>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
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Real thread
Azura is shit
Tharja A shit and not canon
Why do I have this urge to cum inside Nowi a lot?
We're using this thread
Reminder that the Dawn Brigade banner, the Jugdral banner and Deliverance banner will be before the Magvel banner
Hone /feg/ when?
So, who was best girl?
>Grima and Naga didn't understand Time Travel
>Grima's plan was to have his own clone so neither of them would be virgins
Which one is Awakening's plot? Help me make sense of this.
Who are gonna be on all those banners?
Who cares
I just got a +def -res Lucina, should I keep rolling ? I have 27 orbs left
I love Yumina! (and brother)
>Help me make sense of this.
Of Awakening's plot? 'Tis an exercise in futility and madness.
from what I get, Grima came back in time because he wanted to stop lucina from changing the future
I see the posessed robin being like, an extension of grima, so he could go back in time with Lucina while the dragon body still fucked shit in the future
then again
>caring about awakening's story
just enjoy the music and neat references, man.
I'm trying to make sense of why you think you could make sense of Awakening's plot
What's next, Fates?
Post it.
almost done with my bro. He's +atk -HP, which is unfortunate cuz I want him to be a Panic Ployer support for my team. I will probably put HP Plus on him and disregard Fire Boost for next week's Arena season.
Anyone else bothered that Marth's sprite in Warriors is just Lucina's Awakening sprite? They already have one for him from Fates, so I wonder why they didn't bother using it
>Infernal Siegfried
>Raikiri as the first true 1-2 Rng weapon and not DCshit
Dawn Brigade:
Micaiah, Edward, Leonardo and Nolan
Burger King GHB
Sigurd, Quan, Levin and Deirdre
Arvis GHB
Clive, Mathilda, Forsyth and Python
Berkut and Fernand GHB
>Dawn Brigade
She's so pathetic
But Possessed Robin turned into Big Grima at the end, right?
And he didn't even need the Fire Emblem. He could just do it whenever.
I thought the entire plot was Grima trying to get Past!Grima in Robin to Revive so Future Grima and Past Grima could team up and have Double Grima.
Time Travel is moot because it doesn't work that way, it's DBZ style.
I-I'll figure it out.
post yfw this is his map theme youtube.com
a Leon GHB would be cool actually,
Imagine him having QUALITY VOICED DIALOGUE just like in TLP
Azura a best
What specifically do you like about her?
Meant to
If Maakusu (tl note: gaijins call him xander) used to be like Sakura until he decided to change himself, does that mean if she tries to change herself, she would get fat titties to flaunt around like Cumilla?
Why are you guys so scared to use the thread that was first?
One could hope, but even as is she completely outclasses her 'sister'
TLP's music selection is pretty top notch.
You're god damn right.
pls don't ignore me senpais
Rubbing dick on toes
Faye is only good as a Cleric, correct?
Go back to r/fireemblem
Is it?
Anyway probably because he's Prince Marth from Shadow Dragon and not King Marth from Mistery
Why the FUCK are we using THIS thread?
How would Legion play in warriors?
A Mage is fine, too.
I'm a sucker for her character type, I don't know how to describe it, sort of brash scolding sister type. She was also my go to healer in FE3 (and later FE12), plus her spritework was really pretty, which is a bonus and it helped that I played FE3 in Japanese
Fuck off mentally ill
Why did you put sister in qoutes? Are you trying to make some retarded point?
She does fine in either class. Cleric is seen as her best due to rescue abuse tho
His Y string is normal
His X attacks are him calling other Legions and attacking together
Which of these guys do I bring to Infernal Legion.
No, she'd logically turn out to be more like Marx.
You all remembered to say something nice about Severa today, right? She works very hard!
Kill yourself
>Use Clive to attack Desiax
>No dialogue
>Use Clive to attack Fernand
>No dialogue
>Use Zeke to attack Rudolf
>No dialogue
>Use literally any character to attack Siegfried
Palla, Sharena, Spring Chrom, and Priscillia. Gotta get that type coverage
Severa is shit and should've been aborted.
Are any new units now available at 3*?
Constantly getting Subakis and Eliwoods are ruining the characters for me.
Looks like a boy, has a boy haircut and a voice like a boy. Probably has a dick too
is there a way to keep track of total turns in SoV?
TLP is actually not that bad, dumb plot aside
it's made with love and it feels like a real FE game. I really like it, personally.
the surviving hoshido royal family has 3 boys and 1 girl
Kill yourself
Yeah, on the website and from the videos from E3, Marth's sprite is the Lucina's with short hair. It would make more sense to use the Mystery Marth's sprite over Awakening's since that one's closer to how he looks in the game.
>The Last Reddit
Fuck off
>out of matthews for hone speed
well fug. seemed like i rolled a dozen of them and yet
What did you expect from mentallyillmillacucks
>multiple Bridelia
I'm so jealous, I got stuck with two Lyns.
Every nigger out there is using Reinhardt and Kagero, so you could be a welfare-leech subhuman, or you could actually use Klein to pick off the asshole mages, Palla to 0 tank the Legion horde, and Linde to pick off excess units. If you got a Silver Olivia, use that too for the Hone Attack buffs. I used Robin and Xander personally, so go for them if you got feathers to spare or have them on hand, Robin especially, Blarraven is a great bait for the Moonbow archer.
Autism, and sure enough they delivered.
They are probably going with SD because it was localized
>22 FE1 characters
>7 FE2 characters
>3 FE3 characters
>4 FE4 characters
>2 FE5 characters
>14 FE6 characters
>17 FE7 characters
>2 FE8 characters
>5 FE9 characters
>0 (ZERO) FE10 characters
>4 FE12 characters
>19 FE13 characters
>30 FE14 characters
>1 FE15 character
I dunno, user. Seems fair to me.
post maps that made you angry
Heroes uses RD Snaki
the surviving hoshido royal family has 3 people: sakura ryouma and takumi
Nobody except for you played this game
Better that than mentally ill
>0 (ZERO) FE10 Characters
I can't wait for the FE10 banner which has Mia, Nephenee, Oscar and Kieran.
Also Snack is FE10, coming in before FE9.
Yeah, but she originates in PoR. Heroes uses all the nuEmblem designs for FE2 characters like Jihadi Boey.
>30 FE14 characters
and people still want IS to add the filthy sub-humans to the game
Do we have hope for change user?
Not if I$I$ has anything to say about it
I'm sure like, 4 or 5 more guys here did
one was pretty autistic about wanting others to play it too
Who is the Lucina of Fire Emblem?
What causes the reinforcements to spawn in Legion's map? Sometimes they show up late or not at all.
All I would need to instantly skip a banner is to see that it's a Fates or Awakening banner
Deadly Legend, Kelik
Sanaki is the ONLY Radiant Dawn character in Heroes as of yet. Every single other game has at least two as of the Echoes banners, unless you count Dark Dragon and the Sword of Light, which Wrys is listed as since he didn't appear in Old Mystery. All the other Archaneans until this new banner are technically FE3 characters, they even treat Camus as one since he appeared in Book 1.