Storytime edition!
Storytime edition!
I want to IMPREGNATE Akali!
>/lolg/ thread
how do fix
Xth for it's okay to be Bronze.
Have you tried exiting the client and re-opening it to try again?
I don't know why, but I think it might just work. Just a hunch though.
Anyone want to play some Aram?
>tfw still no graves bf to murder my bp every night
Lulu is the cutest! THE CUTEST!
Pretty positive I did it five times already
Reminder that SJWs ruined the game's character design for two years.
>Still no Gazelle skin for Camille
Uh... lolbabs?
>Late night /lolg/
Which Champion do you want DEAD?
And I want to be the executioner!
>TFW Echo Fox is going to win the summer split
Reminder that this Xer is currently creating YOUR next champion after chimping out on twitter and creating 4 unbalancable champions in a row.
reminder to play nunu!
Hopefully it's another qt like Taliyah!
Why do people hate. Ekko?
>Squishy as fuck as Tekko or Brekko arent viable anymore
>Conditianaly mobile akin to Ahri
>Ult deals/heals no damage if you go tank
>Ult is extremely goreographed and can be easily avoided
>Mediocre Q and W
>Very weak early game and late game is too weak to make up for it
>Is melee and gets bullied hard
>Bad ratios in normal abilities
see and 's champions
>"Why you ban my yasuo, now I troll"
>He has like 20 games on him
>50% winratio
Nobody hates Ekko, he hasn't been obnoxious since the last iteration of Tank Ekko which was a while ago.
this is not even funny on /tv/ you fucking faggot
Still salty about tank ekko prenerf
Is there a champion more fucking ANNOYING than Soraka? Not a matter of good or bad balance state, just annoying by design.
Sorry for party rockin
All of your fanart doesn't represent the squidward nosed, sandnigger, "stonk indepEDNAT womyn" that she really is user.
>I don't have healthy social skills to start a conversation with a girl
>So you shouldn't be able to talk to girls either and get laid
If you aren't creepy and treating them like a human being, you can talk to any girl and even get a number. People like him live in a delusional world and ruin games for others to push their agenda.
Like, bro, I just want to play a game and not have to tip-toe worring about offending another snowflake.
t. a normal human being
It's Nunu, Shaco, and Ivern's job to be annoying and unfun.
I'd say they do their job very well.
>take 1 second to kill this bitch in teamfights
Normie fuck off
So I can only approach ugly girls in public?
you dont need that edit man
Ekko joins Azir and Yasuo as exactly the kind of bad design Riot was crying about for good reason. Everything about their numbers has to be complete shit or they overpowered everything in their lane at all points in the game. They need COMPLETE reworks.
Azir is otherwise a super safe waveclearing piece of shit with a line of Nidalee spears and LE INSEC
Ekko is otherwise the super "bruiser/tank/carry/etc." with a free SUPER GA that deals damage
And Yasuo still has two ultimates if you include his windwall.
>It's a "muh SJW bogeyman" autist episode
>tfw I only wanted to be like the cool kids on /lolg/
>but I'm not cool enough
If she doesn't finish Warmogs and S-Visage by like 8-12 minutes, you got a point.
Use the repair tool then
If you're implying the SJW outcry hasn't influenced the gaming market and community in the past few years negatively, then that's good for you.
> take 1 second to kill this bitch in teamfights
>health items
remember that this is bork meta
>be at 74° at 2 am
>friend complains about the heat since I don't have AC
>he takes off his shirt to try and deal with it
>my fucking face when
>literally on the verge of drooling, being slightly drunk doesn't help at all
>try my hardest to focus on new Better Call Saul episode to don't reveal how fucking thirsty I am
>he leaves me drunk and flustered
Well, I guess I'm a fucking full blown faggot now, no backpedaling now, great.
What can I play on Blood Moon mememode besides AP Panth to distract myself and have some fun?
literally anthony burch
Is this fanart? There's no way an actually Riot picture with a nose like that could get through production.
If you seriously think shit like is ok for a person posting through their company twitter account then somethings wrong with you.
Nice bait btw, I just had to take it
>Is there a champion more fucking ANNOYING than Soraka?
Azir when his numbers aren't shit
Lee Sin for most of League History
Zed before he got powercreeped
It worked for me right after I checked the patch notes, but that might just be a coincidence.
>flashing is an outplay
he does that shit on purpose
he already knows youre a pillow biter and so hes testing the waters, be prepared for him to get bold one of these days~
what should I build for Pantheon?
hey dont ruin it
soraka players gotta feel like they belong where they are somehow
>It's this avatarfag again
While I appreciate your gay cheerfulness, take your faggotry somewhere else.
People who hate Ekko are shitters who always walk in a straight line and never think about positioning
>lvl 2 bursts you down half hp because of passive proc
>"very weak early game"
>1 shots you late game and has a free get out of jail ult
>"very weak late game"
boi if u don't sit down, what elo are u on that makes him garbage?Bronze?
>He thinks current Soraka is bad
Lemme tell you a story about Season 3 Jungle Nunu...
Coolest guy
god i hate ranked
low gold ish is hell on earth
and the later it gets the worse my teammates and less understand english
send help please
or good music i guess
There's nothing wrong with azir being super safe in lane and trades. The bullshit thing that needs reworking is how there is zero counterplay to his soldiers. Just give them a health bar and turn them into zyra plants or let them be indestructible but have them get stunned if you hit them.
One step at a time user, I'm waiting for the rune rework to get my tank runes.
In the meantime I got fucked sideways by Yi, he would do too much damage before my passive kicked in.
It's all about the amazing micro play, though.
>the only time I dont get autofilled is when im autofill protected
this is fucking bullshit, Ive had to fucking adc, jungle, and now support today when I dont want ANY of those shit roles
flex queue is the fucking worst
pic semi related and also comfy bfs~
Yomuus, BC, Maw if they got Magic, DD, GA. Something like that
He was literally sweating bullets though holy shit I wanted to lick them so bad how do I stop being such a fag, help, he knows I'm bi but that doesn't mean he knows I'm attracted to him.
I'm always here, you know, you just don't know when I post when I don't avatarfag.
Just suggest me something, AS/Crit Akali maybe? The madder it makes my teamates the better.
>He doesn't buy evecutioners calling to delete soraka for 800g
>a support trying to climb
>it's a "diamond mid laner doesn't wave clear vs annie so she gets fed and deletes people faster than zed" episode
my least favorite desu
she has very clear weaknesses, just abuse them
I honestly gotta wonder how this post isn't deleted
>That Ashe build
>Still a better score than you
Don't play Braum in ranked anymore if you want to win.
Only supports you should be playing down in bronze 4 should be Blitz, Naut, Sona, or Soraka.
You can judge how overpowered ADCs are by looking at how high Pantheon top his winrate is.
Seriously nerf ADC's / support sustain hard idk something needs to change there.
oh he SOOO knows dude, just like he figured you were a sperm worm he knows youre into him
he either likes the attention or is inching close to pinning you down and giving you the mating press
No one wants you here dude go be a edgy faggot in r9k
What's the counterplay to GP again?
Ending in 15 minutes?
>What's the counter to __________
>Soraka flashes away
>Galio saves her
>Nidalee and Kled try to kill galio but they don't have exe so they do nothing
>Soraka isn't getting focused anymore so she gets to press w a bunch
Truly a soraka god.
What champion heavily fed right now is honestly more demoralising to the opposing team than Leblanc?
see Just wreck his pussy early so much that he can't farm.
Dont listen to this faggot
What if its just hot? Its completely normal to take ones shirt off
If he somehow gets fed early there is no counter to the man of balanced right clicks.
master yi
check this twitch channel to watch your FAVORITE garen play some league
>74 degrees
Idk where faganon lives, but I've never been anywhere where that's been hot enough to justify taking off one's shirt.
user's friend definitely wants the boipussy
>Xayah the unburstable birb
>Trynda the split push
>enemy bard goes afk after i crush him and his buttbuddy draven in lane
>he comes back after ~15 mins after he sees they are sort of winning due to their talon getting fed off my shitty riven
>game goes back and forth, we win eventually
>at the end he calls me a smurf and reports me for whatever reason
I love this shitty community so much, glad nothing much has changed in the past few years when i was absent but im also glad that support can still carry, sort of, atleast thresh as always
Also >riven mains, deletion on the hero when?
Old LeBlanc.
Mister Ye
>random league slut makes shitty tapping and whispering videos and gets more views than heatherfeather
fuck pantheon
>watching QT, Dyrus, Voy and Scarras meme team
This is actually pathetic. How washed up are these guys
Every man's different. Me I don't start sweating till the mid 90's, but a lot of people are really sensitive to heat.
none of those champions are bad as this bitch that is teleporting everywhere, one shotting everyone, and somehow appearing to be in two different places across the map.
I really don't know what Leblanc's weaknesses are. She literally seems like a JRPG boss when fed.
>gets mad when people report him for smurfing
Tough luck kiddo
Im not smurfing tho, im playing on my main, dont even have a 2nd acc in league
>giving a roaming snowballing assassin effective wave clear
Autistic game design
which league champ has the best porn in terms of
>fetish diversity
they say all men are created equal dont let urgot know
>letting Scarra jungle
>picking stupid shit like Nunu
>Dyrus trying to play on hit AD Kennen
Their solo queue meme lords now.
Ahri, based on sheer quantity.
I wonder that too. Jannies should hate me by now.
Or maybe it was just hot, 74° feels pretty hot here since it's also pretty humid. Either way I fucking couldn't stop drooling at dhem abs, what the fuck is wrong with me.
I'm a faggot alright, but I'm not edgy! I think you're the edgy one.
>deal more damage than yasuo with my retarded memebuild
>gunblade+w+q deletes eve
I wish panth ult wasn't as telegraphed, maybe this build would be fun then.
Cute couple = perfect couple
You mean gayest and cutest champ.
>we are losing
>passing our side of the map means 100% death
>2 morons in duo push mid
how can people be this fucking retarded?