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Naked Edition™

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look at those virgin sneakers. God scooters are an embarrassment unless they're being ridden by 50 year old retired lesbians.

cmon urbananon

really ugly. Pretty small tire for a 500. Better than a little 250 if you're starting out, but I wouldn't buy it.

>Naked Edition™

nice livery

Mmmm naked.


In the nude edition.
Also what's a good pipe cleaner?

You mean for your headers? Metal polish and superfine (0000) steel wool works the best.


naked bike best bike

shit that looks good
have to do that too sometime
but why didn't you clean the rest of your bike there?

This is why you don't use vaseline to lube your chain. Fucking grease monkeys.

Safe and slow edition.

>Went riding with my mate
>Did a few drag races
>Forgot to take a picture again
I really need to get a Sena.

Finally a decent edition.

sure thing why not?

>Car stopped in middle of road
>Honk at them for being dumb
>Get around, take a look at the driver
>They have passed out or something
>Ride off because it's not my problem
>Now can't stop wondering if he was ok
Does this make me a bad person?

I prefer "Fully Faired Oh Fuck I Have To Change My Oil Time To Remove 13 Bolts And 5 Pushpins Edition"


depends on how much they looked like a drain on society

Motherfucker should have stayed at home if he was going to have a stroke and die.

You did the right thing user.

If you don't have at least a certificate 2 in first aid then it is not like you could be of any assistance anyway.

You know what they tell you here at first aid lessons?

Everything, except moving the person if they're not in immediate danger, helps.

> Stop
> Push dead dude over to the passenger seat
> Drive his car off the middle of the road onto the service lane
> Call ambo from his phone
> Drive off

Saves them having to block off the road for 10 minutes so they can follow protocol

here we are told to get someone else to call an ambulance while you start destroying their rib cage.
and no one gives a fuck about back/neck injuries anymore, whats worse death because you didnt move them or a back injury?
if someone has a broken neck but their neck is bent back so they can't breathe well then you move their fucking head to open up the air ways.
not my problem if dude ends up a vegetable at least they didnt choke to death.


I've got a different kind of first aid than most, GWO First Aid.

I'm trained to perform a rescue and apply first aid without help, so calling the first responders is something I have to do. I also have to say that the ambulance needs to back the fuck off until the rescue is complete.
You don't move someone if they might have back/neck injuries if they're not in immediate danger, because you do not want them to become a vegetable. If you need to perform CPR they are in immediate danger and thus you move them until you can perform it, but always try to move the back and neck as little as possible.

Oh i thought you might be someone with no knowledge on the subject, probably the same as my first aid training, pic related is what mine covers

Looks like the same yes.
Only we don't get "Moving" and "Lifting & Carrying Casualties", as that is part of the GWO Working at Heights training (another 2 day course), where you learn how to climb and rescue people at heights.
Also we get told our situation at work is so fucked up you can better call the morgue.

this is


in that pic

>Naked Edition™

Pls help dbt, my baiku tops out at 170kmh and at 130 it is already using half of its revs and all these oldman bmws keep overtaking me on the autobahn when i do touring and i am affraid that giving it the full beans for hours on end will hurt my baiku

Pic related, mfw thinking about baiku hurting

130 kmh is nice cruising speed, It's better stay at mid revs that top so I don't see the problem, who care if they are overtaking you.
what bike do you have?

I have a friend with a 35hp mito who literally rides with his feet on the handlebars while texting

>those sliders

bet they are illegal in europe.

The one in the front
Honda nc700


well that's what happens when you buy a scooter

Pls don't be mean
It tries very hard to be a real bike

probably, everything is illegal in Europe

Reaching peak comfy here
Guess location

You're fine
Your redline is their midrange you won't hurt her by keeping it pinned

>half its revs

It's ok really, most bikes are around this at 130, even liters. Yours just happens to have a really low rev limit.
Actually your max torque will be around ~143 km/h so your bike will like being at that speed (but it's unstable). Parallel twins can endure lot more revs with no problems, especially Honda.

Go for it. (but more than 145 is bad, even for those bimmers, save for the 1600gt).

>Those strips

At least HERE we know how to ride.

Convince me why I shouldn't buy a sketchy $3500 Craigslist R1 as my first bike.

Lol, no you don't. All the worst riding webm's have come from you yuropoors.

just take it to a yam dealer or decent shop before you put a bunch of miles on it

Depends of the kind of roads you have, if you only have boring highways and not too much traffic you can get it no problem. Still more dangerous than a reasonable first bike.

the only people who should buy a litre peter as a first bike are those who have been riding dirt bikes their whole lives because they have already learned better throttle control than most road bike riders could ever dream of having.
that and a 450 dirt bike is around as peaky until 100km/h as a litre peter and that is where new riders fuck up on them mainly.

stay mad eurocuck

I wonder if anyone who frequents this general has a Nuda.

He was selling tho

What should I expect at the MSF? I can drive a manual car but have never ridden a motorcycle. I'm taking it with two of my friends this month.

It's not that bad plus theses are shitty tires(Dunlop), this stock tires known for bad grip
I use this motorcycle only to commute so there's not much turns or suitable roads.

there was one guy but i don't see him around anymore

he was kind of annoying, just jerked off over his bike a bunch

it takes 1min to get used to
do you know how shifting works on a bike?

pretty sure he sold it

Go hit the toegays and scrub those things off my dude. It will be really easy on a tire that size.

Are you talking about the pattern? I've got an idea about how it works, down for 1st gear, shift up for 2nd, etc. with neutral being in between 1st and 2nd. I've been told not to use all 4 fingers to pull the clutch lever. I'm not sure if the bite point or whatever will feel the same as a car.

>but more than 145 is bad, even for those bimmers
My bike has no problems staying at 160km/h for hours on end. Just uses a bit of oil and might destroy the rear tire.

Yeah I've done 150km/h maintained for like 2 hours straight on this thing and it besides using a bit more fuel it was fine.

Is it possible rain mode is saving me fuel?
I know it chops power considerably and it also seems to run hotter, so I assume it's using a more lean mixture


It will cook your exhaust valves if you use it daily, so be wary.

Sorry i meant that it is above half its revs
At half it does 100

You'll just want to get used to the friction point, similar to a manual car, just finer because it's with your hand.

You're aware of the pattern, but remember that bikes will stall if you let the clutch out at less than around 1500 rpm, unlike cars.

Good luck and all that, it might take a bit of practice but once you've got it, it's like riding a bike.

ayy fireblade?

the more I look at the memey GS500 the more I want it, yeah it's a shitbike and yeah I now have the room for it and it'll match my helmet, but just got a car and i'm still waiting for my roommates to reimburse me the last few months' rent and utilities

time to make bad decisions? idk

how many friends have you made this week dbt?

>time to make bad decisions?

Are you on a restricted capacity licence? GS500s are not entertaining bikes and will bore you quickly. If you want something exciting you'll need to look away from that segment.

i unmade 3

Zero. Gained some rivals, though. Fast guys. Turned out a second better lap than my best chasing them.


No, but I'd be riding dirty since I let mine expire a year ago and I don't want to apply for one in this state since I'd have to transfer everything over

None, just made enemies.

I have no idea what you are talking about, maybe something esoteric to where you live? If you can't ride anything quicker than a GS500, they're fine. Otherwise, for the same money you'll get something a lot better built and quicker.

tfw burglerland

Really looking for a dual sport but they don't often pop up for sale

thats unfortunate

And btw my doubts are because both the manual an forums say it shouldn't do jack

This is a really roundabout way of saying that the police pulled you over, and you are chuffed about it.

Get over it. Ride for a few years and getting police attention will become as normal as filling up your tank.

Be polite and don't get an additional ticket for offensive conduct.

>because both the manual an forums say it shouldn't do jack

They do anticipate it raining. Try to remember the last time it rained 30 days straight where you live. If you choose to use it outside of 'rain' conditions, you are using it contrary to the manual. They'll bring that up if you complain about cooked valves and cat convertor problems.

Is it bad to leave my helmet upside down in the sun after riding to help dry the sweat/remove the smell ? I've read and also been told that the heat might be bad.

Are the front forks on this bike replaced? They should be black.

tfw no biker friends

kyon kun, denwa

>Be polite and don't get an additional ticket for offensive conduct.

Because then your next of kin will have to sell it for less when you wrap yourself into the nearest minivan.

I've seen this episode. It sucked.

Do you burgerlandians tip your mechanic?

I'm getting some work done on my R1 and am probably gonna round up to the $20. Not much, but then I don't have to deal with change.

I've put an entire can's worth of ACF 50 on my bike and I'm scared I put too much on. Also, I didn't cover my wheels/brakes before applying it.

I should have applied it with cloth/paint brush but I just sprayed it on like a retard thinking 'wow it looks so shiny'.

Am I going to fucking die? Should I wipe off the excess acf 50 gently?

Also, I put a lot of it on my exhaust, was that pointless?

Way ahead of you m8

No, why the hell would I?

I appreciate the tip
> no homo

t. mechanic who just got some extra cash today

Suzuki a best


Because, like using the imperial system, it's one of the things Murricans are taught at birth. Mostly applies to wait staff, but I've heard rich people tip their yard workers and maids. If they do a real good job and put in the extra work, why not? The mechanic I go to is friendly AF and has discounted me before. Plus, he gives it straight and *shows* me the problem. And I think labor is p cheap.

Congrats, keep up the apparently good work.

kawasaki grill a best
> keep up the good work
th-thanks you too

What's the best 650cc for no more than £4000?

I tip him with a hand job

>naked edition


Hello fellow antbiker.