/agdg/ - Atlantic Game Defense General

Vulkan edition

> Next Demo Day 15

> Play Monster Jam

> Play Demo Day 14

> Helpful links
Website: tools.aggydaggy.com
New Threads: Archive: boards.fireden.net/vg/search/subject/agdg
AGDG Logo: pastebin.com/iafqz627

Previous Thread: Previous Demo Days: pastebin.com/JqsQerui
Previous Jams: pastebin.com/jAByvH3V

> Engines
Construct 2: scirra.com/construct2
GameMaker: yoyogames.com/gamemaker
Godot: godotengine.org
LÖVE: love2d.org
UE4: unrealengine.com
Unity: unity3d.com

> Models/art/textures/sprites

> Free audio

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redpill me on Rust

Vulkan is a rabbit? But I thought it was a hamster?

godot is the only way to make a 2d game

>pooping all over that dev who's been making the ghost possession game for like a year

it eats through any unprotected iron or steel like a plague, and it's in your blood right now
we need to put a stop to it

you were in my dream bb

I think ekto has been at it for longer

Actually, the purple goo guy ha sbeen working on his for a lot longer, and it still looks like shit.

>tfw Godot devs, Nintendo, Gooman and Whimpdev are all making the same game


saying it "looks like shit" is too much honestly
assets are pretty damn good but what is lacking is polish, it just doesn't look well assembled and the juice/feel is off (square particles after the toilet chomp are the biggest offender)

I think the assets look pretty bad alone, but it really looks shit when you put it all together and give it (janky) motion.

To stop the plague we must make a sacrifice to the galvanic gods. We must offer a sacrificial anode

hey guys I love you


kirby, ghost trick, and odyssey are not the same things at all

Don't you ever fucking respond to me again.

haha im gonna make a game where you control things and you can change which thing you control
oh no nintendo made my game now my life is ruined

is it a good idea to pay for an engine-specific online game dev course

>a good idea to pay for an online game dev course


desu if you can't figure out how your engine works on your own (with the docs plus some free tutorials and examples), you won't be able to figure out how to get past the ACTUAL HARD PROBLEMS you'll need to solve to complete a game



this is a pleasant image

Posting first ever progress. This is the product of fucking around with the particle system in Unity for a few hours. Not quite sure where I'm going with it yet.

>unity for 2d

That's nice. Thank you. I need all the love I could get, since it seems I can not love myself not even a little bit.

I've got GMS as well, coming from a programming background I fucking hate the way everything works though. Maybe I just need to poke some more.

Those are some nice particles, user-kun.

I havent used love2d in a long time but it's nice to see it's still being developed. would shill/10

we're all going to make it

I remember this game.
I'm still mad at the mixels.

what the fuck is this shit? respect the pixels fucker

this is a nice thread

pic related is me reading this thread

I was mad at it too thats why I dropped love2d

the level generation was pretty cool though

What's a mixel, friend?


I'm a sick fuck and I don't care about your mixels. I'm just amazed how cool it looks even with the minimalist GB style.

And this is me.

Pixels that don't respect the "pixel grid", note how the guys and coins in the gif are slightly misaligned with the ground, that would be impossible in a truly lowres game.

vulkan vs godot?

Vulkan's name is bad ass

>a graphics API vs a complete engine


fireball is better

Thanks friend.



I didn't know /d/ was THAT depraved

We live in a sick world, user.

Which makes me ask: handholding jam when?

Python vs Primitive Technology?

I need to make a variable in Unreal that can hold any struct.
Is this possible? Can structs be cast?

Google isn't very helpful on this subject.

you put primitive technology twice

>its a dude

fuck off

coded smooth tiles and added new grass and walls

going to start working on inventory / treasure chests and hopefully finish it by weekend before I go away

also i've really gottta get rid of that green square

Coming along nicely, now for the infinitely harder background

That's not possible, I think. What's the use case?

>Can structs be cast
your approach is wrong

I think a variable of type object would work


so what happens when you need to do a snow zone

I was worried that was it. Guess I'll just have to make objects.

I'm trying to design a save system to be as generic as possible. The data I want to save might vary by actor type but I should ideally be able to put all saved actors in a single data structure, so it would be useful if I could make a generic struct variable to hold a struct containing all data specific to a particular actor.

Is your game a Meow Mix or a Cat Food?

Cats also eat bugs

they recently did a stream on saving and loading maybe you should watch that?

This would only be possible if structs supported inheritance, which they do not in blueprints.

reworking one of the main characters, how is it?

How do I get Game Maker Studio to access files in the exe directory? When I have it use program_directory it gives the address to a temp directory in appdata.

reworking which one to which one exactly?
left has more character but the wink looks weird and boobs are saggy as shit, right is generic and hairstyle is boring

import everything in the project

redpill me on monogame

a shittier clone of the superior xna

redpill me on xna

it's dead

Left is new. This should be better

redpill me on SDL

i didn't work with this so i dunno if it helps but are you launching the exe? (you may be hitting f5 from gamemaker, or something)

in sane-land it usually goes old-new, id just make them sisters, desu

Yeah. When I have it give me the program directory it spits out C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP

Redpill me on redpills

the dye they use is a jewish conspiracy to turn people colorblind.

>she sees your game

no keep the wink, just make it thinner, eyelash looks too thick in first pic, but it the wink fits the pose itself which gives character, an old women trying to throw a sexy pose, without it it feel unnatural


what do you use to draw your art?


Thanks user

Not sure I understand what you mean. Any snow I do, will probably have snowdrifts as a foreground and mountains/drifts as a backgorund. If I actually need that

i just meant whimp is kind of already blended in

Hmm, I do see your point (though I don't think he's very blended here). I'll cross that road when I get to it, but I don't have a strictly snow world planned

I'll code for nothing
I got nothing to do.

what engine do you use?

You have 2 weeks until demo day. Find an artist and make a jam scope game

Wrong. Those are grixels. Mixels mean mixed pixel sizes.


What is my purpose?

in another universe aimless shitposting is fuel.



required watching for platformers

do you have money for nothing? and dollars for free?

>required watching for platformers
GMT is just another common sense turned 50 page exposition.
It offers nothing insightful desu.

Eh, I enjoy watching it. It's not earth shattering, but it's definitely entertaining enough at the very least. Worth 12 minutes, I'd say