What is your caswash routine?

What is your caswash routine?
If it isn't
>clay bar
>rubbing compound
you're wrong

but i do it every 3 to 4 days

>every 3 to 4 days
nigga how the fuck do you have any paint left on your car?

I don't wash it at all, the paint is long gone. I just rinse/scrub every once and a while if it's bad. I just clean the windows weekly and vacuum/dust the inside pretty regularly.

I park my truck outside
Sometimes it rains on it

>pressure wash
>let it dry

Wait for rain.

>Not washing after claying
>Not washing after polishing
>Paint corrections done every wash
It's like you're not trying to do a good job.

>No sealant
>No ceramic coating
>Just waxing

I like my wax as much as the next guy, but I usually throw down a coat of sealant on my DD. The summer weekend / toy gets ceramic coating.

Car wash

>Rinse with hose
>Foam with CG Mr Pink
>Two-bucket on the paint with CG CFlex wash, because Ceramic Coat
>Start engine
>Rinse off
>Engine is at operating temp
>Floor it down local road (we live in the middle of nowhere, no houses for miles, and blowers are a clumsy meme)
>Water flies off car
>Return home
>Dry with waffle weave or microfiber towels in 60 seconds
>Dry jambs, underhood, gas cap, trunk, etc
>Spray with CG wheel cleaner, let soak
>Bucket filled with CG diablo gel
>Scrub with a big brush, a little brush, and a brush to get between the spokes
>Dry with wheel-towel

I do this every 1-2 weeks. Often times I'll put it off until the night before or morning of a show. I keep a detailing bag in the car as well, stocked with windshield, paint, and all purpose cleaners with matching microfibers.

>Rinse with power washer
>Remove any leaves that get caught under wipers and trunk seals
>Foam cannon using CG extreme wax and wash
>Rinse again
>Hand dry
>Use cheap tire dressing

I need to get gud at detailing and ceramic coat my shitbox.

uhh i don't use fucking cheap sandpaper sponges and towels.
also im very gentle when washing it

>go to the car wash
>get the sudsy brushy
>blue foam that shit up
>turn knob on quarter taker
>high pressure soap
>spray that shit off
>turn knob to wax
>wax that shit
>turn knob to rinse
>rinse that shit
>drive it slowly through the air blower stall
>tidy up interior
>clean the windows
>eblow grease any tough spots that might be left over
>bleach white my white walls
>park it on my muddy gravel driveway before the hour changes

Post white walls

I just hose it down every now and then

most recent pic but that's from like 2 years ago


>pressure wash with soap
>pressure wash with distilled water for rinsing out soap
>spirited drive to dry it out
>mf towel to clean spots

Basically the only guy who has an idea of complete wash.

I don't go overboard for my DD so
>clay bar
>wet wax
No polish or waiting for hard wax to settle

>drive into automated carwash machine
>throw gearbox into "N" for maximum respect
>turn car off
>pray that the sunroof doesn't leak
>wait till the machine is done washing my car
>slam it into "D" and drive home

and in all the time i saved thusly i tell autists on my favourite embroidery forum about it

>haven't washed car in 2 months

>clay bar autism
Hate this meme

for some reason, my car never gets dirty on the outside and when the inside gets dirty, I slap the floor mats together


Chemical Guys. A bit on the expensive side but I've always been thoroughly impressed with their products. Microfibers from The Rag Company as well.

I too use chemical guys products, alot of people think I'm a shill but the products they make ie jetseal and tire and trim gel last alot longer than the shit sold at autozone and such

Yeah I don't understand the anti-CG mentality that comes up on occasion. They're well priced for what you get, and the only time I've been disappointed is their glass cleaner, which is ultimately similar to the question of "what oil do you like."

We switched to CG over Autozone brand years ago and haven't looked back.

>claybar+compound+polish every time you wash your car

Do you have any clear coat left you fuck. Just to let you know because of people like you I'd rather buy a slightly scratched car with swirl marks than have a car with no scratches looking pristine but with only 10% of clear-coat left.