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Welcome to the first and last general for ARMS, guys. This shit is gonna die in like 2 hours.

welcome to Veeky Forums arms

Main: Springaling
Second: Mechanica

Community Hopes: Cautiously optomistic
DLC: I want Max Brass to choke me

Nice to see Max is a graceful loser


why would someone choose to be such a horrible buzzkill

i think we should call it /ALG/ (arms league general)

but thats my personal opinion idk about you guys


I'm just being logical, user. I think the game is fun in short bursts, but it's gonna die very fast.

Tbh either works, but ARMS seems more intuitive for people trying to search it, and since the game literally just came out, we want new people to be find it easily

It's already begun, the transition from a random thread on /v/ into a circle jerk cesspool community where everyone knows each other

Do we really need a discord yet?
You must be a fucking blast at parties.

He just posted the general /v/eekend discord. We're safe

*tips fedora*

how new are you? that's the cycle with EVERY general, without fail. I've seen it so many fucking times. Soon these generals will be inhabited by the exact same people who all know each other, turning it essentially into a little private colony


can someone tell me how lobbies work?

Humor us. Try to plant the seeds for it to be, at the very least, a private colony that isn't full of irate drooling shitheads.

>3 people

What's the point? might as well join the /v/kend one that's actually active

>private lobby mode

fuck yes

post helix

WHERE is everyone?


playing arms or chatting in the discord

I'm playing through Grand Prix right now

a lot of people are in the other standard /v/ lobby

The discord

Mostly waiting for it to download and hanging out on the discord.


Reminder this is the real discord


thanks for the invite

he's right, only one is the OFFICIAL arms discord

>i got banned from the actual active discord so now i want to shill my own pity party

Pathetic but no one cares either way.

Oops that link doesn't work, the official discord

KEK found the /v/eekend autist! broken link anyways, here's the real one

>posting discord links for circlejerks when you can just talk here anonymously
Fucking kill yourselves

>complaining about cirlcejerks in a general
are you new or something?

Should I get this or Splatoon 2 if I want more bang for my buck, so to speak?


splatoon 2 is released in a month. buy this now

>asking this question in an arms circlejerk
Gee, I wonder what we will say??


Seriously? No wonder that cord is dead as shit.

Yeah, he joined the actual active one and started spamming unfunny shit so he got banned, now he has second thoughts and started his own community since he can't join where the actual people are playing at, pretty sad.

>first thread

Nigga we barely out of the general thread womb at this point.

stop shilling user, there are better ways to do it

theres no other way to play with /v/ you have to have them added on friends lists

you're trying too hard

Yes there is, we join the actual /v/ server instead of the one you got banned from for being an autist. Stop shilling your shitfest no one cares.

topkek, you guys sure showed me. And I'm not even the one shilling my new server!!


Yeah right fag. We will kick anyone in that discord that even TRIES to go on ours

/v/eekend 4ever!

You sound autistic.
Let's just have fun playing arms!

Playing against anybody with a revolver on volleyball is and instant loss

How to win against Hedlock in the cheapest way possible, I can't beat him on level 4

Dash until he throws a punch then grab him to death.

If he's using all little arms, use a big arm and just plow through it. If you don't have a hammer or wrecking ball, you'll need to get really fancy with blocking and counter dashing. He has a prolonged window for retrieving his arms if they're blocked, so you wanna dash one set of arms, block the second set, counter dash on the second one since you have invuln against the third, and then hit him with something fast.

If he's using the hammer arms at all, stick to that side keep around medium range. Put your fastest arm on your opposite side (so if he has hammers on his right arm, put something quick on your left) so that when you duck the hammers, you pop him with your closest arm.

If he has all hammers, you can use the same strat as if he had all little arms by just blocking and moving through his second thrown set.

If your character has dragon arms, you can totally cheese him out by dancing around lowered outside edge and throwing charged dragon shots. He can't block when jumping, so if he tries to jump in, he gets bopped with a laser. If he doesn't, he has to walk all the way around and you can just rotate away.

Be very careful when he has rush. That shit will fuck your day up. Don't forget that it just lands somewhere, so one dash might not be enough as it'll blow up for 200 damage.

Stick and move, my man.

How do people have skins?

I'm not talking about team colours either

If it's like the Test Punch, you press in the left stick and while it's pressed in, you hold a direction and then select the character.

Oh and do not put him into his last bar of health. It's a really big pain to deal with 6 permacharged fists. When you're biting into his second to last health bar, wait for a time to use Rush and then just flurry him to death and skip his critical phase.

In what screen

at last, the general has begun
I say we start a lobby together tomorrow. If there isnt one being hosted tomorrow I'll boot one up

During character select.

so how big is your arms folder, /arms/

mecha and mummy for best pals

In my experience, that's just about every currently popular competitive game. Also, I've been playing the game for 8 hours straight. Not bored yet, and I'm only here because I'm on the toilet.

>Always 3v1 with those fucking annoying wind boomerangs up your asshole from offscreen
>Then you have to fight helix Hedlok

Fuck this.

Grab spammers should die in a fire

>when your opponent doubles their score in skillshot in the last 3 seconds


being on the toilet doesnt mean you have to stop playing user

how do people even do that. I had a major lead one game and next thing I know other guy had double my points

Scoring for successive targets broken in one combo goes: 10, 30, 70, 150, 310, 630
You can get 630 points in one shot, if you hit 6 targets. Your opponent counts as a target, and you can use both your arms at the same time to count as a single combo.

it's funny how the mode with "skill" in its name is the most luck based thing in the whole game

What's luck based about it? There's lots of targets at the end, just hit them with both arms for high combos.

How the fuck are kids meant to beat Hedlock? He's fucking impossible if you don't get lucky

use heavy arms

Oh well if that's how you're meant to beat him good thing Nintendo made multiple characters start with no heavy arms

Gotta get that rng grindin done boy
On the bright side at least there isn't a feature to just pay real money to unlock arms


Electric arms work well against him too.

Unfortunately it only disables one set of his arms

Post ribbon girl nudes

>apparently one was moving directly into the place you dodged, get hit
>run out of space in the tiny arena, take every hit
>use electrical arms
>all he does is flinch

your strategies SUCK

I don't have the full game yet, but it disabled all 6 arms in the test punch. I checked a video and it disabled all the arms there too, easy grab combo as usual.

Should I get arms or pokken for co-op play

They must have changed it then because I got paired with a dead weight min min that died instantly so it was just me and deadlock with double revolver mechanica. Don't know if he slowed down or anything but it definitly only worked on one set

You ain't dodging hard enough. Stay mid-long range and dodge until he throws half of his fists at you, then strike.

I got pokken on the wiiu and it did not last me long. Swapping between the two phases is shut and all the characters are horribly unbalanced. It's a party fighting game that's incredibly frustrating. J would highly recommend arms over pokken

Min Mins deflect is pretty useless, it comes out so delayed you'd have to be making the ultimate of reads to actually land the reflect

I cheesed every hedlok fight in the test punch with double revolver/thunderbird into grab combo. That screenshot I posted is from the full game grand prix where that guy did the same combo. I doubt anything changed.

Is there a chance to get arms you've already unlocked in arms grabber?

This rng shit is gonna take forever.

You get one duplicate of each arms, adds a + symbol next to their name, and increases their damage by 10. A couple of them also increase grab damage by 5 for each one equipped. 570 total drops you need to get from the arms getter.

Yes. They get a + next to their name and deal 10 extra damage

>Finally home from work to play ARMS
Feels good.

How in the fuck do you play Helix. His ARMS feel like complete garbage.

Helix fucking rules, m8

He'd be the easiest in grand prix if blind actually did anything to CPUs