MP is king, Vector is fast trash edition.
Best guns in the game (according to PCgamer)
For those who can't remember how how the plane flew:
Official stats for all the guns/gear
Zharki is best drop location fuck you.
MP is king, Vector is fast trash edition.
Best guns in the game (according to PCgamer)
For those who can't remember how how the plane flew:
Official stats for all the guns/gear
Zharki is best drop location fuck you.
Other urls found in this thread:
Post fav gear set up, that you never actually get to use cause it's too ideal
M416 - 2X/4X/8X (switch between the 3 depending on situation), Compensater (instead of suppressor), Vert grip, Tactical Stock, and Ext.QD
UMP- Full decked out, with red dot instead of any magnified optic.
I never use a sniper, cause I'm not great at leading shots, so I just use whatever AR as a sniper, if I have a 4x or 8x.
Any 7.62 gun for long range
SCAR/M4, UMP or S686 secondary
Ur moms snatch
OP just gets worse every time doesn't it
uwot m8
Jump punches to the head in this game are fucking random, I hit someone in the head twice and see the recoil and then get hit once in return and die instantly
>no friends to play with
was no general so copied archive and made a new one with only pubg related photo i had s-sorry
I love how RU players queue into NA because they need enemy players to look like they're standing still on their laggy ass third world monitors for easy kills.
Why the fuck would you have such a low, shit tick rate, and allow people to queue up into other regions?
lmao did you just get rekt by someone and they shit talked your dead body in russian
no need to be mad blyat
>Lmao did you get rekt
>Someone takes a shot, take no damage
>Go around cover, at an angle avoiding their aim
>Sure enough it's some RU streamer
>Watch as he shoots three times on me standing completely in the open without moving
Yeah, rekt. More like pinged by some third world shithole that can't even get good and queue into his own continent.
Why are there people who insist that this game is skill-based and not luck-based?
>intentionally jump waaay far away from the plane's flight path
>barely make it to where I'm aiming
>inexplicably 10 other people there with me
>all I find is a helmet
>someone else gets a gun first and kills me immediately
Not to mention the amazing lag that only seems to crop up when other players are around at any point in the game. Are people being serious saying it's all about skill or am I getting memed?
definitely there's luck involved but my last two games i had no weapon for 15 first minutes. it's about your movement and awareness.
I would have been so mad
i play with russians on EU and it doesnt happen at all
i live in NA
Experience is a huge part of this game. Knowing when and where to drop is very important and you really only learn that by playing the game and finding spots that you are comfortable with.
Further more knowing what buildings are gonna give you the best chance at getting armed and ready without getting blown away immediately is extremely important.
While you may get a great gun out of a warehouse, the building itself only has a few spawn points, so it turns into a race between you and the other(s), whoever gets the gun first is based on speed and mostly luck.
If you drop on a smaller two story building, you may not get the best gun off the bat, but you are in a far more defensible position, and you can hear anyone approaching. You still may end up empty handed no matter what building you drop on, but you will have a better chance by playing smart.
>Is cancer that queues into other countries to gain a ping advantage because he can't get good
You're literally no different.
>drop hotspots with friends
>they always die
>drop road and drive to safe place
>they cant figure out where we are being shot from even though i tell them distance and direction and die running around like headless chickens
Pubg with friends is suffering
how to figure out where i'm being shot from? sometimes i get hit while traversing the landscape and i'll hide behind a tree and fuck me if i can't figure out which direction the mother fucker is hitting me from
buy $300 headphones
thats it
PUBG is pay2win, since you need a:
High end computer
High end accessories(KB & Headphones)
High end internet connection
first person only when
>Another unreal engine game that runs like dogshit
>Stun grenade someone right at their feet
>One second later they pop out and shoot you, perfectly tracking you
Smoke is literally better than stun grenades. Prove me wrong.
The stun grenade has to be seen by the player's field of vision. My friend loves tossing stuns at us all the time while we're looting or running to another spot. If the grenade lands at my feet, even in front of my feet, I won't get blinded at all.
>literally have to abort loooting early so i can get drivers seat, otherwise its a guaranteed flip in the middle of bumfuck nowhere
>Stun grenade has to be seen by the player's field of vision
Which is why they're fucking useless.
For a game as popular as this, I'm curious as to why the general never really moves all the fast, and rarely gets above 300 posts. Is there a discord server that everyone is using? In any case just had an amusing ending to a game. The 2nd place guy killed at least 7 people that tried to run into that building at some point or other near the end of the game. I know it was him because he had an LMG, and it was loud as fuck whenever he mowed someone down lol.
No waifus.
Nonsense I have a super cute ponytailed waifu.
Wondering the same. Threads are slow which is a shame when im bored at work
>For a game as popular as this, I'm curious as to why the general never really moves all the fast, and rarely gets above 300 posts.
Because they're all playing
>Why are there people who insist that this game is skill-based and not luck-based?
Do you understand how games with major chance elements still, long term, result in the better player winning more?
Yeah but the lobby takes so fucking long to start a match that everyone should have ample time to shitpost between games
I'm sure he does, shit players just like to blame anything except themselves when they die.
>alt-tabbing out of a game with this many performance issues
I run borderless windowed, so alt tabbing doesn't affect me.
1. Generals fly when a game has waifus, but the generals are filled with waifu trash.
2. Generals move when a game has lots of strategic or tactical depth, because autists get into dick swinging contests about optimal strategy. There is a surprising amount of consensus about what works and what doesn't in this game.
3. Most people's games follow the same general path which makes them forgettable and not worthy of posting.
4. The visuals in the game aren't really fun for developing memes. 90% of non-text posts are either chicken dinner shots which are boring, or unfunny webms in which people show off their kills, which aren't that interesting.
Does anyone know of a singleplayer battle royale type game where you do the usual but against bots?
kek. You can do just fine with a pair of $10 earbuds . Just stop using speakers and play more. You'll get used to it eventually. Keep in mind whizzes and cracks are heard in a linear path that's perpendicular to where the shot was fired from, and that you'll often hear those before you hear the actual gunshot (if you hear one). Seriously though, you'll get used to it eventually.
Also you hear shit according to where you're looking, not the direction your character's torso is facing, so if you're alt looking, that'll make it a little tougher to tell where shits coming from.
>open loot crate
>get M249 and 15x scope
>end up winning round
Meanwhile all I get is kars and vss.
The M249 works pretty well with scopes, honestly. It does fantastic damage at range. Granted I generally find the x15 to be scoped in too far to be useful in most encounters.
Can you group up with friends while being offline on Steam? I want to play with some internet friends without my two__ real friends chimping out on me
You can search in-game usernames and invite through that. Your steam doesn't even need to be online. However, people who open the game can still see you're playing in the friends list
>1st game
>good loot, good circle
>network lag detected into crash
>2nd game
>shoot guy with level 1 armor twice in the chest with pump shotgun + choke
>instead of dying he kills me behind wall with UMP
already done for today
Just block them on steam temporarily. You'll appear offline to anyone you've blocked.
I understand that yeah, I'm talking about people who try to say luck isn't a major factor in the game at all. Better players will still have a higher win% but in any given game, whether you win or not can be swayed by lots of things outside your control and to be in denial of that in PUBG of all games is insane. Especially considering the luck-based aspect is one of the reasons the game is actually fun.
>playing any game full screen ever
how do you get through life?
pump action is a fucking joke, you can hit a guy point blank in the chest or head WITHOUT ARMOR and he doesn't die
never use it if you have other guns
what the fuck was that?
Welcome to 3p aim. That's basically the max range it's even remotely worth using at, and even then it's an rng crapshoot at that distance. Time to get used to actually ADSing.
i used ADS all the time at a disadvantage to players who just sprayed
there's no way it's that bad at that distance
Pay attention to the edge of your reticule, that's the variation your bullets have. It's smaller if you're not moving at the time, or if you're crouched and zoomed in.
It's pretty unreliable at that distance. Like I said, that's the maximum that I'd even consider using it at, but even then ADSing would be better there. The recoil in this game is pretty easy to get used to. Also what the other user said about shooting while moving.
>pump action is a fucking joke
This, worst gun in the game. The double barrel is the only shotgun worth using.
they did a silent nerf on it on every rifle except the m16 for whatever reason
Is the S12k not worth using for any particular reason? I feel like I have better success with it in close range than I do with the double barrel.
> Pump action worst gun in the game
That's a funny way of saying the revolver. For sure though, it's the worst primary. I can't even count the crossbow as a weapon though, also it's not a gun.
S12 is good, but the aim goes wild after 2 shots
if you just double tap enemies you can run into rooms headfirst
revolver is not really a pistol, it's more like a one-handed sniper rifle
>redditors STILL don't know ho to play a TPS
The only good memory I have of the revolver was some guy killing somebody else in the forum or the theater or whatever in the school, then lining up a headshot since he let his guard down to loot. I might start taking it with that mentality in mind if I ever have another 7.62 weapon. Almost never since I hate the AK and I'm bad at long range shots.
The Double Barrel fires faster than the S12K and has potential for more damage due to tighter spread for a choke, especially at longer ranges. The only advantage the S12K has is obviously the larger mag size, but if you still need to fire shots after the first two you're probably already dead anyway. I guess it has niche use in holding an x8 scope when your bag is full.
Revolver also has niche use with oneshot headshots against no helm. It's pretty good at the very start of a game if your aim isn't shit. You didn't count the Crossbow, but it's also better than you're giving it credit for. It oneshots to the chest with no armour and is the only weapon along with the AWM that will oneshot a level 3 helm. It's pretty good as a close-range stealth weapon, just don't try to win firefights with it.
works for me
>talking about some guy who's using an AR in a head-to-head fight
>posts 3p shotty
Not the most comparable of situations. Besides, it's a TPS with ADSing. Why would you not ADS in situations that favor it if you can aim well?
>not comparable
>both unaware of enemy presence
>both around a corner
It's the same situation but I followed the muzzle instead of the crosshair and landed every pellet of the shotgun. The only reason it wasn't a head to head fight was because I killed him before he had a chance to fire back.
Except 3p is generally better for a shotgun than a rifle, and you had a wall to work around rather than rocks. It's much easier to tell from third person when your shots will clear a wall than some rocks. I'm not saying you did anything wrong in the webm; I would have done the same exact thing. But it would have been 5x easier for the other user to get the kill if he just ADS'd and full auto'd the guy's chest.
>get killed by teleporting man.jpg
muh early access
>Revolver also has niche use with oneshot headshots against no helm.
So does the 1911. The p92 doesn't, but a headshot eats such a large chunk that you should be able to follow up quick enough to follow up with a body shot and end him.
Although overall I think you're making a good point. It can be useful, just not in a direct fight. I might start carrying one when I find it because pistol silencers are comparatively easy to find and the revolver is compatible because of its gas seal system. It still eats a huge chunk of health against helmeted enemies. Enough to kill them if they've been wounded earlier in the match and haven't fully patched themselves up. I might situationally see myself using it if I have a clean line on an unaware opponent, have a pistol silencer, and don't want to reveal my position with my louder weapons. It's not like pistols in general are useful in the later game. At least the revolver potentially has that one niche.
>So does the 1911.
Nah, the m1911 will come just shy of a kill. 35 x 2.5 = 87.5.
What sensitivity settings do you use?
400 dpi, 50 sens w/ 45 for 4x and higher magnifications. As a rule of thumb I make it so that I have to lift my hand/mouse a bit to spin 180 degrees and return to the center of the pad so that I can use my wrist for precise aiming.
is this game worth it if I have no one to play with?
>3 people are left
>Me and a guy have an 2 minute brawl as we try to get into the circle
>I end up winning it
>Last guy picks me off with his M4 from buttfuck all away and wins the match
If you do this please kill yourself
>motion blur
Kar or SKS?
Kar98, but they're not really similar enough to be comparable. They have different roles - the Kar acts as a proper sniper that lets you go for precise, oneshot headshots (most of the time, anyway. fuck level 3 helms) while the SKS is effectively a battle rifle. You can treat it as a slightly more powerful AR stuck on semi-auto, though a lot of people prefer ARs anyway for higher RoF, less recoil and the flexibility to swap to auto.
The real question is AK or SKS, and the answer is AK.
Well how would you ranked Assault rifle in this game?
Entirely personal preference, I think. Opinions seem to be highly mixed on the matter, and my own have done a complete 180 since I first started playing the game.
That said, Scar > M16 > AK > M416 personally. The Scar is just insanely versatile, good at every range, never lets me down. The M16 is godly at long range, especially with x4 or x8. The AK has shit recoil and firerate but makes up for it with damage alone and the M4 is still good by virtue of being an AR but doesn't do anything special.
>not both
just wonder but have anyone ever die from Red Zone artillery?
this shit is so weak I dont think it ever hit me when I just walk around in it
they need to buff the shell AoE range or something
same with Frag grenades
94 hours played and I've died once to the Red Zone. I was driving through it and it blew up my vehicle.
>Die with full level 3 in 3 hits to an M16, no headshots
>Anytime I hit anyone with that shitfest it's 4+ shots for level 1 and 2 shit
What's the consistency in this game?
I'm yet to even get hit by it, it's a fucking joke. I'd prefer they just remove it though, it's a shit mechanic. It'd just be annoying as fuck if they increased it's lethality, and unlike care packages it doesn't create any interesting encounters, it'd just push force into the nearest house and shit on whoever didn't get there first.
been killed by it plenty of times, never trust that shit. always try to move out of it or get in a large building, i've been killed through small buildings more than once while being prone in the middle of the room.
What's the difference between the snipers?
They all take 2 hits at level 2, headshots are all 1 hit with level 2
Is the only difference level 3, wherein only probably 5 players have level 3 helmets in the match anyway?
Sway, recoil, mag size, reload speed, bolt speed, sound, other useless shit. M24 damage is noticeably higher than the kar98 though - doesn't make a difference on helms but against body shots it will.
Do i need the Test-server stuff ? I just purchased the game but it wants to download the testserver stuff. is it really important ?
Only if you want to test shit.
>win 90% long/mid range fights
>lose 90% close range encounters
I'll just stay in the fucking open field then
I'm pretty sure the only long range encounters i lose, are ones where I'm forced to move because circlefucked, or if like I have no optics.
I'm the exact opposite.
what the fuck is the strategy to this game?
I've won a few times, but I just seem to dick around and not encounter anything until top 20 and then die the second I encounter someone.