/ovg/ - 25% grade edition

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is 25% grade too sharp?

only when turning left

Thread's ruined. Make a new one.

Link to the /ovg/ discord: discord.gg/hXmJrJr

Why aren't you rallycrossing in pcars 2 right now?


damn op you cant even do a simple thing.
Delete and try again

What's the server password?


no idea


Is this the pinnacle of racing games?

I entered it and it just said session closed



Is it better than GT Sport and Forza? If so, how?

Physics and dynamic track grip mostly.


Is it possible to make custom skins for PC2?

Because I'm racing group A at Bathurst


in the snow


What makes it better than the first one?

Nth for SuperGT will be great and you'll regret it if you don't participate.


Because we were in the race. We're gonna do one more race now if you wanna try again.

Delete your fucking post you piece of shit.

Delete this.


Something came up but if you're still going in like half an hour I'll be able to join.

Here you go, mouthbreather.

nth for RR3
>join WAT1

>tfw spent an hour in the shitter and missed firstpost again

For some reason the Audi Quattro doesn't have the option for snow tires, tried using ice tires but I just skid everywhere, luckily the ai was even worse.
Yellow flag in sector 1 in the last lap, plowed in 4 cars that spun after a blind corner.

Ahh, we've just finished

Maybe next week then

I'm still on GT4, should I do Super Trofeo, RX Lites, or Group A next?

>spent an hour in the shitter
drink more water or have a coffee

that doesnt tell me what actual people will accept

it's not like i had to sit there for an hour, baka
it's just i did 3 long races and few short ones while i was there

>25% grade
What a meme.

What game are you playing in the shitter?

Drive club has 2 of these things. Sadly there isn't much to cruise around in.

but why
ive never understood the allure of doing stuff while popping turds

>25% grade edition

>25% grade

that's what mobile games are for
they're better than doing nothing

take a guess

>is 25% grade too sharp?

>they're better than doing nothing
is pooping simply not engaging enough as an activity?
how do you control the cars in that game though? is it tilt to turn?

Gonna have to put the skinpack up early today, so here you go /ovgRAGS/ week 3

You dumb fuck.

tilt to turn, tap screen to brake, abs is always on
acceleration is automatic, and it always adjusts the throttle not to break traction, unless you turn too sharp, then it just helps to hold the skid

>is pooping simply not engaging enough as an activity
sure it's engaging, but it's not a big deal to multitask shitting and steering

>still no sim game set in 90's Japan

Someone put me in stasis until it's made.

Initial D arcade machines.

I accept that tilt to turn is the best control for mobile but I like playing on my tablet so I wish more games had button options.


tilt to turn isn't the only option available afaik
you'd better find a different excuse not to play it

>is 25% too sharp?

I'm already installing it, I was just going to suffer the tilt. Good to hear I won't have to though.

I said sim. I don't enjoy arcade racing games.

protip: before you spend premium currency on anything, read the strategy tips on the rr3 wiki
and join the fucking WAT1

I played it a while ago and iirc you can change the controls so you can have the accelerator and brake as buttons


That sounds good.

Explain this meme

yes it is too sharp.

Will you make a team on NFS?
Conflicted on whether to get that or the crew2

is there something like a group for forza7 so we can invite each other to multiplayer lobbies?

"funny" ogc discord

Where do I join in
I used to play this game, I still have 9999999 credits from when hax worked

>race teams
>search WAT1
don't forget to post your nick itt so i can ID your application


ive seen this mentioned here too but what is this about changing races from day to night using mods?
in my experience the mod will just say its not compatible with the event

I think it has to be used on a track that has a night version. Some tracks only have day


I'm only giving it like 50% throttle in 2nd.

at what RPM?

>spent last 4 hours in pcars2 trying to tune the mid corner spin out of the archaic boss 302r at silver stone
>in full understeer mode it still spins out regardless of throttle input

Too may 2bh
Probably 6k+ at that point. VTEC yo. Have to remember to point the car first, squeeze the throttle second. It's always that ONE fucking hairpin in Suzuka, too.
Still, so far the S2k is my favorite out of the R:Raving Evolution cars.

You're gonna have to walk me through it, been trying to
Name's loric if it pops up

in main menu you tap the icon with 2 flags, it should say race teams
then it either asks you to login using google play games/fb/whatever or it you're alredy logged in it should offer you a search browser and team creator. you just tap the search form, type wat1, and press search, find the right one and press apply

can't provide screenshots or accurate descriptions because i'd have to leave team to do so

Is VP9 encoding supported?

no idea, always used vp8
btw is this pc2?

Yep. I think I picked a good resolution.

GT4 cars might be the most fun in my opinion

So I shouldn't get the last engine upgrade on my S15?

PC2 in something not crazy fast with an H-pattern and with slick or semi slick tyres and stability/traction control off in dim light at the Nurburgring is pretty comfy

for a second i thought it could be forza7, but it seems your opponents are just as aggressive as forza drivatars

Remember to join for the 22 laps of Mugello on Friday, October 13th!

I took the criticisms from last thread, and asked some of the people who raced with me in FM6 and they didn't mind shorter races since it will be more accessible.
Race should only be 45 minutes now at the longest, and that is only if you're a complete shitter. I estimate 35-40 minutes otherwise.

Homologation can suck it. Bring any car you want, just build it to s class. The only requirement is the car must have slicks and a cage.
If you need help with the build or tune just ask, or download an S800 tune that you like.

Discord: discord.gg/V7CYNag
Signups: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1KmJlRBsaaLNmuhpNzENjmbr_ld5MNP7-Q8PgjANrT18/edit?usp=sharing

how bout that GT Sport

s15 doesn't have special series unlockable at (((FULLY UPGRADED))) so the only real bonus you get is free customization for this particular car

i didn't buy the gold upgrades on s15 and i wouldn't recommend anyone to do so before they fully understand the game economy

Could you ever change from night to day in career races. At this point people are inventing reasons to botch when there are plenty of legit reasons

You probably made it understeer so much that once you lift off ot tries to follow your commands. Try making it looser or tuning the diff

Still waiting a year later for release

No idea, I haven't used any weather mods yet. Although, having the mod not change the weather and only give you the bonus for already existing weather is really shit.

I hope it's worthy of following up /ovgGT6/ SuperGT, which is sure to be a blast for all who participate!

I don't recal that beng the case with fm6. I only use he mods if its obviously that condition so I've always seen it as a bonus for something that happening either way.
Tbh the crate hysteria is coming from people who haven't played. You get 20k every time you level up which is about every 2 races and if you roll it into a 20k crate then you usually get enough mods to have >50% cr bonus for at leat two races and >20% for at least 3. You make more throwing 20 on a crate bit apparently people are too daft to see that

The thing is how crates have existed in Forza for a while, they were just called wheelspins and not crates
In FH3, you could spend money on wheelspins which would either get you various amounts of credits (most of them not giving you profit) or a car

In FM7, you can buy different crates, most of which GUARANTEE a car, driver customization and mods which increase your earned credits. Ofcourse the chance of getting a higher tier item is higher in the more expensive crates but still, you 100% get all these things
But it's worse because it looks like a crate now

>this is what the niggers actually think fm7 dynamic settings is like

gearing user again, I'm confused with how I should edit these ratios. Final drive didn't seem to do much so I went ahead and built the Race Tranny into my tune so I could edit individual gears but I'm at a loss where it actually starts helping, attempting to make them all look like they're raising or lowering a bar et al old AT&T commercials doesn't seem to change much


wtf is this post?


The amount of bad press they've inflicted on themselves is hilarious, and it's all because of a couple of dumbass unnecessary changes that look way scummier than they actually are
They deserve everything they get