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Latest Released Hero - Wukong
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2nd Latest Released Hero - Phase
[YouTube] Paragon - Phase Announce Trailer (Available May 16) (embed) [Open]

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Persistence edition

Other urls found in this thread:


>Play Narbash
>At character select, I inform team that I need a carry on right lane. Preferably Murdock or maybe even the Kallari since we had a Gideon who should be main and a Khaimera jungling
>Gideon responds "ok"
>Match starts
>Everyone abandons the right lane for the majority of the game
>Desperately plea and berate the team to follow the basic lane designations since we're getting our shit pushed in
>They just roam around trying to get enemy kills
>Only person who attempts to carry the lane is Khaimera, who doesn't even really benefit from my health regen and should be jungling and ambushing instead

Why don't they just listen? Is it console players?


Is thread deletion automatic or can mods make judgment to pull the plug?

>Why don't they just listen?
this game is populated only by retards

Is it free for console as well right now? If so, I can't help but think these bad players are simply consolefags who gave it a quick download thinking they were getting an Overwatch experience. I've only been playing for 2 weeks, but I at least know the basics of roles and their lanes. Infuriating.

>I've only been playing for 2 weeks, but I at least know the basics of roles and their lanes. Infuriating.
Because you are lurking in a paragon thread.

I'm sure most console players don't do that. I mean, do you know how often i see players who only buy a health potion, a mana potion and a ward, and then don't use any of their cp, because they don't know how it works?

And they are silver players...

They are just too stupid for mobas, because they are not used to it.



TwinBlast dab emote confirmed

I got a rough idea of how tings work through in-game tips then furthered looked into stuff online like any person wanting to not suck at a video game. You guys don't do much other than complain, bump, and force the bush meme anyways. I like you guys though.


I'll probably want to play him more when his voice lines are implemented. I don't care if he's a memester.

When are voices gonna get in?


at full release

Is Incessant Onslaught worth getting on any heroes?

These players are unreal. My last team was, in this order:
-Narbash (Me)
-Phase (picked at the last second knowing I was hovering over Narbash since the draft start)

I'm just telling myself it will get better at full release.

>I'm just telling myself it will get better at full release.
it's only going to get worse friend

>in draft
>Countess pipes up:
>"which skin should I use?"
>"I have all the skins"
>"I'm actually Diamond, can't wait for ranked"
>"don't worry, I'm going to carry hard, wait and see"
>they're actually shit and threaten to leave a bunch like a huge fucking baby
>I try to get them to calm down
>"how dare you talk to me with your low Elo"
I just muted them, we won, then all agreed in post-game chat that they were shit and to report them.


>"I'm actually Diamond

>Gideon is on the left lane the whole time and trying to jump out of map with his teleport and ultimate

>ywn cum on Serath or Sparrows hairy armpits
Why live

Also Wukong is pretty fun

I checked after, too: their "smurf account" has 800 games and is in mid Silver with a 51% win rate and KDA of 2, so unless they're going by Fury.gg, I don't see how they can figure they're a Diamond player Must have just been lies and/ or delusion.

Wukong may have done more damage to the game than Rev or Phase, desu. Those two just screwed with the pecking order for certain roles: Wukong completely destroyed any hope of getting a good team composition in solo queue.


I'm downloading this game. Have I made a mistake?

>lane select bug confirmed for not being fixed until v42 where it won't be an issue because it will "no longer be a thing"

Memes aside, it's a fun game, even though it can be annoying often.

It seems fun. I'm surprised it isn't more popular. I heard a lot about it a year ago and haven't heard much since.

>laning when you can just run around racking up kills

>their "smurf account" has 800 games and is in mid Silver with a 51% win rate and KDA of 2

what is considered a "good" KDA?

>and force the bush meme anyways.
Bush is never forced in /parag/, friend

>Open loot crate
>Blush Arctic Frost Dekker
>"wtf I don't even play her!?"
>Go to menu to look at costume
>Pink and White with Energy Coursing throughout costume
>"Oh that's actually kind of cool"
>Consider learning Dekker
Woah, so this is the power... Of ebin's skins.

I'd say 4 is what I'd call "good" (at 2.75 myself).

For every neat skin variant, there's a Wasteland Howitzer or Green Countess.

i like all the countess skins except her clown mask one

I don't know, I think it has a a certain charm to it.

Bedtime bump

the problem with all the female hero's skins are that none of them are lewd enough. since most of them are simple recolors if the character isn't designed like aurora and have half their ass hanging out at all times anyway the skins are still very bland. we need skins that let me see belica's tight little ass, seraths milf tits and sparrows long luscious legs

Different game bump

Just clueless players that makes it super frustrating at times.

Don't worry: Epic will get desperate and start bringing out the lewd once enough people ditch the game after hero balance is passed up again for no reason next patch.
>okay guys, we know we said everything would be different with the card rework, but please understand
>you need to get a feel for the heroes in the context of the new card system, that's all
>next patch in 9 weeks guys, see you in Agora!

>spend months duo queueing with friend and roomie
>both new to game
>60%ish winrate
>upper gold

>make smurf account to solo queue one month ago
>assume lots of shitting with shitters
>80% win rate
>upper gold


>Expecting any different below mid plat

Having a real bad day /parg/ questioning if I even know how to play this game anymore.

>update 45.2
>Increased Phase's blind duration to 5 seconds from 3,
>Obliterate now deals basic damage and can crit.
>Added new skin See Through Serath for 3000 coins.
>Added legendary variants for Bushy Belica and Domme Dekker to loot crates
>Bug fix: Muriel can no longer basic attack as it does not fit with her theme of being a defensive focused support

>>Added new skin See Through Serath for 3000 coins.
>>Added legendary variants for Bushy Belica and Domme Dekker to loot crates
Best update

Don't question yourself, question your teamm8's.
That always helps

>Added new skin See Through Serath
my waifu is no whore she wouldn't dress like that

I love this game but I hate it's community.

your waifu is a BPD slut

do we even have a community?

I was referring to leddit and the players I run into while playing. I love /parag/ and my bush bros though.

>your waifu is a BPD slut
shut your whore mouth

i love you too bushbro

>I wasn't myself user I popped my ult that wasn't the real me I only love you
the state of serath cucks

>I wasn't myself user I popped my ult that wasn't the real me I only love you
>the state of serath cucks

>>I wasn't myself user I popped my ult that wasn't the real me I only love you
>the state of serath cucks
>Not realizing Yandere sluts only take out their rage/lust on one person
I didn't expect you to have much waifu experience anyway

you guys need to quit arguing there is only one true pure waifu and everyone knows who that is

The best waifu is Morigesh though

all paragon girls are trash

That's just wrong


heres your (You)

Are you fucking with me, or can you explain why?

reddit is actually turning around a bit phase made them realize what complete retards the devs are. plus i saw a post that btfo out of syphin for being a shitter that actually got upvoted

>"don't chase you guys"
>proceeds to chase every chance they get and dies for it every time
>"sorry, my bad"

My KDA with Kwang at the start of the week was 2.31 after 20 games of being shit. It's now 3.03.
Feels good man.

but whats your win/loss

Just over half. A bad losing streak over several matches took that from me.


Bed time. Keep her bumped: it would be embarrassing to lose another one. Sad, even.

its the fucking yuros man we have enough life in the threads to were if they wouldn't die every other day if the fucking muslims would do their part and just post once or twice from 10am to 4pm

>wait an entire day before playing because i get matched against strafe and chill pill duoing
>decide to play one game before going to sleep
>there's no escape

Her model looks so dopey

How often are new characters added?


Based bush bros

>Getting BLACKED by Phase
Who thought this was a good idea?

Who will play them in the inevitable cinematic version?

what did you just say about my fuckin waifu

What's the fastest you've ever gained 8 fucking elo /parag/?
To be fair, their ape just fed our Revenant twice, disconnected and gave them a tier 2 in 5 minutes.

I forgot to post it with this, was too amp'd up

i had an 11 minute match a few weeks ago but that was because the 4 stack on the other team quit and left their poor dekker alone. i spent the whole match feeding her kills by letting her hit me and then walking into the core

Did you win though?

themselves with the magic of SFM

i made a smurf account that i only play sparrow on what are you guys doing to pass the time

Not smurfing because that detroys the game for lower Elo players. I guess you'd rise fast enough so they wouldn't have to put up with you for long, but still.

but i love my waifu and i just wanted to honor her

Playing anything but paragon right now.
Just waiting until phase fucks off, until then I'm having a stab at the attack on titan skill ceiling.

yuros plz

No worries, i'm here now.


wukong is fun

>get Crimson Inquisitor Gideon skin in Vault
I never play Gideon, maybe have 5 games total, and yet the game keeps giving me his skins. The game KNOWS I don't play Gideon, because that's the stupid bullshit they track, yet they keep giving me his damn skins.

Post goofy deck names.

Gadget: Erectin an ASS

i have every single twinblast skin and 4 of his color variations and ive played less than 15 matches as him

>Pick up Narbash and find out he's fun and I play him pretty well
>Unlock his mastery

countess #1

Suck my Kwang