Best guy every lol girls dream
Patch 7.12 notes:
Champs stats and info: Champion gg or lolalytics com
Best guy every lol girls dream
Patch 7.12 notes:
Champs stats and info: Champion gg or lolalytics com
everyone below is bronze
How do I get good at this game, I've tried every role and I just fucking suck.
So Vlad is becoming Ahri? Slut.
Best ship
>fucking up the copypasta by one letter
At least you tried
>implying im not high elo (silver 3 and above)
nice bait m8
>Fiora Q is a targeted skill
no its not
please shut up
Fioras only "targeted" skill is her ult but it does no damage on its own. It still requires you take certain actions and has its counterplay
you cant "miss" a panth spearshot
you cant MISS a shield bash
I understand that you might think Fiora is more CANCER than Pantheon but dont lie to yourself and pretend like she has no counterplay and panth does
Why does every thread look the same? Is it because this is an asian-themed website?
>play top
>doesn't ban fiora
Is kindred still trash after the buffs?
What should I play top? I haven't played since 7.2
Le go le back le to le where le you le came le from
I really hate this game
i hope it's ap varus
who doesn't
It was only a matter of time.
>pick a role
>pick a champion (or two)
>play a lot
Then just look at what you could've done differently/better, even if things worked out. Always look to improve.
Also; it should go without saying but avoid blaming your teammates, even if they were at fault. It doesn't matter. Take what you can from each game.
>q in their direction
>it auto targets vitals
>her e is also an auto reset that is also a steroid
basically another targeted ability. I didn't say fiora or panth had 0 counterplay, but they both don't have much. they're both actually very aids.
Vlad is a slut and thank goodness more women can have access to a proper partner.
I want to impregnate Annie.
What's the best part of playing league of legends?
I really love you
she hasn't reached puberty yet, you can't
Probably the most dedicated person to Soraka in lolg without being creepy
>tfw bronze
>tfw you know you suck at this game
>tfw no one role calls to you and neither does one champion (though I've got mastery 7 teemo for some reason)
send help
for most people it's probably laughing at hopeless retards like me
Thats cool, I posted a Looloo though
Also Annie cant be impregnated, you have to let her ripe a couple of years user
>Echo Fox using Nidalee
I know she got a 67% win rate thanks to EnvyUs, but come on.
I'd try though.
Same, except for me it's rank 7 annie. Everyone else is rank 5 because I can't even carry as anyone else. Thinking about just giving up and going full autismo annie main. I really wish I was good at Riven, but I'm not. In fact I blow at any melee champ.
non-random urf when
Have you tried Annie, Pantheon or Swain?
Again; spam games. Even Co-op Vs. AI if you're practicing things properly.
Who's the best? Riven is the best.
Porns. All the League porns.
>nar buffs
In a drunken fit of autism I even picked up Omega Squad for him, but I know he's garbage and it's not fun to get stomped by everyone else with half a brain because my champ is bad and I'm bad.
Yeah sure I can maybe dunk on the retarded rivens and yasuos of top lane but for climbing purposes I can't do shit.
For fun purposes I can't do much either, but I keep playing the game, I don't know why, please kill me and end my suffering.
I tried all three during some free weeks, nothing has made me feel that spark of "this is something I'm really good at doing"
No you don't.
Leona is not that busty
Find you a jungler that looks at you the way Akaadian looks at Froggen.
>full of social interaction-deprived homos
>celebrates avatarfags
>doesn't like shindol
>keeps recommending luden's over rylai's on azir
just when i thought this place couldn't be any more disappointing
>I want to impregnate Annie.
>I'd try though.
Best girl.
Best hands.
Best wife.
was the person who drew these comics from vg? theres several lulufag references
>Not wanting Leona busty
You tried Nunu? I came back from a long break and most of my old champions had changed a lot, I didn't know how to top lane anymore. But since I picked up the Yeti things have just been good and I don't think anything I do is particularly difficult (maybe there's some jungle knowledge needed but it applies to everyone).
at least Vlad has mobility
The waifus and the porn really. Actually playing the game is the worst part.
I never understood why Lulufags keep posting this image when Lulu is clearly looking at him (You) with disdain and pity. That is the face of someone who is about to say no.
Yeah gonna have to go with Jinx too.
>implying all lol girls want spindly ladyboys
No one who can't beat Sejuani in arm-wrestling is getting any of this.
>wanting to change a perfectly beautiful woman in any way
You must be a joy to hang around with.
How come this is hands down the best skin in the entire game and people would rather use other Lux skins? I mean fuck I think you see Spellthief more than this shit.
>0/3/0 as illaoi vs malphite, kha and orianna camping
>pick up the pace and turn it 13/3/5
>we're doing fucking nice
>we get dragon and baron
>find xayah afk pushing top instead of closing out the game
>fiddle goes afk
>xayah just blames it on lag
This game isn't really worth my time anymore. This is way too fucking retarded for my eyes to even see.
Im not spending 32 United States dollars on one skin on a MOBA.
It's expensive.
I use it.
Nunu is just kind of... meh to me, he's not someone I hate playing like I do with some other champions (mostly assassins), but he didn't click with me
Stop loving the poorfag.
There's literally nothing wrong with being attracted to a fictional underage girl.
its literally the same guy that has been posting it for like 5 years
i didn't know you take cdr boots on viktor
is this meta?
>There's literally nothing wrong with being attracted to a fictional underage girl.
it's meta if you want cdr
otherwise sorc boots are meta
think for yourself
There's two that always reply to each other including that guy. Not that it really makes a difference, they both should die.
Champs that you forget about sometimes
I just hit gold
Should I start playing Draven?
i never play adc in ranked
late xth for breast metal waifu
Earlier today someone here said that Rioters have said that the new Pentakill album will come out soon. I've looked around, but I can't find a source anywhere; does anyone have a source on this?
The only way for Leona to be perfect is for her to be more hot and attractive.
play mf you bonobo
I love Lissandra!
>No one who can't beat Sejuani in arm-wrestling is getting any of this.
>Implying anyone with a brain wants Sejuani
that's wrong though
xth for katarina
best girl
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
Is that you ImCuck?
If so, welcome back :)
This fucking guy right here, I keep forgetting he even exists because literally no one plays him
>Team feeds yasuo
>They ego is so huge because of it
I really fucking wanted to kill him to shut him up but he was too far ahead
What should I do next time
Shhhh she's asleep
why is edgy noxian + qt blonde so perfect?
even the Kayle X Karthus meme is kinda cute
>Camille, Diana, and Fiora will never humiliate you for your small penis size
I never see anybody play Camille anymore, so for a while I forgot that she existed
It's not him. He would have bitten on my bait from earlier.
I'm not 35 tho
Ezreal, though to be fair he would have been useless even with his ult
I hate assassins too (although I enjoy this blood moon mode a lot for whatever reason). IDK man, don't worry about it too much, you'll find your waifu. Find what part of the game you enjoy more/are better at and with some many champions something must be able to exploit it.
i don't even remember the last time i played against a rumble
Who is Lucian
It just is man. It just is.
Miss Fortune (this actually happens frequently in bronze/silver)
we will also accept that answer
Fiddlesticks. I saw him the other day and it's like his ultimate tickled. What's even the point?
> slow as fuck clears
> weak to early invades
> fucked without blue
> shitty ganks in league of dashes
The only thing he has going for him is CC. I mean, he can be healthy in the jungle, but so can almost anyone else.
What champions actually feel good to play, like, nothing in the game makes me feel excited anymore, I want something satisfying to use, I guess.
Anyone with an ult that can hit minions?
Best guy!
Plat soon (I hope haha...)!