>GSL Code S 17h 10m
Other urls found in this thread:
didn't get banned this week
what happened to the other thread
gook morning~
dang... stuff like this makes me want to masturbate
perfectly normal reaction
giving it squeezes of various strength rn jan
nothing you do can stop me either
hmmm... cereal
with man milk...
dude, wtf? no!
too late...
i've already churned the milk...
when was the last time these threads were about starcraft 2?
entirety or occasionally? its a spectrum on this board
we get pushed around tho because of some gay mythos that this is " le shitposting h3ll xD"
back w/ cereal
what do you want to talk about?
its funny when people come in here talking that ish but then they can't even talk about terran
hmm the hanging gardens of xel naga...
mmmm bump
why wont you just let the thread die?
some people like it here sir
its my fighting spirit
the gook spirit
love gooks(sexually)
let the thread die goddammit!
why don't you just die? instead of coming in here acting like you know shit.
nice glasses, NERD
almost caturday...
le epig KATZ XD
love cats
is ff14 any good? the new expansion came out and everyone seems hype about it
it has the best erp
yamete kudasaiiiii!!!!!!!!! DESU desU Desu
go back to your hole bitch
not again... :(
Your mom's hole LOL
anyone else staying home on a friday night...
watching gsl or something
probably go out to a sex bar and fuck my gf while i drink beer
hmm asians
she looks a little rough lol
hate the new gook glasses meme
love the new gook glasses meme
hmm... nice..
really fucked up for you to post this. its people like you that keeps this general deleted, why not just fuck off to /b/
cool your jets
brb don't let thread die
lily and her friends play simple stuff really well but destiny plays complex stuff really badly
no it's a gook
집에서 TV보면서 비빔면 먹는데 무려 2년전 방송이 재방중 23살..스타크래프트1 & 2리그 인터뷰 맡으면서 실검 자주 오르며 욕 많이 먹던 시절 오랜만에 스타 한판 해야게똬
I'm not going to be able to watch TV at home, but I'm going back to broadcasting two years ago. I am 23 years old. I interviewed Starcraft 1 & 2 League.
so i guess janny pulled an all nighter and isnt bullying us right now? this shit is still up
told you he's a normie who is partying on fridays