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>embeb memes

i refuse

delete and remake this

forced 50% is real

prove me wrong

Best girl and carry hero


no :

Here commes T.Racer!

Yeah, people like you need to win sometimes too

what is forced fifty percent

ive always wondered if sombraposters are actually good at sombra or just memeing

>Some dumbass mainer (i.e. Hanzo) plays like shit first round
>Second round you pick Hanzo faster than him

What happens?
Hard Mode: Genji is already taken by another retard

Please bully me more D.va



Hello B.Va!

in a statistical universe with weightened variables of a certain range, having a random pick of X weights and compared it to another random pick of X weights will always yield a result similar to each other, always close to the universe average.

tl;dr to escape the statistic black hole that is forced 50% you need a higher skill level that the great majority of people

you have ruined this general with this bad/unorthodox OP composition, why would you do this

im shitposting if you dont change

*chldish whining on mic*

B.va hi!

I've noticed that the APEX cameraguy likes to go 3rd person on Tracer a lot.

He throws as Hog and the whole team blames you rightfully so

Her flat butt is cute!

Hey dadio!

>rein charges to enemy spawn

No fucking shit.

>Symmetra places all her turrets on upper Numbani point A
>doesn't get teleporter until 3 fights in

Fuck two stacks.

destroy all mainers in this game

Decent. I hope to play her a lot more this season.

>top tier sombra
>cant reach 60% WR
buffs fucking when

>portals killed

Shouldnt mess with a mainer, bucko


let me blow your mind: good players play against other good players

winrate means nothing really. It is by playtime and not games played. Winning a 30 minute match is equivalent to losing 3 10 minute matches.

Also QP is a clusterfuck. It is honestly a lot easier in competitive.

why does everyone hate mei?

Been playing a little Zen, feels potentially really powerful but squishy as fuck, do I just have to hide and pick my shots carefully? Feels like I won't have enough orbs out there.

Because she always smugly waves at me before I get headshot.

I don't hate Mei, she is fun hero once you learn how to land M2

she's too good in the current meta, the outplay potential is insane and blizzard is a guaranteed team kill

>tracer & genji mains
justified and workable with

>DPS mains
fookin cancer, i dont need 5 DPS mains whining theres only one hanzo to pick

>support mains who arent mercy
gosh, they dont exist outside GM

>tank mains who flex
why? like if anyone will refuse tank

>flex players who dont main
god's gift to your team WR

doesnt tracer get a 70% WR in the hands of a good player

i know other toons have a similar WR cap when played in the hands of a very skilled player. on WoT for instance reaching 75% WR is doable for a skilled player, as is on WoWS, but on OW we get numbers much smaller for very skilled players, seemingly capping at 65%

ill just assume the metrics are ruined then. it happened with WoWS as well

always have E out, put shift on squisies that cant fucking stand still, always use your M2 instead of M1. m1 is for when the enemy is too close already and you must kill him anyway

Definitely. Hang behind corners or tanks when pushing and always keep yourself moving, especially if you take any damage so you can get your shields back.

win-rate doesn't mean that much. I got rank #1 yesterday with 55% on one of my accounts, lol. Got to rank #2 a few hours later with 50%. As long as you're high MMR and have good stats, win-rate isn't factored much higher than any other stat.

>havent played since season 1
>play all placement matche with my level 25 fried who is bad at shooters
>lose 8/10 games
>get placed plat 100 points away from diamond
>he gets placed 100 points away from bronze

How does that happen? Also makes me feel kinda sad that I didnt play my placements alone, maybe could have gotten diamond from my placements.



>gosh, they dont exist outside GM
B-but I'm a Lucio main and I'm in gold



>he doesn't have an OW streamer tattoo

explain yourselves

pssh thats nothing

i had gold elims as orisa with 3 kills.

I always thought it was just 2 people maining her in QP


I once had gold elims and damage at the end of the round. To be fair the DPS died a lot (not my fault since they were dived by pharah) and Ana was focusing me hard to keep me alive.


>Forced 50 percent
>No one actually has 50 percent winrate

really makes you think

Twitch. Not even once.

>the landwhale in the back
what's the point


I'd rather just cut off my arm.

>Super fucking tired, trying to stay up for work
>Decide to ow
>Click Comp for some dumb reason
>mfw trying to play Sombra (Or any character that needs aim for that matter) when my reaction time is measured in minutes

I ended up having to play fucking Torbjorn just so the game could aim for me.

I don't have a reaction image to express the cringe level


>captcha: triangle

Retro sci-fi Winston skin WHEN

you just gotta git gud senpai

A screenshot from a few hours prior before my smurf passed my main. It's 50% in the sense that draws are not wins. I don't think it's that shocking. But it's like 50.48% (54-48-3) now if you check Overbuff if that makes you feel better.

when will zarya get a good skin?

really made me think



are we posting winrates now

post winrates

Threadly shitpost about paladins coming before overwatch and how everyone just looks bad when saying the opposite:

Here's a link to Mei's reveal trailer youtube.com/watch?v=9d85wFYKQU4

And here's a link to Mei's rip off wiki page, showing she was already payable a month before Mei was Announced paladins.gamepedia.com/index.php?title=Evie&action=edit&oldid=2142

video showing evie being playable before Mei was youtube.com/watch?v=n6pwpYclWSI (and yes, it looks old and ugly because that's an alpha with materials from like 2010)

Remember that Winston and Lena are for cute only, no bullying!

now that you point that out
>Games Played- 8



>Paladins is better because OW apparently stole a filler hero like Mei

Thats actually pretty cool, considering other games with placements like League only consider your "winrate" in your placements and not your performance in those games.

Lena's farts are for my face desu

Who cares lol

Here's my win-rates mid-climb from scrubland to GM+

Fuck that fat fuck, Roadhog.

Can't wait until the patch. When they do their shitty combo and it doesn't one shot you. It's gonna feel so good.

Wow, you fucking suck at McCree and Bastion.

All it's going to mean is that actually good Roadhogs will be able to run a train on your ass with ease.

t. fathog that doesn't just crutch on the hook

same feel
Imagine a lifestealing reaper coming at you though

No one would want to bully them, they're too pure.

please rape me

I will ENJOY tearing apart Winstons next patch.

Is GM really top 0.1? Everyone plays like trash except the autistic Tracer

They were carried by those Tracers.

Well they sometimes lightly bully each other but they know its all in good fun


if you got placed 100 sr below diamond then bliz thinks you should be there. win like 3 or 4 games and you'll get lots of sr.


So how long until the mouthbreathers learn that Sombra is really fucking good now and I have to deal with one every fucking game?

>really fucking good
Genji/Tracer is still superior, especially on attack

when they notice bastion, junkrat and torbjorn are also well balanced and workable heroes

I hope not soon, I want Sombra for myself

eh, depends on team comp to say outright. If you have an allied roadhog or harambe jumping on/standing near your hacked health packs they're really fucking good because they get an EMP every like 5 seconds.

B.va a cute!

Blizzard is more likely to redesign aspects of the game to fit mainers before mainers stop existing. Most players main characters or weapons in literally every online game with multiple choices. It is natural.

In high masters/gm she's in a lot of games.

End your fucking life

never because the meta is filled with genji "hurr i dont play female characters xD, im ninja n watch narotu!1 lul I carry u!" retards

>play tank
>play like a god
>play dps
>play like shit
>get carried by teammates
>play ana
>play like shit barely land any sleeps or good nades

Does this workf or Mercy too?

What seems to be the problem friend :^)

Would this game be better if there was a mechanic like in some MMOs where you queue up with a certain role or roles that you can play and teams formed based on having at least one tank and healer on each side? Then dps-only shitters get punished by having to wait longer, like in games that have a system like this. Obviously queueing up as a tank and then picking and refusing to switch off dps is reportable.

>the meta is filled

I don't think you know what meta means my dude.