot onto them as I adventure.

Am I kawaii yet?

I actually forgot he had a sister

what does she look like again? A giantist?

Got it (hopefully) - mega.nz/#!a8VEESYb!OGsF2FGpWpYp07OQcBVMkEjPuvvHX_EYJteDq9Z2W6Y

Isn't CRF number 18 in the load order you posted? Or do you have hidden ones you aren't using?

Only if you're Breton race


Guild Wars 2 /gw2g/ Charr Asura Sylvari femsura gw2 spam spambot

What did I tell you, Mistel is a attention whore

>still no SoS patch for skysight skins

You think you can bodyslide/convert the male armors to the female bodymesh?

jesus christ learn to spell

Actually it's been years since a patch was released.

I was bored and it was funny.

Like this.

Darnified UI Config for Oblivion says it requires "Pluggy" or "ConScribe" but the links it provides are dead. Do I really need those?

I like having an excuse to return home so all the loot I gather just immediately is dumped into house storage or sold off. I don't tend to gather too much since I don't like inventory clutter.