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What is their thought process with Infernal?
Are whales complaining about difficulty?
There is literally nothing wrong with using Nino, because she is CUTE!
Americans can't beat Legion edition.
But is it wrong to pound her cunny?
>archers are my favorite but since I've started I've only pulled these:
>4* Virion with +RES/-DEF
>4* Jeorge with +HP/-RES
Can these guys become competitive in anyway? Or at least usable at the very least.
>Le gion xD
>ever complaining about difficulty on day 1
Don't even think about replying to this post unless you beat Legion's map on infernal with a SINGLE 3* Donnel
As an American who beat it I will go ahead and say it's fucking 5 in the morning here. Playing fire emblem while you are tired on a work night is not a good idea
>not a single 3* Odin
>Legion and Reinhardt have the same VA as Yarne
I haven't spent a single cent and beat Infernal, you just need a Robin with TA and a good red.
you may only post in this thread if you have three (3) legion
Surely you weren't pleb enough to use a dancer to beat infernal right?
can't forget Slayde
>tfw I won purely because I put Life and Death on Celica
Second best 20k feathers I ever spent.
>fliermeme with Whalemilla
Parthia can patch up the -Res, you're gonna want to run Darting Blow and Threaten Spd too and have Hone Spd/Rally Speed support
As for Virion he sucks so whatever, luckily we're getting a murderous archer Goddess as the next GHB so you can look forward to it too
>autist is STILL mad
get the fuck out phoenixmaster
Put em up where I can see them.
Got outclassed hard, still usable. your ivs is subpar though
wait for that free archer ghb
At the very least if I can't beat this time we'll get a second chance when his rerun happens.
Whales play throwing money at the game not using their brains though. You don't need to whale to beat this, but you do need a good team.
I put axe breaker on her just for this
>he doesn't use the patrician meme type
Literally who?
You won't be able to do it if it's before december, lel and the quests too.
>beat Infernal with Alfonse on your team
I don't think anyone will be able to beat those quests
He's quite versatile.
>2 units left at the end of round 2
>4 units spawn
>3 units left at the end of turn 2
>2 spawn
These fucking spawns
>no dancer
>no meme team of any variety
Don't even have Axebreaker, I sold my Laslows.
>merged dancer, Eirika, and merged bladememer
These are her level 40 stats right? Or is this just from the paralogue?
>implying I won't put 3* Wings of meme on him with my Uber Cav team babysitting him
>All of this Warriors roster hate
>someone like Tharja or Lucina gets in because they're popular
>god damn fuck off nuFE babbies you waifu shitters are ruining the series
>Micaiah or Lyn get in instead
>oh god yes give me my waifu, they're such great characters but I'm not gonna talk about that and instead talk about what I want to do to their butts
>Chrom and Xander get in
>uh god just filthy nuFE husbandofags
>someone like Ike and Roy get in instead
>oh shit yes the best canonically the strongest greatest character ever Roys our boy
Honestly all this shit boils down to is favoritism, don't deny it
Hey, you're not Katharina. 2nd Lucina this week, +atk like my previous one too except - def instead of red. Seliph's +atk - HP so that's nice I guess.
user that moment has passed, quit it
Trip back on, Raul.
Legion is a shit unit anyways I don't actually want him.
>Spend the last of my orbs hoping to get axebreaker for my sanaki so I can beat infernal
>Pull this
>atk+/res- Lucina
don't forget who made it all possible
>He can't get +3 Legion
Just quit the game.
t. eremiya
dumb question but who has axe breaker? can't remember seeing it on any unit and SI tool doesn't have it either.
Sour grapefruits.
I'll never complain about getting a Laslow again
>Triple book
Hey me too!
dancers are a waste of space
Laslow has lv3 at 4*. Eliwood has lv2 at 4*. Idk if anyone else does, check the wiki.
Thanks. That's still pretty great considering she's free. I guess Jeorge will have to be benched once Clarisse arrives.
like the map is literally impossible without merged 5*s
Laslow. I was fortunate enough to have one on hand. He gets axebreaker 2 at 3 stars which is more than enough. Also hone speed 1 is ok to pass if you plan on passing a 3 later
thank you!
I did it using only a +1 Cecilia, both of which were feathered from 3*, and I'm pretty sure the +1 atk and HP didn't make any difference. You just need an all roudned team who can clear shit fast, and good positioning.
Cecilia literally can't kill anything, though.
Don't read moon.
The tiles in red are actually fortresses, despite not appearing as such. So they grant defense when you have no reason to think they would.
>free orbs
Cav Meme Fury 3 Cecilia can shit on almost anything.
It seems overwhelming at first but it's very much doable
You really need a strong red though, preferably with Axebreaker (Axebreaker Ike carried me, between clutch Aethers and demolishing Legions)
Red space is also fort tiles, the visual display is wrong
So they're compensating with free orbs because they fucked up
Cecilia killed off the blue mages for me and chipped Legion, she's pretty good this map.
>+spd/-res cecilia
Is she even good like this?
Thank you. I pulled a 5* Marth, Merric, and Caeda (Bride) (all with free orbs, jesus), and taking advantage of the Spur SPD and RES. Only Marth has it good with IV's though. Also have Darting Blow ready, need to find Threaten SPD though I still want to gamble for another Jeorge for good ivs since he's my favorite.
At this point I'm going to make a gen 1 fe team it looks like.
tfw- but I like Jeorge so I will keep him.
Also, what does GHB stand for? Going to assume it's the banner for summoning?
Where do you guys get this news?
I fucking knew I was taking too much damage for what should have been defense tiles
Wow that's a fuckup.
Wait, are we getting orbs as compensation? Did i understand that correct?
Mine has Raven+TA and shut down all the blue tomes, lances and the archer. Only people who shit on Cecilia are those who have never used her properly. I also gave her Axebreaker so she could take care of some Legions.
She literally can't double any of the blue mages though, which means they ORKO one of your non-Cecilia units. Or honestly they probably just kill her because she's fucking worthless.
that's not even what the post was discussing, you're just garbage
>my -Atk Katarina actually pulled through for me
I love this pathetic cuck.
Those are good IVs if she uses bladetome, but it's still alright as long as she isn't -atk.
>Was kind of disappointed in this character choice for GHB at first
>Do the GHB and it plays similar to his map in new mystery minus the 1 turn cheese strat and retarded RNG
>Actually a decent axe unit, he's no hector but really who is
>Good voice
>Free Reprisal for memes on Zephiel and an earnable 2k feathers
Im sorry I doubed you ISIS
Right there bud.
But she has like speed that barely breaks 30
4* Neutral Cecilia. What IVs does she need to be usable? What skills?
Damn it, you're right. I guess the enemies just really don't fuck around. Still, fuck Infernal difficulty.
>Blue tome breaker
>Triangle adept
The possibilities are endless.
Anyone got Legion's lv40 stats? He looks like he's going to be Anna with res and def flipped, but comes with fury already.
Cav buffs really help get it to a respectable amount, hone speed even works.
I want Julia to hotdog me
Do you need rally defense or rally resistance to inherit rally defence resistance.
Who needs to double when you OHKO the map's blues and colorless units while in a cav team that gives Hone and Goad support?
Who do I promote /feg/? Should I go for my loli dragon dream team?
>don't skill inherit
>still haven't beat it with three stamina pots used
anyone beat it without any skill inheriting? and can they post their teams and seal equips?
The ones who beat Infernal are whales.
The blue mage has 28 speed while Neutral Cecilia has 25. All it takes is one Hone buff + Spur Speed/Goad Cav.
Nvm. forgot I had cordelia to test it out. You do need it.
Why don't you skill inherit? That's like shooting yourself in the foot.
>Or honestly they probably just kill her because she's fucking worthless
More like she takes 0 damage from colorless and blue tomes, and single digits from melee blues that don't have Effie tier attack.