Lulu being bullied by Zac edition
Patch 7.12 notes:
Champs stats and info: Champion gg or lolalytics com
Can we start copy and pasting this info in our thread for the newcomers? Thanks.
Lulu being bullied by Zac edition
Patch 7.12 notes:
Champs stats and info: Champion gg or lolalytics com
Can we start copy and pasting this info in our thread for the newcomers? Thanks.
Other urls found in this thread:
If you don't know what you are talking about, then say so or don't give advice.
EUW VeeGee stream, come witness the reason you shouldn't ever play league with autists
How many tokens can u get for free if u do all the missions till the end?
is it more than 180?
im not sure if i should save till 140 or get a fragment for 40 and then save for 140 after that
Buffs when?
don't forgot, lulu is blacked every day by 10 niggers.
>Need to get a chest
>only halway through the year
>already have an S on all the champs Im good at
>dont play with premades because Im an anti social fag
anyone else know this feel
xth for Syndra
Most likely never
They gave her one extra nerf even though almost nobody played her in high elo anymore, and in the meanwhile she was just an above-average pick in other elos
>Hovering Kayle
>enemy first pick blind picks Kayle
>load screen
>Notice Xin and Kayle are duo queue
>Xin camps the shit out of me
>Demacia them both
Fun game
Best hair!
Best guy!
Probably never, thankfully.
shaking my helmet family
you really dislike viable armor items and BC don't you
Angels > Demons
>Frozen Heart is bad here
You really have shit ideas when it comes to itemization
Karma gutting when?
How do you play Jake Long?
Order > Chaos
best girl
do i play to many champions /lolg/?
Don't play Shyv now honestly. Jungle xp comes in way to fucking slow for her to do her thing, and the catch up mechanic means even counter jungling doesn't amount to much. She doesn't even synergize with on hits well anymore because her dragon form E got gutted for no good reason, and you're rarely gonna start a fight by walking up to someone. She still sucks as a pire tank, so if you must build triforce on her and hope for the best, but she's in a terrible spot right now.
But I want my otp to be halfway viable again. Not devourer viable, but end of last season post devourer was fine. This is just suffering.
>he chose hextech annie instead of soulstealer vayne
FH is a pure garbage item and everybody who used to build FH now builds gauntlet even if they don't need a slow in their kit, it shouldn't be news to you
DMP or randuin would have given you more EHP against all those opponents while giving you actually useful stats
Count the frozen hearts here:
more like
>still don't build randuins
>he plays vayne
you can tell that its fake by some of the pixels and stuff
that looks like a solid champion pool
I already have skt vayne
also annie best girl
rly good skin i agree but i'm too afraid to use it
so gimme a quick rundown on this whole chaos vs order thing
how much do I have to pay to get anything at all
So what is the best strategy for token collecting? Just spam the missions from the same order right?
Of course.
Agreed. I like Vayne but she just feels too difficult (for me) to play.
>lock in ss vayne
>compliments from both teams
>people expect me to pull off some Uzi tier plays
>cant even land a condemn on a stunned target
Alright, I'll just keep saving up for Sej and play her then.
Thanks for the advice friend, have this picture of a best girl cosplayer.
please stop posting my boyfriend
dead game
dead thread
thanks riot for the 10 rp!!!
everyone posted their waifus already
there is a 50 post margin before actual discussion starts
I have 0 RP, im too autistic to buy any because I dont want to ruin that 0 counter
> Yasuofags get a Vayne skin
You can't make this up.
go away boodrum
Imagine being below plat.
Rito would probably remove any excess if you asked nicely, desu.
>people keep posting images from ~interesting mangos
>but never with the source
really makes the yeti angry
but he's not? he's perfectly fine now that all the mage supports aren't meta anymore. he does fine into shield supports, and holds his own vs tank supports.
i do agree that his W needs a buff, maybe a higher healing cap but keep the low instant heal so that its still used as a movespeed buff over a burst of health
>implying im a gross nigger
my bf (draven) wouldnt want a guy with darker skin than him!
imagine being below challenger
don't mind me
Does lolg have good taste yet?
> dodge in the morning a troll game with 3 people wanting ADC and picking garbage champions as result, tilting in chat
> 5 minute wait timer
> later this evening decide to play my first game
> get an idiot who wants to play Diana support with horrid winrate and stats
> enemy team has godtier comp with ivern and lulu
> dodge (nobody else did) 30 minute timer
> wait 30 minutes
> get in queue
> See kindred support
> check his profile
> random D5 trash with 0 / 8 win / loss with a 0.62 KDA with Kindred
> dodge yet again
> 30 minute wait timer yet again
> can't even play a game since I'm forced to dodge for retards
Though I admit I rather have that people are retarded in champion select or that I can identify them. This way I can know if I should dodge or stay. It still really sucks to queue up for 2 games and basically get forced to dodge twice in a row due to retards in your team.
The thing with getting from like diamond 4-3 to master is not necesarrily about skill. If you dodge very selectively you can get there while not being entirely up to skill with master players. I know that this is possible since I did it in season 6 using this method.
Lulu is the cutest! THE CUTEST!
nice blog gayboy
what did you post before Lulu existed?
There are people that claim to be high Elo while playing on western servers, can you believe that shit?
If I wasn't where I am, I'd rather be stuck in gold than stuck in plat
Plat is a purgatory
imagine being
that's depressing.
Can you wish to not be, if you do not be?
>get bored
>go on twitch
>sort by rank
>browse the bronze section
>be entertained
>play ranked
>carry and win
>play normals to try new champ
>premades botlane that feed
Matchmaking is weird.
Are champions like Kennen and Gnar REALLY unhealthy for top lane when champions like Jax exist?
just b urself
people may not like it but this is what Evelynn at peak performance looks like.
>Angels > Demons
>Posts an angel who acted the second most demon like character in the game and sided with the first most demon like character because she was powerhungry
Now that the dust has settled, did 10 bans save league?
>play ranked
>get matched D5/D4/P1
>play normals
>get matched with silver 2 bot lane, gold jungler and mid lane
I wanna hold Lulu tightly in my arms and keep her safe and warm!
>yasuo tard begs not to ban him
>cant ban him, because then he afks
>enemy firstpicks him
>71% over 200 games on him
10 bans wasnt enough, delete him plz.
>not banning him anyways
your own fault desu
is there any way to actually beat fiora other than banning her? im at a complete loss. this lane just feels helpless no matter who i play. every single game ive done has just been depending on the jungler noticing shes pushed under tower the entire game. what are you supposed to do against this cancer?
Everybody should have a Bronze account, desu.
>queue a normal
>we get a masters top
>they get a silver mid main trying Camille for the first time
He's getting the Zac treatment soon, don't worry
plat is still better than the diamond 5-3 level. You're just forced to dodge many games and get many games that you just have no impact on because you have an autofilled bob support who lets the enemy botlane pressure all 3 lanes simultaneously. Even non autofilled supports are horrendous players overall, that role seems to attract bad players with 0 mechanics and 0 game knowledge.
How long does this event last? I need to get hextech annie this time.
Climbing with a snowball oriented support is pretty easy as a consequence of that, you know
Alternatively you pick Fiora yourself and become the cancer.
Pantheon and end the game before she scales into a monster. Opgg also says akali and Trynd smash her, but I'm not sure how that works in Trynds favor.
I've seen Jax, Panth and Kayle do well against her but I don't know shit, I jungle or mid.
Both Jax and Kayle should get shit on by the balanced french lady of true%hp damage and Q mashing.
Whoever made the Katarina x lux dom/sub ship with mistress and princess and Katarina tattoo-ed on lux's navel.
God bless you.
Seriously, god bless you. I hope you have a wonderful life user. You deserve a round of applause.
Rule is the bigger the server the harder it is to climb.
EU is much more difficult to get high in since it has more players. Also everyone from challenger / master on EUNE leaks to EUW where they usually play at D3 - master.
Challenger ELO on joke servers like TR, BR, RU or OCE does not mean anything though. Quite annoying when you see ''challenger montage'' on youtube, you watch the video and are like 'wait this is like watching a platinum game' and then you detect they're playing from a joke server.
ive tried darius. fight cancer with cancer. didnt work
tried morde, got curbstomed even harder. not even gnar and teemo would work i jst hate this stupid bitch why does she instantly get a new vital when popping the old one? wouldn't giving her passive a cooldown be all you need to make this bitch not so terrible to lay against?
Lulu's smile is the best antidepressant though
No but if honor cuts down the toxcity and subhuman mentality, naybe.
>can't even see the first item
nice job faggot
chance of TWO GEM STONES
This is like playing fucking slot machines. I'm running low on cash, riot will bankrupt me.
So he's going to be come so ridiculously OP and annoying that even pros will ban him in every game?
>crush lane
>lose game
epic nice
That's the plan I assume. I doubt he's gonna get azir'd in his mini rework anyways
>not crushing lane all the way to the nexus
>not pinging "on the way to" their nexus 3 seconds in the game
>Nunu being a fucking retard makes Jax unhealthy
>10 bans
you mean 6 or 8 bans at most,this dupe ban system is fucking shit
i bet my ass that the mean avarage is 8 bans instead 6 so this whole system is fucking shit
Yep. It's embarrasing when NA think they hold a candle to EUW when EUNE is a larger server.