REMEMBER edition
/lolg/ - League of Legends General
Xth for whos the best Bloodmoon champ?
why is yorick so bad in diamond
t. low elo mouthbreather
He can't team fight for shit. Same problem all juggernauts have
Post these and rate others
xth for Syndra
pick my name change, lolg
xth for breast metal waifu
>Yorick op
Yes good
you can bully him so he cant easily set up minions, his ult has an extremely long cooldown and is easy to play around
Post brown lego legends.
maracca parrot
why would anyone ever pay talon instead of zed?
>more rewarding
>better scalling
>better at teamfights
>actually fun
xxxxRivenxxxx is open
Must do if dubs
because his mark is so fucking bad and slow and easily dodgeable, his wall is too short ranged and most champions can jump over it easily, his ult just runs it down and his sustain's a bit on the weaker side.
Zed was banned or they were top or jg
>outdamage Brand and Vayne
>130 cs in a 41 minute game from a mid laner
Ai caramba
Doran x2
hardcore parkour m8
not everyone wants to be generic ninja gook #437
six eyed cutie
>back to back 50's
That's close enough, do it loser
>can't team fight for shit
Everyone else is cancer
link pls
I want to look EXACTLY like Diana!
Reminder Karthus is for Kayle
Excellent fucking taste my man
Although blond qt elf sej best sej
Got news for you pal, damage to champions means shit.
Check how much damage you do total which includes damage to structures, objectives, creeps, champions, ect.
If it's anything below 250k you're garbage
>doesn't read the OP
You playing a different game than me, because I'm playing the league of peel and Dunks has no engage
Higher than Brand and Zac, less than GP and Vayne.
>Sion's title is The Undead Juggernaut
>he's not classified as a juggernaut
Still rustles my jimmies
*notices bulge*
oh shit i'm sorry
Holy fuck, can I just get out of silver already? I mean, I know there are many retards I should expect to see along the way, but I'm literally to the point where I get flamed for building Ravenous on Trynd and full ap Rumble (because apparently, Rumble is a tank in the silver meta).
>No Mosquito champion
>No Madotsuki champion
Why does Riot hate us so much
should be classified as the shittiest top laner desu senpai
>Ravenous on Trynd
serves you right retard
S-sorry for what?
> Plays support
> Doesn't support
> Loses game
Not really a surprise honestly
I want to be femdom'd by a girl (female) that looks eactly like Diana.
So can I change the path I take in chaos vs order? I went chaos for SS Vayne but I only have the riven skin and don't like yasuo
Sorry for what?
>ravenous on tryndamere
>full AP rumble
No you belong there
>needing engage
When do missions reset?
silver is harder than people think. Many challenger players say that silver was the hardest division for them to get out of on their smurfs, that they got stuck for awhile! A silver babby like you has no chance.
>get face
>realize brand is 0/5 with no farm
>realize gp hasnt ulted or top once
>realize vayne just walks into velkoz and dies ad nauseum
Full damage was the only way to go from there desu fampai
>one of the two carries on our team gets caught
>say we can hold vs them regardless
>they're melee and the minions are fairly behind
>our top goes in 1v5
>now we have to engage with him
>we lose 4v5 because he's a dumb fuck top laner
>shits on top laners
>not a part of the bronzodia
>faster full to zero combo
>more mobility
>less punishment on your mistakes
I can do without being a wannabe faker thank you
comfy bfs~
kayle is cancer but cool skin. rest are decent
mfw mobile
Resets daily. Whichever you use first for the day, you're stuck with that day
> Get sona ulted
> Get polymorphed
> Your target gets karma zoom zoomed
> You get charmed
> You get chain knocked up
Etc etc
There's too much hard CC right now for dunks to get away with doing his thing reliably
>supercancer top main
Vi is cool, Olaf too
you should be gased
best ship btw :>
>playing edgy faggot assassin of zero mechanics instead of brutal shadow ninja
>Many challenger players say that silver was the hardest division for them to get out of on their smurfs
I've watched a few diamonds and such smurf in silver and that's the elo where they lose the most games because they simply can't out carry 4 fed as fuck members
>3/7 Complete 7 missions
>no missions
>supercancer top main
I wonder why kennen isn't there.
post reasons to live
I got the super Kennen skin from a chest so I'm thinking about adding him to my lineup
Reminder that you have a penis, and are a man. No amount of stockings will change that.
Banning Yasuo and Riven
Cumming inside qt girls.
>learn to dodge
>buy dmp
>bait out bullshit
>memorize e range
>pull someone
>kill them
its not that hard.
>Cumming inside qt girls.
Why limit yourself there?
Why would you do this?
Not like it matters anyway, since I can get dicked just fine while wearing cute stockings. :3
>being a faggot
That's a reason to kys.
>He thinks girls can't have penises.
It must suck being you.
Diana is comfy to play in jungle. I wish she would get buffed though.
Just got support filled. Is Soraka still freelo?
>summer rolls in
>the edgy kids fill the thread
like pottery
I don't usually watch EU but Deficio is great
>if you're not a degenerate like me then you're edgy
what a faglord
How do I become a BEST?
Cuddling and 2x4s, and also rain.
Depends on rank and comp. Gold+ an enemy draven with executioners will literally make you useless for the entire game.
>buffing a no skill point and click to insta gib assassin
great idea user. what this game really needs is more champions like fizz
I'm Akalifag so I know your suffering
I play darius in d5 all the time with no problem
who is griffith?
>tfw you're a shitter but can't improve because you're surrounded by other shitters
I swear I'm just learning more bad habits.
First you have to stop posting worst girl.
>edgy kid posts disgusting cow in a sad attempt of damage control
Like poetry, I bet you'll get triggered by the fagposting later, enjoy your stay on /lolg/ newfriend!
Do you know where you are?
no if youre an outspoken anti-sjw polcuck youre an edgy faggot
just ignore them like everyone else you 12 year old, you dont see gays shit talking thicc posts or anything like that?
get that stick out of your ass and let everyone post what they want or go back to tumblr you fucking pussy
Berserk antagonist. Did several things morally wrong for power.
>who is griffith?
Just some TRAITOR. Lol has plenty of them.
Draven or Lucian?
Swallow ur pride and ask someone better than you whats up
Usually theyll teach you micro/macro game thats basic to them, but will change ur game forever
Bandit cutie
draven if u're gud
>let faggots be faggots
But there's a site for that. It's called tumblr.
H-hello to you too friend~
Redpill me on Ekko
hard 2 kill
i don't have any but i'm probably not gonna kill myself either
He's okay.