I like this thread, sadly it was not meant to be.
I made two threads from the last 5 already. Not even upset. Just let the jani delete this thread.
It's not a Kananshitter thread. Let it stay.
Is that all it takes for you?
Other thread went to shit, don't tell anyone I'm here.
Now I'm glad that this thread didn't go to shit.
Piece of shit falseflagging honknigger
posting canon before this thread might go to shit
NicoMaki fags are here to ruin this thread too.
You have to fight the yoshimaru menace
Fuck off falseflagging honknigger
posffcshn end yourself.
You too.
I don't need to fight when i'm not there
Wanna start round 2 poshn?
Not him but it seems like you're the one trying to stir up something here.
>honknigger will have to start reusing images since no one draws enough of his crackshit
This was a peaceful Printemps thread until those NicoMaki people came.
See you in 6 hours.
>posts HonoMaki
>me starting shit
>falseflaggers posted first
>nickmack is the one starting shit
piece of shit falseflaggin honknigger.
Keep posting those off-topic posts guys...
Someone should play Running on the 90's and put flashing colors over this
>rubyfags thinking they're friends with us NicoMakifriends
Ah, I see... another year without honk's birthday.
No one is going to fall for your garbage post, false flagging honknigger.
Yikes. This thread won out after all.
That's enough falseflagging for one day.
They think their flop is with the same league as ours.
What happened to the other thread?
Yoshiko/Ruby Magical Girl Set when?
Hanamaru/Mari Librarian Set when?
Holy shit the other thread went to okay to huge pile of steaming shit
nuking the thread means the image dumpers can dump all their shit again immediately
Honoka-chan will get her birthday thread.
desu lots of nicofags are rubyfags and i wouldn't be surprised if they were nickmackspammers
Honkniggers just want to ruin every thread they possibly can.
fuck off, you already done your shit on the other thread. take a break
Honoka isn't getting a birthday...?
Why won't they? Nicomaki's children are dia and ruby.
Stop blaming honkfriends for everything.
Chika loves her senpai Dia.
Now that's a smart strategy from the yurifags.
We declare WAR on NicoMaki!
It is a sad for glorious leader.
Kill yourself spicsubhuman
honk doesn't deserve a birthday op.
Let's give it a rest, user.
So heard the crackposter got banned. Celebrating with one last image.
piece of shit falseflagging honkfucker.
Why do honkniggers want to ruin every single thread?
Piece of shit ruby pedophiles.
>He STILL hasn't replied
Whats the matter? I thought you loved Hanayo?
fuck off falseflagging honkniggers.
>nickmack backed off
>crackshitting honknigger still butt hurt
>posting nico
Sounds like a falseflag to me
>mfw ruby pedos think they're one of us elites
>butt hurt
>when the nickmack got so buttblasted that started spamming threads
Fuck off falseflagging honknigger
why did mod delete the cute canon thread, now we need to do it all over again!
That's all you've got? There were only 3 images I didn't already have filtered. Pathetic.
Where are my rubyfriends at?
Faito Dayo Honoka! you can get your birthday thread if you try hard enough!
Please don't bully mah boi Chaser.
I don't even care anymore.
Honkniggers should all be violently ripped to shreds.
Sorry breadbug, it has to be done.
Yeah, nico's real cute successor is here