Some dumb cunt was tailgating me even though there were cars in front of me. Then when she passed me she purposefully swerved into me. I was able to avoid her by slamming on the brakes and pulling onto the shoulder. I got her plates and I'd go to the police but they won't do jack shit unless there was video proof. How do I get back at this cunt Veeky Forums? I'm seething.
Some dumb cunt was tailgating me even though there were cars in front of me...
Why am I banned?
You should have just followed her for a long ass time
I did for several miles but she eventually swerved onto an off ramp and I couldn't follow her because of traffic
Don't. Be the better person and just come to peace with that fact that some drivers do retarded shit.
Track her plates to where she lives then coat her car in paint stripper
Post the plate info pls
Fuck that. Bitch almost crashed into my car. She deserves to die
>being mad for longer than 1 minute when people do dumb stuff
you'll be dead by your late 40s
What for? What can I do to get
Kys nigger
Spray her car with acetone
I live in Vegas and people will intentionally speed up to keep you from getting over the next lane. All the fucking time.
Shit sucks, bro. Sorry.
literally who fuckin cares lmao
I do you fucking cuck. Have fun when stacy crashes into you with her fuckhuge suv
boo hoo someone was mean to me
>rages over mundane shit
>calls me a cuck
made me wonder
Thank you insurance
>Not following and then popping some rounds from your CC in the air to scare her shitless
I was riding with a buddy of mine who did this when a truck cut us off. Buddy then proceeds to fire twice in the air. The Truck hauls ass away from us. Shit's hilarious.
Get a dashcam then?
I'll gonna choke your bitch ass when I see you Latiffa
>being this mad
They're great.
>what for?
Holy fuck you're a huge faggot. Why not just fucking post it? I'm not even the user that asked you to but what are you even afraid of? idk why this rustled my jimmies so badly, but it did