for a toyota fuel filter replacement.... $240...
and brake fluid flush ... $70
for a toyota fuel filter replacement.... $240...
and brake fluid flush ... $70
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so they charge $65/hour in labor? I mean you could have saved yourself the money if you did it yourself but that's pretty cheap for labor costs.
where did you get $65 from?
>why it and not me
>why didnt i grow up
>can you help me be happy
>where are you going
why do i suddenly want to kms
Depends on which Toyota. Tacoma's have them underneath the intake manifold, I believe. PITA. Also, Toyota says it's a lifetime filter.
Bring her over to my driveway, you buy the parts. I charge 20 bones an hour and i get her done
On what car?
Sounds about right for typical workshop prices if it's a tricky or expensive fuel filter.
>Also, Toyota says it's a lifetime filter.
>lifetime filter
>in any kind of vehicle
>trusting manufacturers to tell the truth when it comes to maintenance
I'm just guessing, $5 in brake fluid and 1 hour job, then fuel filter 3 hour job and $55 part
sounded close enough to me, retarded OP gave 0 information otherwise
3 hours.....?
>mfw camry/corolla fuel filters are easy as fuck to change, like 1/2 hour
>even this retard can do it
>same with brake flush, less than an hour
well 60-70 for parts rest for abour. 1/2 for $170...
Lol i assumed that was his bill in the OP pic
Honestly that is pretty good for something outside of regular service at a dealership.
I have a VW even service every 10k miles is $250.... I don't care enough to shop around.
I know if I just do oil/filter it is $75 and if I do it myself it is $65 so fuck it I'll just eat it.
>$60-70 for parts
i have a camry
I did both of these things this summer
dot4 brake fluid is like $10 for 32 oz.
and is enough to do several vehicles
toyota aftermarket fuel filters are like $10-20
OEM ones are like $30 off ebay
>got mine for about $5 b/c based rockauto wholesale clearance
>"trust" brand, made in israel
>based jew camry that stops on a dime then picks it up
>my cost: $15 and 2 hours w/ beer breaks
>OPs cost: $310
Verdict: stay mad goyim
some Camry have a cunt fuel filter to change like the late 90s gen, you have to remove a bunch of shit to get to it and its a unscrew filter not just clips making it a pain to remove. its not like the old Toyotas where its a 2 minute job
my 91 Toyota Crown has one of those fucked up unscrew filters, aint touching that shit ever
wait mine was a in tank fuel filter.....
in tank fuel filters are generally lifetime or get changed if the fuel pump ever dies
>he doesn't know that most toyota filters are similar flared line w/ inline filter designs
your filter looks exactly like mine
>oh no had to remove my air box time to an hero
what's it like to be this impotent?
>ain't touching that shit ever
have fun with your mysterious EGR CEL
but it said to change it according to service manual
fuel filter would've cost you 20-30$ on amazon. brake fluid would've been 20-30$ on amazon.
replacing the fuel filter would've taken you an hour or less. flushing the brake fluid would've also taken an hour or less.
you got ass fucked yo.
I'll bring my stopwatch, you do the above work on the same unknown condition car as OP's and we'll see how long it takes you.
>$30 brake fluid
Shit nigga, does it give you a reacharound?
Some manufacturers do have a service interval for in-tank fuel filters on some of their cars, like Honda, Hyundai, and Toyota. They're usually something like every 150k kms or some other fairly large interval.
They're more difficult to do and tend to cost a fair bit more for the filter kit; it usually involves taking out the back seats, dismantling some trim, then fucking around with some horribly placed fuel line and electronic connectors, possibly followed by a plastic locking ring that requires a special tool to wrench open, and finally dismantling the puzzle that is the in-tank fuel filter, pump, and fuel level sensor assembly. Now do this in reverse and then pray that the stupid thing works.
They're pretty tedious to do, so it takes a while - sometimes as much as 2 hours - to make it happen.
Pic related, this is the in-tank assembly. Disassembling them involves a lot of finicky work with small plastic tabs and very tight o-rings.
I pray that everyone involved in the development of in-tank fuel filters die a lonely, miserable death.
>brake fluid flush
What the fuck for?
brake fluid flush has long been the biggest scam in the industry.
it only needs to be done if you are replacing the calipers or something.
You need more than 0.5L of brake fluid.
I started doing this and got so many people stopping by that the local dealership actually got the police involved stating I was running a business out of my garage.
I still do it but not nearly as much. I remember undercutting the dealership quote by like 80% just show up with $20/hour and some beers.
70 dollars for a flush isnt murderous. I would pay that instead of flushing mine if i had no one to help me
If you are using your brakes hard, ex- noticing fade when driving hard, the fluid can over heat and then you should flush/replace your brake fluid as it can boil and make your pedal feel "Squishy"
Brake fluid is the cheapest car fluid you'll ever fucking buy.
For the price difference you can buy a tool that either sucks it out through the bleeding points in the calipers or one that applies air pressure to the master cylinder while keeping the fluid topped up. Either tool makes it easy as fuck
This. Even in NZ I can buy a vacuum pump and 4 liters of fluid for $70.
Brake fluid absorbs water, and ~2 years is the average time it takes to get contaminated enough to start limiting its effectiveness.
Heavily saturated brake fluid can also lead to corrosion, which is the last thing you want in a high pressure hydraulic system.