Which ethnicity makes the dodgiest and least honest mechanics?

Which ethnicity makes the dodgiest and least honest mechanics?


Do you really want alphonse to make another stream of race threads? Because this is how you do that.

Americans of any ethnicity.

this seems to have died off recently, actually
you think he died in the vegas concert?


if there is a god then yes

Arabs / Turks / Sandnigger

Most of the shops here in California are 90% Hispanic Mexican

Maybe in the shitty, poor southern half. I've lived in California for 30 years and never seen a shop run by anything but white boomers.

The service tech at the dealer who incorrectly diagnosed several issues to my car was some form of Balkan. I think Bosnian most likely because we have a lot of them here. Or he could be Turkish, Serbian, or whatever else from that region.

The other shady mechanics I've dealt with have been Hispanic and that is why I will walk right out of the door if I see one working in the garage.

The best mechanics have been WASPs. Local garage that only works on Mercedes is fully staffed by blonde haired blue eyed mechanics and they do a really good job and don't try to cheat customers.

As for niggers, I wouldn't even pull into the parking lot if I see a nigger even put a foot in the garage. Niggers are retarded.


He's on butt medication that incidentally quells his ocd
prezo gave him ass cancer


Sadly no.

Albanians/Turks and Jews.

Should I trust the Sri Lankan near my work?

I'm getting sick of taking my car to my mechanic who is 1.5 hrs away

Go ask /pol/

No., They are almost as bad as fijian Indians

They're the niggers of the Indian sub continent and have massive inferiority complexes

worst - generic White Americans

best - Italians (as long as you are friends with one of their cousins)

will make it work with parts laying around - Native American

WTF? - Asian

not dodgy just shit - any other non-White American

>best - Italians

I'd agree except I dealt with a a piasan and he bought parts and overcharged on the parts and labor by a wide margin.

Out of all the mechanics I've worked with the two best were a Hungarian dude who was pretty Americanized and a Filipino/Mexican hybrid. Worst was a black kid who was fucking lazy and autistic but I also worked with a negro who was super hard working and the best I've ever seen with an acetylene torch. In general as long as they speak English and don't sound retarded I'll give anyone of a race a chance because they cared enough to learn English.

This is what niggers think until they buy an actually nice car and have to decide do they want white men to work on it or fellow shit skins to do it. Trust me, it's never the latter.

There is not a Jew in any time or place who has ever done mechanical work on a car

t. Donatello "Don" Dellamare


Hispanics are geniuses when it comes to keeping shit running.

Niggers on the other hand.


I only use racing mechanics. Those fuckers by principle refuse to let any car that falls under their wrench go slower than when it came in.

my name is Tony "Tony" Giordano, now please step aside as I am walking here.

How do you enjoy paying a quarter of your yearly income every visit?

Mexicans by far, they can at least make something run but they almost always cut corners and generally don't do things the "right" way, instead do things as cheap as they possibly can.

Personal friend of my brothers and I, keeps costs low especially since I don't have him doing bitchwork.

Laziness and the belief that manual labor is beneath them. It's the reason why you'll only find foreign construction companies in Tel Aviv.

I've only ever had white mechanics and they were all crooks.

All small town mechanics

Anyone actually not shit is in the city and costs 10x as much

this is the best and most realistic response itt

>manual labor is beneath them

I've seen Israeli mechanics and carpenters here in the US.

>lucas electrics

>being racist

italians because they are so nice and always say don'ta worry it'sa gonna be ready soon, I promise.

Depends where you live.

I'm surrounded mostly by Hispanics and the mechanics I perceived to be honest happened to be white, but perhaps that's because I refuse to let a wetback work on my vehicle.

bruh I have been seeing do many They live memes after I saw the movie like 2 days ago.

Japanese mechanics are best. Japanese mechanics who used to own and track the same car that you bring in are better.

Vietnamese have been the least reliable, but they get the work done in the cheapest way possible. Good for reselling shit.

I just figure any Japanese (or asian) mechanic is an underachiever and wonder why they are not an accountant.


Nah man. It is pride in WHAT you do not what you do.

That being said i think its less about race and more about pride. A guy who owns a shop and also works on cars and will talk to you, and i mean really talk to you no just about whats wrong with your car is the best way to go.
When someone is proud of their shop and loves cars it shows.
What are the mechanics driving? POS beaters? Then stay away.
If you are going to a BMW shop and the only BMWs there are the ones being worked on, that is a red flag.

>dailying a nice car when you are mechanically knowledgeable enough to keep a shit car running


In the eyes of the older generation, maybe. The reality of employment in Japan is god fucking awful though. I knew grad students who went back to work in Japan after getting a PhD or MBA in the states, and ended up leaving the country again to find work that wasn't soul sucking. They were making an assload of money but had no time to live between trying to get sleep after mandatory work gatherings and commuting back to work. My two mechanics own their own shops and seem pretty well off for being in OC.

Southern Italians but usually they aren't actually mechanics but just pretending

>my stalkers are this obsessed
lol. they can't stop talking about me.

>A guy who owns a shop and also works on cars and will talk to you, and i mean really talk to you
>What are the mechanics driving? POS beaters? Then stay away.
>If you are going to a BMW shop and the only BMWs there are the ones being worked on, that is a red flag.

don't know man, my local VW / Porsche specialist are a bunch of really nice guys who love to talk about cars. One the mechanics dailies a 84 911, and another one has the same GLI that I do.

But I have real questions about their work, they seem sloppy, they miss a lot of stuff and they are probably one of the most expensive shops around.
Not saying every shop is like that but how nice the guys are doesn't say anything about their work.

I'd rather have a surly asshole who is good and drives a beater f150 than a someone who wants to be my best friend and is using my cars maintenance to make the payments on his Maserati

you really gave them a complex, lmao
wh*te """"people"""" this insecure

They can barely make your coffee right at every Tim Hortons imaginable in canada, why would anyone trust them near something as complex as an ICE?

Undoubtedly it would be the Negro race.

wh*tes are cancer desu

Pastanigger here
My local mechanic is bro tier, everything he's done on my shitbox was excellent quality and low pricing.
But yeah he usually delivers some days later, prolly because he's overworked as fuck.

This tho. Trust the terroni and you'll only have problemi.

>What are the mechanics driving? POS beaters? Then stay away.

All of the most honest people I've met in the car game drive shit beaters.


The cancer that took the shit-skins out of their mud huts and introduced them to civilization

gypsies, as shitty bad mechanics
regular slavs as shitty, but smart and talented mechanics

>implying prezo isn't the most autistic current Veeky Forums poster

Anyone you don't personally know

flips can nigger rig with the best of em but dont expect any form of quality

Owner/head mechanic at my local rent-a-lift garage is Turkish and a total stand-up guy who knows every trick in the book.
Fuck off back to /pol/.

I worked for an auto parts wholesaler. I started off as a delivery driver, but then became an outside sales representative. Then I was a mechanic for a dealership.

In the northern Virginia area, you can choose to get your car repairs by either:
>Really nice, high end shops ran by white people, but you pay for it
>Not so nice, hole in the wall shops ran by redneck, pay a little less, but don't bother going if it isn't a 'murican car.
>Side of the road shops like Meineke or Jiffy lube that will rip you off because it's a chain with high prices set by corporate, but with low skill from highschool dropouts.
>Shops that could be nice, but are just tacky because it's usually a giant garage space with loud colored sofas and a glass table, and the office is literally a box made of 2x4's. These are usually middle eastern, and they charge up the add to repair either your old as fuck Mercedes or a taxi car. You'll get good prices if you pray to their god.
>A rundown building that you have no idea if you're getting espestos exposure just by walking in, usually ran by ghetto black dudes. They'll take anything, but have as much mechanical knowledge as a autozone employee. Your prices will range from "What's gooood brotha?!" To "fuck off cracka!"
>A dealership. Results will always vary with them because it depends on if the service advisor has an alcohol dependency, or a cocaine addiction.

Best bet is to just do the work yourself and save the headache.

Stay butthurt mehmet

they're gud goys

depends what you drive.

if its a piece of shit, take it to a mexican, theyll cut all the corners they can to save a dollar and keep it running

foreign cars go to foreign people, if you have a honda take it to a japanese guy

if you drive a diesel, take it to some old white guy that works on tractors in his front yard. preferably he will be wearing overalls and chewing tobacco

but theyre all crooks in one way or another, learn how to fix your own shit

>What are the mechanics driving? POS beaters? Then stay away.
99% of the best techs I've worked with drive the biggest shitheaps. Even if you truly care about your job (I do) that in no way translates to doing your job for free on your own car.

And that's the difference between you and real men.

Real men have careers.

Teenagers and losers have "jobs".

My service manage, an armenian mechanic, once told me to NEVER trust an armenian mechanic.

Are you kidding me? It's like 40% spics and 50% vietcongs and then 10% everybody else

Hispanics are honest, its only if you're white they start bullshitting you.

of the few mechanics i've met personally not professional have been black that do the best job

I live in Virginia. Never seen a mechanic who wasn't black or white and they both do generally good jobs. White mechanics seem lazier as a whole

Chinese, Armenian, Indian, Romanian, the dealship garage.

Never ever ever ever go to any garage run by listed above. They'll replace your battery but cut one of your brake lines.

The least trustworthy being the Chinese and Armenians. They are a bunch of good for nothing swindlers.

Eastern Europeans/Caucasians(not the skin color) are total scumbags when it comes to cars.

t. Bulgarian/Armenian

I'd say white Americans are about on par with their Strayan' counter part.

Itailians on the other hand are by far the sleaziest and dodgiest mechanics. No clue where you got the notion of Italians being great mechanics aside from being a Ferrari/Lambo dick rider perhaps?

You know a good chunk of US construction contractors are Israeli, right?


Never seen an asian or black mechanics, all the shops I go are owned by some rich old boomer, and the workers are a mix of hispanics or rednecks.

Midwestern US?