Someone eats shit in my yard

>someone eats shit in my yard
>I discover a day later
>Small amount of property damage, fixable probably for free (fucked up mailbox, post, crushed end of culvert, oil slick)
>Find out policy number of driver today, Facebook stalk the grill

Looks like a single mom that probably is on some social assistance and has struggled some with opioids.
2010 Chevy Impala

If I call her insurance and file a property damage claim, will I fuck her rates more (car was totaled), or is she so fucked already that progressive cutting me a check won't affect anything really? An adjuster would probably put the damage at 3 to 500 bucks.

As a capable guy should I just let this go for the good karma or should I take the shekels where I can from the progressive beast?

Insurance fag here.

YOU can't call her insurance and file a claim, only she can do that.

And it would be a liability claim, to defend against your assertion that she owes you money. At that point her insurance company would determine if she's liable, and if they think she is they may pay you something. If they don't, they'll tell you to fuck off.

People call us every day thinking that just because they know who the person is insured with, that they can "get money from their insurance".

We don't work for you at all, we work for the person who pays us premiums.

>We don't work for you at all, we work for the person who pays us premiums.

You don't work for anyone but yourselves you bloodsucking kikes.

How did you find out who did it if you discovered this a day later?


But from a purely legal standpoint, we are contractually obligated to work for the benefit of our policyholders, not some stranger who is demanding money.

If that policyholder ends up costing us too much money in loss payments or legal fees, we just cut them loose or raise their premiums a ton.

>crushed end of culvert, oil slick
Could be a lot more than a few hundred.

I called the state police, the responding officer called me back

So she reported the incident to them I guess? Sounds like she may have fucked up her car, in which case she may have filed a claim for damages. If that's what happened, you would still need to contact your insurance company and they'd try to pursue HER insurance for damages. Of course, it'd be subject to your deductible, and if damages are minor it might not be worth it.

The other guy who responded wasn't the op, thanks for the response.

So given that the car was totaled, if there was an officer who filed a report after I called on the property damage I would basically claim she owed me money because of the documented damage she caused according to that...

I would guess then progressive would come put eyes on it? Or would I have to Sabre rattle enough to say I'm gonna take you (her insurance) to court?

Send her a demand letter for s huge amount of money. Then later verbally offer to settle it for blowies at $20 each. Sex slave for while. As an opiod user she's used to this and will gladly accept.

Car was totaled, state cop and wrecker on the scene, yeah.

Wait, I would go through my homeowners insurance and file a claim, and they'd go after her progressive policy?

The girl I bought the house with is hotter and hasn't pooped out a kid, thanks but no thanks

Cuz the way I see it, if she gets paid out for a new car, wouldn't her insurance be interested if there was any property damage, in which case I can make a pretty good case there was?

(Last night an officer came and took pictures, made a report this morning before the other officer called me back with her info)

You can do three things here:

1.) Contact her directly and tell her she owes you money. If she feels she might be responsible, she can contact her insurance and they'd open a SECOND claim under her policy - a liability. This would be to investigate the loss and determine if she is liable for anything, and if so, to what ($) extent.

2.) Contact your insurance company, and tell them a vehicle impacted your property and caused damage. They would determine if your policy covers you for this (most homeowner's policies insure against vehicle impact), and proceed accordingly. Usually this involves getting a contractor to estimate for the repairs, and possibly having you submit a list of damaged items (i.e. the mailbox).
They would figure out the total cost for repairs, subtract your deductible, and issue a cheque to you. Then they would go after crazy Chevy lady to try and recover their payment AND your deductible amount. If they're successful in recovery, they could refund your deductible, and it may mitigate the possibility of a premium increase on your policy.

3.) You can let it be, don't contact her or your insurance, and just fix everything yourself.

I had a claim last year that ended that way - some kid drove his dad's F150 through the guy's fence. Total damages were maybe $400, and after we discussed it he basically said he didn't want to fuck this kid's life up and raise his rates, so we just dropped everything and closed the claim.

Just remember that no good deed goes unpunished.

If your policy covers you for this loss, they would handle your claim first and then try to recover funds from her insurance company.

You don't know if she's getting paid out for a new car. If she doesn't have collision coverage she might not get anything.

Even if she does, if there's other variables at play (i.e. she wasn't legally entitled to drive the car for some reason), her policy may be voided and there'd be no coverage.

You're posts are exactly what I was looking for.

Live and let live, I rolled a van a couple years ago and it fucked enough stuff up in my life I'll deal with it.

Thanks, user.

No problem bruh.

are you the asshole that was trying to pin this on a tow truck driver?

This is wrong. When you get hit you use their insurance, not yours. Unless you wanna pay your deductible for no reason.

>>I work in this industry, here is my opinion


simply epik

Obviously an insurance company would rather settle directly than to be sued by another insurance company who's going to add on their fees to the amount. Why else would you exchange insurance information in the event of an accident.

stop posting this shit OP
act like a fucking adult and deal with your own problems

I guess my insurance didn't transfer me directly to the insurance company of the bitch that rear ended me four months ago after all.
>user: Hello Geico I have a claim
>Geico: what happen
>user: I got hit
>Geico: You got hit or you hit someone
>user: I took it in the ass
>Geico: you got their info?
>user: Yes here it is
>Geico: okay you wanna use your coverage or theirs, you use yours and you gotta pay deductible
>user: Theirs please
>Geico: okay I'll transfer you
>user: Thanks
>Allstate: Hello what
>user: Your dumb spic hit me here's her policy number
>Allstate: okay take some pics with this app we got you b

take the shekels retard
women shouldn't be driving anyway

>who's going to add on their fees to the amount

Insurance fag here.

The process whereby we obtain owed funds from another insurer, AFTER we have settled a claim with our policyholder, is called subrogation.

Various laws prohibit us from "tacking on fees". We're usually only entitled to the ACV amount and the deductible, not even full replacement cost for repairs. Do keep in mind that all insurance companies are both pursuing, and on the receiving end, of subrogation. It wouldn't do any of us any good to create a web of financial fuckery that WE would have to wade through.

Insurance companies behave quite amicably with one another, actually.

Auto collision claims are not handled the same way as property damage claims. Each state and province is unique in how they handle them, some have direct compensation property damage, whereas others will only waive deductibles if a third party assumes liability or there are charges laid.

There's a multitude of reasons why we don't treat auto collision and property damage claims the same way, but suffice it to say you're not comparing apples to apples at all.

To the inbreed fishing for replies

Work on your revisionist history bud, maybe go visit pol

what the fuck are you talking about

i think you're replying to the wrong thread