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We're racing ARCA and Aussie Racing Cars on Saturdays! Check out our Google doc for more info.

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>We're racing ARCA and Aussie Racing Cars on Saturdays! Check out our Google doc for more info.

but ARC is over

lotus elise
better than miata

4th for RR3

>join WAT1

5th for retarded homologation

>lets race a field of 270-280 kw fwd supershitboxes against a mid engine rwd car with 310 kw and wider tyres
>its 100kg heavier so its fair
poor fuckers never stood a chance at silverstone

its dumb that the 'open' championship is just pick any category race under that category's restrictions. the r33 is wiping the floor with the other sport gt icons

/ourboy/ has spoken

Why do people like this guy so much?
>Watch a couple of his recent vids

But user that is not Nicki Thiim

Nicki is almost too good to be true.

>he doesn't like progression
But seriously I have no idea why anyone watches any of the major racing game channels. Even a child could see it's mostly shilling, with some retarded shouting to keep the children interested and unfunny humor.

>sailor moon pic
can i assume you're the faggot who was working on SM R32 livery yesterday? how's progress, cunt?

also, check'd

>mobile games
I only play on hardware that can actually handle racing simulators, such as the original Xbox and the PlayStation 2.

Who would be up for a Super GT series to see out GT6?

>wait for a race in iRacing
>do the time trial
>wait for half an hour
>wait for another 15 minutes
>nothing happened
So... what i did wrong?

The simtek GT3 cars got updated with new tyres, DX11 and the M6 is now officially part of the pack.

Anyone up for a fun race in sunday. Half an hour or so, maybe more. For the track, road america seems nice.

be more objective
GT Sport comes in Oct. 16 so *we* are running out of time

Oops posted in the old one
>off road racing
Does that mean it's going to be like Horizon 3 or The Crew where it's an actual open world? Or is it going to be like the last game's """open world""" that's basically just a bunch of interconnected roads with barriers everywhere

Polyphony are not going to shut down the servers the day GT Sport comes out jeez.

Zero seconds into the video, good first impression

>buy loot crate for 150k
>gives me a chance at a super rare car
>in reality I get a blue (rare) car that I already own and selling it nets me only 70k
Why bother

No that guys not me
something came up today so I had no time, but I had an idea and will work on it tomorrow
I'll post progress here
It's for PC2 not RR

but those going to play GT Sport are not going back

blue pill me on FM7. Downloading now. will i be sad?

"No, you will be glad and you will enjoy all dem cars greatly."

~Brian Eckberg

Forza Three 4 is an F2P game you pay 60 bucks for that you play for the purpose of collecting cars. Project Cars 2 is both more fun and less cancer.

he rite desu

>cant name your setup homologated because it trigers the word filter
word filters were a mistake. it even blocked h0m0logated

homo-logation will make you sad until you find an OP setup
economy is actually ok but is memeing

How do we insert horror into a racing sim?


Paid DLC


Loot boxes and VIP memberships that last 25 races

>Ken Block has his own event and even has a voiceover in FM7
He's the cancer of car culture and needs to fuck off. It disgusts me to hear "pro rally driver" every god damn time he's introduced. He has utterly shit taste and he's a garbage racer. He isn't talented and is only as big as he is because he fell into money and founded a shitty shoe brand.
oh please
just stop putting him in shit and end this "Hoonicorn epik Monster Energy xD" cancer already.

If Project Cars 3 had touge and Nip shitboxes, would you buy it?

>is literally a professional rally driver
>could walk circles around you in anything from go karts to formula cars
>got rich and started his own racing career and brand, is at the forefront of pushing car culture back into being cool instead of backburner shit for autists
The guy literally lives our dream, why do you hate him?

what a waste of trips

hes not that good of a rally driver tho

>a professional rally driver
Anyone can be a "professional rally driver". You can race one rally for money and you are a "professional rally driver". Ken Block has never won anything nor has he ever done anything significant in the world of motorsport.

He's a guy who got into rally in what, his mid-20s?
He goes against people that literally trained for as long as he's been alive to do one thing : rally.
And he actually competes with them. How is that not impressive?

The fact that he's there and competitive is impressive enough considering. Professional racing often has such of obscene buy in you have to be born in money to do it as a career.

He isn't the best, but he's far from shit tier.
People hate him for his bro attitude.

God forbid a rich guy not be a snob am I right

stealth horror is always the answer
>appears to be a normal racing game
>nothing out of the ordinary happens when you play it
Until you do a 24 hour endurance race, then all sorts of spoopy shit happens when it gets dark and you have to survive through the night, all while trying to win a race
>freak weather
>ghost cars in the rear view mirror
>weird radio chatter
>track changes a little bit lap to lap
>strange things in the scenery
also user watch out YOU'RE NOT ALONE IN THAT CAR

i dont dislike him. i just dont think hes spectacular and not someone i look up to. i actually like the gymkhana vids

>you can't be good unless you're training since being a toddler
you're thinking of F1 or other circuit racing

>Professional racing often has such of obscene buy in you have to be born in money to do it as a career.
again, not as much the case in rally as in circuit racing. though it mostly depends on the league


No I'm pretty sure I was clear when I said racing, I don't believe I stuttered. Feel free to prove me wrong.
>rally doesn't have as high of a buy in
Well lets see what's the buy in like for the leagues Ken fucking block races in you pedantic fuck? It's not the thousand dollar beater rally

driving survival

gt sport, at least at launch, will be very lackluster in terms of content.

>half awake during night stint
>suddenly blinded by sealed beams in rear view
>all your tired mind thinks to do is to pus to avoid losing position
>no car in the series has sealed beams
>push for hours
>finally spin as you give into fatigue
>car approaching fast, going to hit you
>suddenly no car anywhere near you, no lights
>right yourself and push on into the night

Introduce tire blowouts and things like track debris that can cause it and oil spills from injury desu senpai
Or just make it online only rolling start into a sharp turn

Blue is uncommon.

>No I'm pretty sure I was clear when I said racing

What sim got the most autistic community?

All of them.

The Bunch


Sebastien Loeb didn't start even trying to get into rallying until he was 21 and did it entirely on his poorfag electrician salary.

But hey feel free to be impressed a mediocre richfag

>tfw 25 and can't even drive
should I just give up on ever having fun in a car ever?

you know how the DiRT games usually have kitschy lines for when you wipe out, along the lines of
>"Well the car is totaled and this race is over, but at least you're alright!"
and other pro-safety feel-good nonsense?

Fuck all that. Make the driver a part that can fail along with the turbo and the wheels and stuff. If the driver reaches 100% damage, the driver is killed and the save game associated to that driver is all erased.

i literally lol'd, i laughed out loud in real life. what game this is, colin mcrae 3 or something?

>professional racing....

This is all garbage and not scary at all. Please go back to 2009-era /v/.

Ken block is actually 49 so he's way later into it than I ever thought.
Instead of mid twenties try early-mid thirties

>hey Senna came out of a shithole of a coutry and won 3 championships, Gilles is obviously a shitter.

This is you.

Feel free to share your ideas then user

the threat of death and preying on typical player insecurities (whether it's normal stuff players can relate to, like in silent hill, or things that are player concerns related to video game-ness, like in system shock) is usually what makes horror games actually spooky

not just

realistically modeled spectator contact
driver injury + soft body physics
fire simulation

Burning to death inside a race car is pretty horrific. So's getting hit by one. Unless it's for points, then it's funny.

is this Sim City Societies


also more concrete examples
>threat of death
obvious, like people are saying, let the driver be killed in various ways just as race car men are sometimes killed in the irl

>prey on player insecurities
sponsorship systems that have a social aspect where they bully you
codrivers that range from simply rude to outright giving you poor advice
codrivers that actually affect your player character, kicking your game view about or making it harder to drive
a general plot about racing towards or through some spooky area
a general plot about racing for a spooky or scary reason, like a dad that died while racing or maybe you're not even racing at all but other people on the road act like you are
tracks that change slightly with subsequent playthroughs either in layout or aesthetic, to throw off senses of familiarity or "comfy"
tracks that are simply very difficult and very fatal; racing the TOOGAY except barreling off the mountain is actually a threat instead of side rails having magic infinite sturdiness

Nothing about your post even begins to make the slightest amount of sense. I'm quite certain you know literally nothing about Senna nor Gilles Villeneuve.

Fine I'll reword this for your feeble mind. Loeb went from hooning his shitbox around town to world champion in 7 adult years. Block was in rallying for 9 years and couldn't even win a fucking Rally America championship against Travis Pastrana, a driver that couldn't even keep a ride in NASCAR's pay driver shitter series. He's okay, but to idolize him is absurd.

>>freak weather
>>ghost cars in the rear view mirror
>>weird radio chatter
>>track changes a little bit lap to lap
>>strange things in the scenery
>also user watch out YOU'RE NOT ALONE IN THAT CAR
playing the DiRT games is kinda like this

even the track changing, the shitty physics mean that sometimes crests launch you more or less than they should, lightly tapping pebbles will send you to space or clip you into the ground, etc

ah nah m8 it's Real Streets of The Sims Racing 3 it's a new EA cashgrab on mobile, obviously I have all the DLC to enable stuff like physics and red blood.

All of them are pretty fun except the N64 port. Even TDR2000 shines in its own deranged stepchild way.

I never said I idolized him you dumb fucking nigger.
I simply argued that he's not a shitty rally driver.
Christ and you say I have a feeble mind.

My point was to say that rally drivers are all richfags that started as kids so that makes Block being a richfag that didn't start as a kid being 15 minutes off the pace impressive is retarded. I didn't personally argue that he is a shitty rally driver, although he's a very good one.

*not a very good one

>25 and can't even drive
but why

>my point is to say that all X racing drivers are rich as fuck that started as kids
>15 minutes
Try 15 years behind them, Loeb also had the advantage of an active and supported rally scene in Europe, while in America you're lucky to see more than 10 organized nationwide in a year

>instead of backburner shit for autists
it's best this way. Lest you get stance garbage.

>corporate warfare
>rude teammates that sometimes make it hard to drive
>tracks that are simply very difficult and very fatal

Whiplash 2 fucking when

Those of you who have used 360, PS4, and XBone controllers, which do you feel is best? Do you think an XBone controller is worth it if I already have the 360 and PS4 controllers? Or just throw out the worn to shit 360 controller and just have the Xbone + PS4 controllers?

But stance garbage is exactly what backburner autists spawned, because nobody cares about going fast or actually driving because it's not like anybody cares if you're fast right

360 is the GOAT

PS controllers don't last as long in my experience, but I prefer them because of how sensitive the joysticks are (you need a bit more effort with an Xbone, it doesn't show til you need to rapidly flick it to the left multiple times during a hard turn)

I have an old worn out 360 controller and I love that fucking thing but the Xbone feels heavier and more rugged for my skinny but somewhat big hands. Wish there was a hybrid of 360 with One existed.

Does the XBoneX get a new controller design?

>maybe you're not even racing at all but other people on the road act like you are
>tracks that change slightly with subsequent playthroughs either in layout or aesthetic, to throw off senses of familiarity or "comfy"
>tracks that are simply very difficult and very fatal; racing the TOOGAY except barreling off the mountain is actually a threat instead of side rails having magic infinite sturdiness
These ideas I like, but as for the rest of what you said, I prefer my idea of the stealthy horror game that doesn't reveal it's hand right away with a wacky dead father plot and the player getting killed by things. I think it's far scarier to have a normal racing game that takes a twist at some point.

Your words, not mine. There's ways to get creative with that concept that aren't so cliche. Admittedly I'm not talented enough to say exactly what that is, but that's why I'm not writing video game scripts. Something more along the lines of the co-driver giving you bad advice, and also slowly revealing that maybe there's more going on in this race than it originally seems.

xbox 360 is better but compared to the xbone the analog stick material can wear and it doesnt have vibrating triggers
ps controllers only work when youre a child or have tiny jap hands

When we get the source code

>My point was to say that rally drivers are all richfags that started as kids
name 5 rally drivers that started as richfag kids

Stance is normalfag instagram whoring, not backburner autism. Conefags in their miatas is backburner autism.

Here's five rich fag kids currently doing pro motorsports, atleast three of them rally.
McRae is another big one.


Then why is stance just now becoming popular with the advent of car backburner autism while conefagging is a shadow of SCCA events from the 80's and 90's?
One is related to actual motorsports and one is literally autism for instagram fame.

Read the whole sentence

>Assetto has a shit Corvette
>PCars has as shit Corvette
Any sims with a good Corvette that sounds like a V8 and not a lawn mower?

PLEASE buy forza motorsport 7

forza motorsport 7

Why would you buy lootbox cancer the racing sim?


Because you wanted a Vette that sounded like it had a V8? You didn't seem too specific about where it came from