Alicesoft/Rance General

Alicesoft/Rance General #626
Last thread: More Reset plus Onii-chan Edition

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>Useful Links (More in pastebin)
Alicesoft Image Booru:
Rance Game Translation Chart:
Rance World Notes (Translated):!nRESUJYZ!ZqoypfshkozVBFpeFGI3Oi5xBtU22SjnrnfjIo2SUGY

Check pastebin for FAQs, downloads and General Hints

>Recently Released
Beat Valkyrie Ixseal (Trial) -!V0RCWBZR!xxcBbospzU-0V3PXMsBrWdc-HASgp7eBD1cQ0R5pwY4

DARKNESSHERO Rance Mod - Beta FFA mod released

Rance 5D and Rance VI (English and Decensored) - Released
Orders open at $34.95 for bundle
Check pastebin for download links or for hints

>What is the status of Rance Quest?
Depends on when Mangagamer announce it. The great sales of Rance VI mean that it will happen at some point and probably sooner rather than later. As far as we know it is at least 70% translated.

>Upcoming Games

Rance 5D+VI (Hardcopy) - To be released 7th July 2017
Beat Valkyrie Ixseal - To be released 28th July 2017
Rance X - Announced. Delayed to 2017
RPG - by the Evenicle team (New IP)
Modern Setting - by the Rance 03 Team (New IP)
Loli MILF Nukige - by the MILF nukige team
'Heartwarming' VN - by the Atlach Nacha writer

Haniwa Development Studio:

>Upcoming Events
Veeky Forums League 8 - Starting June 9th
Drawfag Weekend - Sports and/or Summer starting June 16th
Drawfag Weekend - Shizuka Weekend starting July 30th

Remember to use spoilertags when discussing and posting images of plot elements, especially those of untranslated Rance games. Ignore and report any blatant shitposting, including nameshit.

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Feb best child.

Our last match against Hulk Hogan was a resounding success.

Coming up: we are fighting the (Alicesoft) Hero of legend. It's a hopeless situation.

But can it be helped?

As the (self-styled) Most Humble Man on Earth, it is your duty to go around converting men and beast alike into experience points and GOLD (or else Serena will bully you).

While pillaging the local thieves guild, you come across this girl committing an outrageous crime: she is stealing! A thief!

How do you respond?

Keep donating or stop donating?
I've only played VI and SR. What's Rance's attitude towards ALicism?

It'll be very bad if you stop donating.

Is that Athena?

I boosted Milly's cap when she reached it at 28 and in hindsight it was a good decision. She's basically a better Kanami, same main attack but with more strength, and a really strong party buff. I still bring Kanami along for her zero skill though.

After making an enemy of the entire thieves guild (the most formidible military force you've encountered in this game so far) by murdering one of their members and claiming their prize kalar for your own, you run across hizuka.

You suspect that Gaston is pimping her out.

It's Hazuki

Milli was useful for the mid game, but on the late game she end up on the back seat for me.

I actually really liked menad

she is super cute

It's Toushin Toshi 2.

donate for now.

I've been farming super hannies since lvl 33 and she's been very useful, the buff applied on fellss' scythe attack lets me kill 3 in the opening turn, then i just wait for cooldowns while mitigating damage with barricade before killing the last one.

Yeah but soon you get Rick and co.

Also >not using Shizuka

shizuka ran away when I started farming hannies and hasn't come back

>using shizuka for anything but a cum dump

Shizuka is both one of your best units and great for nakadashi.

What you niwas drawing?

Toufu is a troll or im just unlucky? Yeah, im just unlucky

We roll in like thunder to face the so-called Hero

You kill him dead ten times but he just keeps getting up.

Some sort of "save" feature or something.

This fight isn't looking good.

>He didn't the events in the dungeon
The first fight in the tournament is the only one you can bruteforce through.

Isoroku strong.

>anything but pure love hand-holding sex in the missionary position



Which Rance games are worth playing?

Anybody know of any nyaa addresses that aren't down?

Not to be outdone, you utilize your own complementary "Load" feature.

Thinking briefly, you decide money is the answer. You hand off the Kalar to the thieves. But your naivite strikes again as the thief lord shafts you on your share of the deal

It's not like you she was going to put out anyway, you grumble, as you come across a familiar sight.

Do you

[look at her panties]
[rape her]

All of them.

Depends on what you're looking for.

.si; and some others but those are the ones I use.

Your heart haunts you. You can't forget Craia, the kalar, and all the hand-holding you did.

You storm the thieves fort and kill every last one of them.

But this does not bring her back to life. She's dead.

In your anger, your hate, you find a new power. From the darkest depth of your emotions you draw pure negative energy, becoming:

The Dark Knight


Shizuka doesn't like that. She prefers to wrap her arms around Rance's back.
Start with Sengoku

Remember to go back to those spell chests

Bit early, but I drew that Miracle at the beach image.

With our new power, we easily crush the so-called hero.

Ha-ha! Nice guys finish last!

And then we take the legal spoils

>Actually doing it

I noped the first time I did it because she was innocent, but at least she wasn't traumatized or anything.

spread that seed
It's not too early.

At least its going to be in this thread.

>Not too early

Still, it feels like it isn't really Miracle since she doesn't have the flowers and other head ornaments.

Yeah. It could really be anyone long haired girl.

Unless you paid REALLY close attention to the one calendar, you would have a rough time guessing just WHO.

Did I forget to give him the essential flag??
Oops, that was a mistake.

Assasination is easy

The powers of the Dark Side require lewd and sacrilegious sacrifices.

The next couple of days are spent on necrophilia. Let's move past it

I really liked her whole arc. Don't like her redesign in the 3DS version, though.
Also, I hope you're using the Reader skill on everything. There's fun stuff on it.

I thought it was pretty cool, just doesn't fit the narrative i'm putting together

but I missed the whole sleeping beauty castle thing

i haven'tbeen using the reader much

gahaha, the golden hanny plan
rance is the most cunning

>No skeletons

They're playing volleyball.

>No skeleton holding a parasol to keep Milacle shaded

Girl needs some sunlight. Can't be taken seriously when you conquer the world white as a ghost or Gill Bates.

She probably digs the whole gothic vampire look.

If she did she'd never leave the house unless it was night.

Come to think of it, Patty said she knows some people on the nobility front, so it's possible that the similarity in hair ornaments with this uggo isn't a coincidence

Also the torture scene is something else, Rance may be a legend but Lia is just as special.

Well, of course. They're sisters.

Patricia Friday and Saya Friday

They are sisters.

There are better girls than Lia but Lia is the best option for Rance to marry.

>There are better girls than Lia

3/3 drawfags confirm that Lia is best girl.

Deal with it.

I was a kenshinfag until this scene as Lia's childish behavior was pretty offputting, but..I've changed my mind.


Perfect 100/100 score

>haidi pan klau
klauen is german for "to steal"

That is pretty neat.

I'm the Senhime user from the last thread. Forgive me, I'm stupid. I just tried completely ignoring Hara in earlygame and got this with just one reload. Recruit -> Owari NP -> Get Isoroku -> Get Oil Field -> Roll Mikos -> Roll Uesugi -> Deal with Hara/Tokugawa is indeed the way to go.

What do you hannys think?

Looking forward to it.

Blue > Red

MC seems fun.


Ludo favors you greatly.

>better girls than Lia


For early SAT discussion last thread, it seems that you guys ignored Fuuka and Natori scenes. Conquering Miko Ins gives you 5 SATs and after recruiting Natori, the H Sill at Miko Ins event will be available. That's 15 easy SATs. No need to do Kachi dungeon early, it costs 4 fan and only gives 6 SATs.

But is Rance cumming inside?

oh, pulptenks..

I'm not particularly interested on it, but it's got some great production.

Looking forward to it. I only started up the trial a bit yesterday but MC seems fun, blue is nice and Kirika is really great in all fronts.

You really need to stop talking theory when you've clearly not done enough practice.

What pulptenks? It's a blue-haired Sill

>Are you blind?


Prediction about last thread: 'Oil' we be bigger in the wordcloud than 'Rance'.

You need 3 conquered provinces for Fuuka, are you assuming you also get Kyo?

But I agree, they don't seem to be counting the Sill Miko event.

How are you getting +15 though?

I believe that the 5SNB guide accounts for it.

Does it?

I did a search just now for sill and for miko and did not find it.

I think it's just something vaguer like "you'll get about 30 SAT from the Mikos".

I wonder if you can get to 50 SAT without taking Kyo or Hara before turn 20.


Sill's first event, 5 SAT
Meeting Suzume, 5 SAT
(Sill dungeon event from Owari dungeon?) 5 SAT
Suzume's second H-scene 5 SAT
Suzume's third H-scene 5 SAT
Oil princess 3 SAT
Miko events needed for war 7 SAT
Miko conquer 5 SAT
Sill at Miko 5 SAT
Get lucky and have the hot spring in Oil 5 SAT
Something somethiing reinforcements ? SAT

Just tried it, close but Rance is bigger. Ashikaga is bigger than both though.

>not an action textbook2

Gaston sees you talking to Hizuka and forces you apart. He beats her afterwards. No money no play. She sobs and goes back to standing alone on the side of the street. You're not sure what she's doing but you don't want to see her hurt again so you leave her alone.

In other news, our next opponent is a JAPANese warrior.

Post it.

Ithere is cute.

But his waifu takes another mans seed into her womb.

Don't fuck with my Shizuka x Ithere fantasy.

Reminder that this weekend is a drawfag weekend.

I've got a question for the people that like to do dungeons in their 5SNB runs. When do you normally do them? I'm tempted to hold off on doing any until turn 11 so that I can trigger the Sill dungeon event.

Did Ithere Fuck his apostles? Is it outright said?