Well blow me down

Well blow me down

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I know abos can run on vapours along


who writes this shit?

someone give me a tl;dr?

Car manufacturers bin jewing you. Your car is actually only burning the small amount of fuel that vaporises in you combustion chamber before ignition and wasting the 98% that remains liquid.

>bullshit spewed by autistic tin foil hats

t. cocksucker

fucking natives

usually theres two 'b's in it though, like "abbo"

>go for a loan of 5k to purchase new teepee
>end up paying over 40 thousand dollars over the course of 7 years
yeeeahhh that's gonna be a no from me senpai

thats interesting I might go ahead and actually give it a go on my lawnmower one day

this ndn grill is hawt

Why use all their complicated vapor methods? Wouldn't an ultrasonic fogger like the ones sold in commercial humidifiers work just fine?


Running your car lean creates worse pollution than a normal or rich running engine. You'll have to pull all your emission equipment off or buy an old carbbed car and mod it. Enjoy your 30 second 0-60 times.

dont see why that wouldnt work

okay mr expert


Read about it yourself. You can even make your own. Also know running on fumes is an extra fire hazard since gas isn't flammable in liquid form, but in vapor form it'll be a risk from tank to engine.

That woman is Jewish, isn't she.

Yes, we all know that a car can run in a lean condition.
Good one.
Except you will fail emissions and you will fucking melt your pistons if you're not careful.

What is conservation of energy? You're just burning less gas. Consequently you'll make less power. Don't you think that if a manufacturer could make a 100mpg gasoline car they would? They would literally own the compact car market all to themselves and gain more than secret kickbacks from oil companies would ever pay them.

theres a section in op's link that explains flashback arrestors

>implying the pistons will melt before the headgaskets and the exhaust manifold

bro this gets explained multiple times in the article baka

baka gets turned into baka????

s.m.h. gets turned into baka wew

OR atomise the fuel when it is injected (be it directly or in a carburettor) so that it quickly evaporates. Hey, wait a minute....

>not using the better dorito with fumes
