
>zero emissions
>seats 7 people comfortably
>fastest car on the planet to 60
>looks better than any other sedan out there
Why haven't you purchased a Tesla yet Veeky Forums?

Because it's a pile of shit.

Wouldn't be surprised if something fishy is going on with anything Musk touches.

can't wait to t-bone one in a parking lot and drive away.

well there's your first problem

Because the government can literally remote into your car and control it completely. Tesla Manually updated cars during the hurricane for people in florida that gave them extended battery life, which was simply electronically limited. Guess what, they will shut your car off if you're wanted or keep your accelerator pinned off a cliff if they don't want you alive.

I'm not a lefty environmentalist faggot


OP hasn't even replied to any of you idiots, stop bumping obvious bait

A car that is fully remotely controlled by anyone with power, and a car that will be near impossible to modify and fix for the average man; you're required to go to a Tesla garage and pay your entire month's paycheck to fix a "glitch."

Hi OP here. I am gay fagboi that sucks cock and I hate myself.


Howd that happen?

Normies are okay having to pay more if it means not having to think.
Kyoto Agreement killed any interest in cars made after 2000 for me.

It existed.

>zero emissions
This is what they want you to think

I want to buy a 2 door tesla, rip all the hippy shit out of it, and drop a big ass diesel in it. Thats all theyre good for, being a shell for a better car

Not bad for the fastest vehicle on the planet.
Because it's true.

>Because it's true.
Except it isn't. Just because the process of making energy happens outside of the car doesn't mean it was clean. You still need the energy to move.

Most energy in the u.s is clean. if you live in states like nevada or New York you will get over 110 mpge

theres your first problem
not to mention that it'll be even more expensive in almost any euro country, despite europe being more suited to electric cars

>burn coal to make electricity
>put said electricity in car
>zero emissions
>save the planet

and batteries just appear out of thin air?

The additional pollution to make an electric car is offset after 50k miles.

because im a poorfag

Displaced emissions that are worse than a 5 series
Not any more just the 5
Not even close, also slower than a slower than a minivan.
Ugly as sin.

Do you have any idea how bad for the environment --not to mention unsustainable, since the world's supply of rare earth metals is set to run out in 30 years at the current rate, even faster if electric cars see further adoption -- the batteries are?

>look at this biased article from breitbart
>im stupid and voted for trump durrr
all i heard

The SRT Demon can be had for 15K less and it's also faster to 60.

Or you could modify a Charger Hellcat, make it faster than a Demon, for 10k less than a Demon. There's a shop (I forget their name) that literally takes Hellcats and makes them faster than Demons for substantially less.
And you would have a better looking sedan with better range and an infinitely better exhaust note and you would beat a Tesla from a drag and DESTROY it from a roll. And you could do it over and over and over again.

I don't care, Trump promised more coal jobs!

The only burger car worth buying.

Still looks like a nigger mobile

Conservatives are just liberals that have learnt the facts

Clearly you're not quite there mate

Why not give it a qukck google and check out the hundreds of articles outlining how terrible for the environment our obsession with upgrading to the latest iphone every year is - Guess what kind of batteries iphones use?

>look at this biased article from breitbart
>im stupid and voted for trump durrr
>all i heard

Nice argument friend, shit like this is exactly why trump got into the white house.
Try looking at the facts for once and come over to the dark side

lol look at this loser having a meltdown

Electric cars are still better for the environment after. 50k miles. keep throwing your autistic tantrum
sperg more

>Implying this isn't one of the best looking sedans in years

I drive along ;_;

State assigned waifu when?

keep being a faggot