This general is for discussing old or upcoming RPG Multiplayer/MMO that can't sustain in their own general/forum/reddit. If you are on one of these niche/forgotten games, looking for a friend, guild, or just want to know the state of the game, discuss here. These games include Everquest/P1999/2, Project Gorgon, Darkfall, any crowdfunding mmo, emulated mmo, etc.
/GORPM/ - General of Online Role Playing Multiplayer
One more bump and I will let this die.
>playing project Gorgon
>get carried through the crypt by a high level archer farming bosses
>turn into a spider without having enough money to turn back
FUCK. I didn't think this would be so bad. I miss the AoE from fire magic. What's a good damage skill line I can run while being a beast? Currently using Mentalism for my secondary which is great for healing and supporting myself/others.
Should I just suck it up and level up Spider?
What preventing you from starting all over or trying to revert back to your normal self?
Anyone playing darkfall?
Which one? There plenty version of that.
tfw 4chanfags only play weebshit
I want to play a proper old school mmorpg but the ones we have now are all shit and the rest are still too early in development to jump in.
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I kinda wanna play on rise of agon. Played beta a bit
uh? isnt this just someone trying to make a new /mmog/? why GORPM
Beause the old name attracts the botspam. Haven't you seen the past threads try and fail?
I feel like there's better ways to name the fucking general though
/gorpm/ looks disgusting?
Also why can't i get very into Black Desert? Game seems so antisocial, maybe cause im not in a guild?
I think so too but you have to ask the guy who made the general.
As for BDO, it's because it's a single player game until you hit endgame. Welcome to modern mmorpgs.
yay.. but good to know haha
And the worker system is funko
Agreed. This has to be the weirdest general name I've seen.
Anybody playing EQ2 here? The game is not dead right?
Didn't the last max level give away brought in more players?
I'm playing on the EU server, after the newest expansion hit there were lots of people running around, but now the main cities are practically empty, even at peak times. There are still groups and raids going on, but it's not as lively as it used to be and almost all my guildmates stopped playing or log in only to do dailies.