Is Captain Slow right? are shit cars more fun?

is Captain Slow right? are shit cars more fun?

Even moderately quick cars like Subarus and shit can't be fully enjoyed legally on public roads and tracks are few and far between in most places.

but shit cars can be driven fully tits out around corners and shit while never breaking the speed limit.

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Are you seeing the problem?

shitboxs can brake the speed limit as easily as anything else. Driiving one on the highway is just as boring as driving anything on the highway, its got nothing to do with the car, its the highway thats dull.

fun is an artificial construct

i can see how slow cars can be more fun than fast cars but they should also be good slow cars.

The thing is that expensive cars are designed for comfort or style, rather than for fun driving.
>but muh McLaren P1 or Ferrari [insert model # here] handles well and is fast!
Yes, but they aren't fun. They are purely bought by celebrities for the image, not the performance. This is why they're all flappy paddled automatics. They're luxury cars with the illusion of sportiness.
Any manual shitbox is more fun than an automatic because the technique you need to go fast in it is a lot more involving. Plus you can crash your shitbox and you won't be throwing £1M down the drain.

user, you need a funcar. Everybody needs a little fun in life.

My first shitbox was all the fun even more because you had to drive it balls out like a raging maniac. Nowadays I'm ready for a little more so I can appreciate more of the finer points of having a car that can perform.

>is Captain Slow right? are shit cars more fun?

Depends on what you mean by "shit", if shit is relatively inexpensive, then yes, I can see how one would find those vehicles fun to drive. But "Shit" can also just genuinely mean a shit car, like a Nissan Versa or Chevy Aveo, which are just terrible all around.

i had some of the best night of my life at the wheel of a twingo , today i care too much about my alfa to even go full throttle through the gears

Don't you feel as though you've consigned your Alfa to alive of gelded tedium that way?

Slow cars are not more fun, its just a meme.

>In shitbox honda civic listening to music
>curvy part of 2 lane road comes up
>Oh here I go!!
>Rev the piss out of it
>Only get up to 45 before the road turns into a straight
>Keep it floored
>Suddenly a wild 370z appears in my rearview mirror
>See the Z doing at least 80 through the curvy part of road
>Flies past me doing ??? and playfully beeps as he goes by me

Thats when I realized that my shitbox was not fun.

honestly id probably have more fun in a fast car but

>be in slow ass sonic
>hit the touge
>rowwing through gears like a fucking mad man
>heal toe down shifting
>max out at maybe 95mph on a downhill straightaway

Well then get a shitbox Subaru with a manuél, I can wring it out almost all the way through 4th and still be within legal limits.

Your life could be improved with just a few simple mods.

James May was right when he said that Nurburgring should have been bombed during WW2

4th was like 120 in my audi
what the fuck kind of gearing do subarus have

my 97 Subaru Sambar im at 7000rpm in 5th gear at 130kmh lol

80 is about 3650 rpm in 5th, gear limited to about 127. 4th winds out to about 104 at 6200, and the highest speed limit around me is 85, which ends up a bit below at the power peak at 5800 in 4th.

I could use a 6th gear.

I've had both. And for the street, the slow car is more fun. The slow car you can push closer and past it's limits and still be able to save it.

When the 370Z breaks it's limits, it's going a lot faster and the thinner sidewalls and stiffer suspension are much less forgiving.

someone say shitcar?

Shit cars are fun because of laws. If you didn't get your license revoked and car impounded for having fun in a good car they'd be more fun by a long shot.

You're literally me.

Some of the most fun I've ever had was in my 86, absolutely pushing it despite how slow it was, took corners like a champ though.

Like you, these days, I care way too much about my Mr2 to go WOT. with a redline of 8200, I'll always shift at 4-5K.

I think it's more about having a car suited to the road at hand. My clapped out 80s econobox was fun at 15MPH and holy hell certain death on wheels above 80MPH.

My 86 is downright boring except for the patrician points of handling or when there's a tight corner or ramp to be had. And at 80MPH it just feels kind of at home unless there are some corners to carve.

I used to drive a turbo civic. Was shit tons of fun on the street. Still slow but made cool noises and was fun to drive around.

I have an Audi S6 now. Much faster and much nicer, but top of first gear is the in-town speed limit. Shift to 4th and be bored for the rest of the time.

Yeah kinda.

I know this is car nut central but driving modern sports car on public roads is getting stupid. I drove my friends bone stock 2017 Corvette for a day and driving 10/10ths would be complete suicide.

Yes, you can take a corner at 80mph but you better have the reaction time of spider man

pretty much. i had a scion tc and it was torquey and fun in normal driving.

now i have a 335i and it's aggravating to not be able to use its potential 99% of the time.

lel that Cressida looks fun to drive not bad for $450