>he has a front license plate
He has a front license plate
>live in Florida
>see plenty of cars with a NY or NJ front plates but FL plate in the back as they are too lazy to remove their old plates
Absolutely epic thread OP
>he's so dimwitted that he considers not having a front plate a quality of life
here in Czech Republic you can't even put the license plate on the SIDE of the bumper
>he's so cucked he accepts the state fucking up his car for no reason
At least I simply get my (cheap) tickets in the mail instead of having hick sheriffs stopping me feet away from fast moving traffic. There's a reason why stopping on the shoulder of the Autobahn is literally a ticketable offense unless it's an emergency, in which case you're supposed to evacuate behind the guard rails as quickly as possible. It's a dangerous fucking place.
>he actually got a custom/vanity license plate
>choosing to live in a place where you don't have a right to face your accuser
I can still challenge tickets, but what's the point of spending a valuable vacation day in court to potentially get back 30 bucks?
Like it matters, cops do what they want
Hold on a second, how do you mount them in cases like these?
wouldn't you just put it lower down, like under the point of the grill.
Don't know what that guy is talking about.
Well you really cant mount it on the center.
What fucks up the car? Mounting the front plate? There's literally a space made for it on my model.
The demerit points you nigger some insurance companies check you record annually and increase your rates
>insurance companies are allowed access to his drivers record in his company
In his country even.
Kek cucks
I would say a thread died for this but this is Veeky Forums so that thread was probably shit too.
>when there is so little in your cucked life that you post a shitty thread about how people who aren't you have things slightly different
I could do it, but since in my country is illegal going around without front plate, I won't
Where are you from?
Forgot to add that the only exception is Alfa. Other than than you cant move the license plate from the intended position.
Only American cars don't have a place on the front fender to put the licence plate.
It's weird your country is so divided it can't unanimously decide on how many licence plates to have.
United STATES of America
Europeans have a hard time understanding this
Doesn't look very united.
t. Not Yuropoor.
What are you talking about? Many American cars do have a plate spot.
Why does it matter? Legitimately asking
>he doesn't have magnetic plates that he takes off for hooning and wheelies