teams of yore edition
/lolg/ - League of Legends General
I want to ask Taliyah out on a romantic date!
>asking a terrorist kebab for date
Cute couple = perfect couple.
>play LoL
>0 fun
>play tekken
>have fun
redpill me on tryndamere tank
Why is Ezreal such a manlet beta faggot?
Never even talked to any of the girls people ship him with
What does lolgen think about Akali?
I mean in a gameplay sense, but if waifushitters wanna spread their degeneracy go ahead.
Season 8 will be a clown fiesta with the new runes and masteries
Honestly, the part I hate about the GP rework is that he's now all about barrels. You can still shoot people in the face just fine but there's literally no reason to bother unless you're out of barrels and you haven't leveled up your barrels much yet.
Playing GP and just stacking on hit shit so I can just Q people into oblivion was so much fun. You could build literally any item on him and get away with it, there were tank builds, on hit builds, ap builds, mana builds, lifesteal builds. Now they made sure that you can just do generic ADC crit builds.
Graves was impacted in a similar way for me as well. Graves used to be my favorite ADC but now he's not an ADC anymore. My favorite part of graves was feeling like an ADC who I can build like a melee champ and get away with it. Triforce and swifties and kite the shit out of people or dash in and burst. Technically, he wasn't changed very much as far as playstyle goes but the changes made all the difference for me and I can no longer have fun with him.
dies easily
you have to be a god with her W to be good with her
shit laning phase
nice burst and mobility
there are better options
I always hated twitch but somehow they merged forcing me to get an account. Sorry I just can't get into streaming and the whole gook sports shit.
Everyone knows Akali is in an OK spot at best right now, maybe they could let her E proc Q again, but maybe that'd just make her more braindead like pre-rework where you just press everything at once and kill any squishy,
while nowadays you have to actually AA them for damage Kennen furry cock bestiality cucking Shen
>jinx's internet gets cut i assume at the 27 minute mark
>i'm shotcalling like a boss and we're about to make a big push to win
>a summoner has disconnected
>we can't win 4v5
Why is this shit still being rewarded
if someone disconnects late game that shouldn't be rewarded with a win or a loss ffs
when a champion is shit, you can build whatever you want because the champ will still be shit
you can build new GP with whatever you want too if you want to go back in time and play a shit champion
>missions can be completed in coop vs ai
great event retards
>Buy gunblade
>You literally never die
One of the only people who have always built gunblade seriously because they're hybrid and not for spell vamp memes. I've never played her often but I've always enjoyed it when I do. I'm kind of glad she's not as popular anymore though.
Reminder: It's canon, and always has been.
>people talking about DZK last thread
Reminder that he dumped the abusive tranny, got her fired from Riot, and is on the slow road to recovery. You might not ever fully agree with his politics, but spare the lad a thought as he un-JUST's himself
mobas always been like that, what do you propose? a buff for the 4 people team i guess
I just saw a riven with the new skin and..
The animation look like from Kingdom Hearts or fucking Devil May Cry. Shit is fucking fluid as fuck. Top fucking tier
i was just talking to my friend about how versatile old GP's builds and skill paths were. i remember at different times, there were always like 2-3 different builds that were viable (at least as viable as old GP was). all of his skills had been the best to max, at one point or another, even his E. good times.
new GP is more viable but i don't like playing as or against him just because of the reliance on barrels. it sucks.
xth for pure love
his unique playstyle was so niche and that was what made me like him, I felt like I was one of the few people who could take a shit champ and just win with him out of sheer willpower and dank Q burst
about the barrels thats my one gripe about GP, they warped his gameplay ALL into the barrels, like why Q someone when the barrel is going to penetrate, reset your passive, apply your Q in an AOE, and make you more gold on any kills
they also killed his comfy lane, he was my go-to when I just wanted to hang out and chill in lane Qing every minion and makin the bank, now you throw out 4 Qs and youre out of mana
like I can see why they updated his personality too but I still wish they wouldve given us a traditional skin, complete with the crit animation
anyway comfy bfs~
>Old GP was a shit champ
Trying to think of reasons why you would say that other than that you're a newfag but I can't think of anything.
Jesus christ. Contain your autism, Riven mane.
>buy offensive item
>You literally never die
it looks like ass
>her passive
>Don't go mid
>Akali gets a bunch of kills less then 10 mins in
>Can't kill her because she heals and bursts anyone down while having no way to reveal her thank no pinks.
I am very glad this bitch isn't popular.
trying to think of a reason you wouldn't think that other than you're a nostalgiafag but I can't think of anything
I see what you did there
Compared to the new one old one was basic trash
This. Her q is by far the best animated thing in this entire game.
Probably even gonna buy it. I hope it's not legacy though
This Kindred rework is so bad. Like before I thought they were a little weak and could use a small buff but I could play them just fine. Now they feel awful. Idk why Riot feels the need to change kits so much rather than simple number adjustments.
You retarded or something? Do I have to explain to you why?
>Gunblade gives healing off of ALL damage types you do
>Her passive heals her on basics
>All of her abilities besides W are made to be spammable
xth for transcend imperfection.
Kayle best girl
graves bf to destroy my bf when
it's still riven
and it's still cancer
if you purchase or support cfancer
get fucked
He seemed like a nice lad back when he used to be a caster, i wish him the best of luck on the road to recovery
>still posting my boyfriend
back off fag, Draven is MY slut!
I want to CHEAT on Kayle with her sister!
no you are retarded with your shitty theorycraft, i understand if some pro like proffesor akali the youtuber gets gunblade first and rapes people with his duo, but for 99% of people some hp item like rylai is better for first big item
>thinking you can outheal enemy damage with shitty gunblade
LOL, to be good with akali you have to be a W god, some people arent, so the hp items are much better not to die in one second, u mad?
Morgana a shit
>this is the company you support
I though he was dating a ftm rather than mtf
also pre-hrt trans hate themselves only go for partners who love themselves as they are
like pic related
like you aren't a disgusting gremlin yourself
I have no words for how wrong you are right now. Please, go actually play Akali before talking about her. Not for my sake, but for yours.
First reply decides what champ i buy
Lulufags = filtered
I dont think vlad hates himself, and in that skin he looks WELL past pre-hrt
Does Ekko top work? Will I get fucked by usual all inners?
>People are saying build IBG or trinity for him
What the fuck, he is a AP champ.
Your main
Your rank
Your League Waifu/Husbando
Your favorite snack
Your favorite movie
That girl is a fucking giant. She's taller than any of those fucks there.
What would it be like fucking her?
There are people in this thread RIGHT NOW that buy riot points
Already own, next reply still decides
lulufags = still filtered
>all this 12 year olds
how the mighty have fallen
Xin Zhao
wasabi peas
Spirit of St. Louis
kek no
i just let others buy them for me
i boost them in exchange
btw who wants a boost in eu?
Heh, look at this fucking NERD trying to look cool.
>team mate wants to play yasuo or zed
>ban them
>they get massive butthurt and troll/feed the game
man what the fuck, what is one supposed to do? just let me play the champs?
not this shit again
see Becks was fired from Riot last fall and DZK dumped her ass. I'm not saying that it's related that Becks got fired right around the time that Riot decided to start pushing T&A and softening their hardline stance on sexy women, but it really makes you think
don't bully
>Dawnbringer Riven = Tyrael
>Aether Wing Kayle = Imperius
oh shit
>TF/ Fiora
>Gold V
>Anything chocolate
>The Good, the bad, and the ugly
>a clockwork orange
>softening their hardline stance on sexy women
>still no sexy female champs
I'm in a transition period at the moment. Best champion is probably Mundo though.
Silver 2.
Probably Xayah.
Jif creamy peanut butter. I'm mildly autistic in that it's the only peanut butter I'll eat.
The Thing.
No one ever reads these responses
They don't engender discussion
It's just shitty bait to harvest (you)s
Fuck yourself
literally the latest champ wtf
How do I build Xin Zhao?
berserker then tank?
balls to the wall lethality?
you wanna try me nigger
i needed snack and movie recommendations
Someone tell me how you could be so misguided that you think gunblade isn't good on Akali. The chances you will find a build that DOESN'T have gunblade on Akali is very low in all points in her history. There is no other item that synergizes with her more.
True, but they've been making official statements both on their dev blogs and on Reddit indicating that "it's time" for them to start making more pretty girls again.
Also, as that other user said Xayah might not be to your tastes (she isn't to mine, that's for sure), but she' still a pretty girl.
>Does Ekko work
No he's a trash meme champion that gets dumpstered by everything.
I lost the 8 game of my placements because their fucking login problems and sure this fuckers of my team have no brain whatsoever because they fucking kept playing the game instead of remaking, I ended up plat 2 last season if i happen to end up being below gold 1 after the placements i will be platinum mad about this.
I fucking hate them so much gdi.
lmfao. Her VO makes her sound like a dyke and her design makes her look more like a bird than a curvy chick. It's more furry appeal than anything.
6/10 at most.
I imagine if said Akali was fed beyond believe it would be better to just build raw AP on her. You don't need sustain when you 100-0 someone before they realize you're there.
imo hes good vs noobs but not so good at higher lvls of play,
Peanut Butter, Sriracha, Honey, and Cucumber sandwich on toasted bread. Sprouts optional.
>Your main
Ezreal (The most alpha champ)
>Your rank
>Your League Waifu/Husbando
>Your favorite snack
Ramen or eggs or both
>Your favorite movie
None. Maybe Hot Fuzz or that zombie movie made by those British cunts
>sjws can be sexy
get a load of this contrarian
Is hydra on jax top a Ye or nah?
that sure wasn't a answer
/tv/ patrician here, you are lucky, here are some experience changing films:
one hour photo
solaris 2002
melancholia (by lars von trier)
the machinist
wall street
memories of murder
margin call
maniac 2012
the prestige
ninth gate
lost highway
eyes wide shut
whisky romeo zulu
fight club
secret window
only lovers left alive
under the skin
black swan
possible worlds
>Hates humans
>Has a non-human bf to cuck
The only way she could hit more of my buttons is if she was a lesbian.
After rp'ing faggotry this is the worst kind of posting. It doesn't generate any discussion, nobody actually cares about other people's favorite snacks, it's just a (You) magnet.
Fuck you, you're not getting my (You).
>Claims to be alpha
>Afraid of saying what his own rank is
Pussy ass faggot
Shen purchased, good recommendation user.
Sean of the Dead
And you're Silver 4 dont hide it
Xayah and Rakan aren't sjw bait user, they're normie bait. Huge difference.
>Xayah is sexy
t. anthony burch
Neither you fucker. Go bruisery. Get a bjork and then buy some tank items. Titanic hydra, triforce, and guardian angel are all good items as well. Not necessarily at the same time.