Tfw spending $45/hr for driving lessons so a Chinese guy can text on his phone and slam on the breaks over and over and...

>tfw spending $45/hr for driving lessons so a Chinese guy can text on his phone and slam on the breaks over and over and then make shit up about checking my mirrors more

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>so a Chinese guy can text on his phone and slam on the breaks over and over

What? Does the instructor have a brake pedal? Why?

why wouldnt instructor have a brake pedal?

would you let a 16 yr old, much less a 16 yr old female, drive with no limits?

Get your father to teach you.
Alternatively, your boyfriend.

Yes? Holy fuck I thought that was only a thing in movies. I had no issues driving cars when I was 10... Europe is fucked.

Wtf? So that you don't destroy someone's car and the instructors car? That's kind of the whole point of lessons, so you can get on a real road in a safe environment.

Yeah I'm sure you were driving everywhere at 10

Canada retard.

What the fuck. So the instructor slams on the brakes and the student careens out of control with the brakes locked? Real fucking safe.. They don't do this shit in North America.

I live in Canada and I've never heard of an instructor without brakes in his car unless it was a sketchy Russian guy

Driving on farms and backroads shit.

Ontario? No wonder you fucking idiots are so bad at driving. Stay out of Alberta.

I'm not OP and am not Canadian. Just makes sense to be Canada since there's so many chinks there.

I don't understand why you think having extra brake is unusual. How the fuck else can someone learn to drive?

>paying for driving lessons

To learn how to drive

If 2 pedals and a wheel are too much for you then you shouldn't be on the fucking road.

Yes, you shouldn't be but that's how you learn. You sound extremely retarded if you actually think it's in any way safe or smart to just let brandnew drivers do whatever they want.

>How the fuck else can someone learn to drive?
By listening then applying the theory?

I mean it's not like fucking skydiving or driving a plane, You shouldn't need to have somebody holding your hand. If you don't have a feel for how to operate a car within 3 minutes you're hopeless. I guess this is why I get almost taken out 100 times a day.

Except driving schools in the US do have brake pedals on the passenger side for the instructor to use too?

They don't have this shit in most of Canada and we have some fucking bad drivers. I guess it's why you people can't drive in winter.

Deliberately crash while He's texting then tell the court He was texting. That asshole is putting lives in danger and needs to brought into line.

If he was slamming on the breaks then you were obviously doing something wrong.

Also you should probably check your mirrors more. Always good to know if theres some Asian trophy wife in a Cayenne whos sitting in your blind spot.

He probably shouldnt have been texting though...


>car board
>no one can spell "brakes"

My driving test instructor just took me out on the road and told me all the stuff I wasn't supposed to do while driving and then told me to do it because the traffic was shit. The only hiccup was when he tried to get me to do a K-turn and just had me pull up to 2 cones and told me "do a k-turn".

I just told him, I could to the turn in the car I was in in less steps due to the turning radius, and he just ignored it and said "do a k-turn". I did, more or less, a u-turn and he was just amazed, and said "ok just do that with a few more steps I guess" and passed me.

at least you're not this dumb bitch
>no one taught me how to drive!!!!!
Im so fucking triggered I have to share this video with you. You are not ready for what you're about to see and I'm not exaggerating:

>driving lessons from a Chung chong
Lmaoing@u m8

>american car board
>nobody can spell at all because Americans are retarded