don't let it die edition
/srg/ - speedrunning general
Gonna try to speedrun for the first time, any websites I can go to so I can learn to speedrun a certain game or is it just a matter of watching other speedrunners and learning their routes by watching?
go to to check out runs, post on the forums for the game you want to learn, join their community discord channel if they have one, watch other runners and ask questions, etc.
based on his recent tweeting, mental health hospital admittance, and other things, do you guys think noir is suffering from schizophrenia or anything of that sort? very interesting
duggy has a cute voice
his decent is so fucking funny
hi toast/lyfey
>page 10
>Gonna try to speedrun for the first time
>so I can learn
these 2 don't work together, practice ILs and look up strats before you start pretending you're speedrunning
Diddeh is doing well in this 70 star run! Only 9 minutes behind his 57:21.
>pureboi speedrunner is face camming and playing loud music over runs
well well well
so has the rando race fad died down already? or are people still doing them often? if they are still a thing what games can I rando race?
Guys I'm doing my first speed run of Atelier Marie tonight, will you watch me?
post your stream
just red/blue/yellow or are there randos of later generations?
can you be pure with a layout and facecam?
Edgy hate towards facecam, layouts and donations died long ago.
shasta and his furry boi broke up
That's hilarious. Anyone have any of that gay furry art of their two fursonas handy?
nice nips
>de hippie spacing
what does srg think of bboy's HOT TAKE on how he's just not giving a shit about helping out small time runners? pastebin com/1JcmFifg
Uh, his name is PICHI.
bboy is ABOVE THE LAW he made it as a twitch streamer due purely to his own talent and has no reason to interact with any peasants with under 200 viewers unless they pay him graciously.
bump for our guy goose
>clintstevens pulling 6K viewers while being completely abysmal at the game
>siglemic on twitter being a bitter bitch and becoming more irrelevant as the days go by
you threw it all away and for what?
>clintstevens pulling 6K viewers while being completely abysmal at the game
All this proves is that twitch is a joke.
t. pathetic beta
this proves that people prefer to watch someone entertaining over a silent mumbling autist
>this proves that people prefer to watch someone entertaining
You mean it proves that the masses gravitate toward the most childish, mindless smut they can find.
Look at popular culture as a whole and tell me how many of the most popular things are also the most entertaining.
it's okay sig. maybe you can try another full month of sm64 attempts. OH WAIT. you bailed out of that last time lmao
Go watch a Transformers movie. I'm sure your double digit IQ will find pleasure in the CGI and explosions.
>the average person finds Clintstevens more entertaining than ZFG
>the average IQ is literally 90
gee i wonder how clintstevens got so popular lmao
People are so obsessed with being "normal" that they forget normality is the same thing as mediocrity.
t. autistic betas with no charisma
wait why is srg posting about siglemic in 2017? irrelevant doesn't even begin to describe him lmao
are we reading the same thread? srg always posts about irrelevant nobodies
That's clearly not true.
are you high?
and that's just this thread.
Looks to me like you think everyone is irrelevant but you and your pack of retard monkey runners of whatever shit tier speedgame you run. Get your head out of your ass :)
How are any of those people relevant?
:'( Mom, srg is talking about speedrunning and speedrunners again make them stop waaah :'(
>monkey runners
>speedrunning general
>posts referred to are posting mostly about non-runners
>speedrunning and speedrunners
Literally everyone on that list is either a non-speedrunner or a speedrunner who gets like 20 viewers on a good day.
I know! let's talk about squid and narcissa again!!! they're really relevant guys!!!!
Narcissa is, sorta. Who is the other person?
Does speedrunning actually turn people into trannies or are trannies just attracted to speedrunning?
To be fair, they are are relevant right now. They are active and speedrunning. These other people are not.
Trannies are more likely to come out of the closet in speedrunning because it's becoming a "trans friendly" environment.
Trannies in other hobbies are still hiding.
meant to tag:
>He's dead and he's never coming back
Charisma is simply the inherent ability to dazzle idiots. Smart people can see through the facade.
the saltiest bitter beta comment to ever be posted
Not an argument. Stop flailing around and offer something worth reading.
its a statement. you are a bitter, salty little beta crying on Veeky Forums about those who are actually fun to watch. pathetic
>fun to watch
Fun to watch for stupid people*
t. salty bitter beta
You know I'm right. Your insecurity is bleeding through your pathetic and desperate posts.
im not insecure about anything. i can see that these people have an entertaining quality. so can you, you are just bitter, salty, and crying about it on Veeky Forums. thats really low and i hope you see the light soon as there really is nothing to be angry about
>i can see that these people have an entertaining quality.
Yes, it is handcrafted to be appealing to a very specific demographic: the average person.
This was never under dispute.
>there really is nothing to be angry about
I agree, which is why I'm not angry.
t. angry little beta
Not an argument.
Keep flailing, though. I thrive on it.
t. angry little beta pretending to thrive on being exposed
The average IQ is 100. That's the whole point of the system, to grade intelligence statistically on a curve.
the point still stands.
Why do you mention Veeky Forums? Are you a redditor? No wonder you watched washed up sellouts.
I don't even know where the FUCK to begin... Why do people like you find popular streamers something to joke about? You think because you get to sit in your warm homes on a computer that you can just joke about horrible topics like this? What the actual fuck is wrong with you guys? This is very fucked up, yet crazy assfucks like you are posting popular streamers like it's nothing. Sick fucks, doing this shit does fucking nothing. So you want to come on an imageboard to be an asshole about things like this? Let me tell you guys, you are all fucking weak. You would never be useful to the world with such behavior you present. Honestly why do people like you guys even exist? I bet you don't even know about half of what people have gone through from then till now when they have someone they've known become a popular streamer. You are all such disgusting bullies. Isn't it bad enough that people go through hardships of their loved ones? Seriously what do you guys really find funny about this? Stupid fuckers I'm so angry right now that I wish I can fucking punch my computer screen so that my fist can get a good hit on that asshole face of yours, OP. Sick fucks. Seriously, just fucking grow up and actually act properly about streaming. Stupid fuck, keep eating those cheetoes that you stain on your shirts every day.
no it doesn't
Yes it does. The average person is not intelligent and enjoys consuming garbage media. Look at modern Hollywood and the modern AAA gaming industry. Twitch is no fucking different.
sick pasta my man
Is that Weeabeaner?
hello /v/
Just looked like edobean to me.
>120 people cheering his imminent demise
user, his demise start right after JOHN FUCKING NUMBERS.
dont let it die
who would have thought that ourwhitegoose would end up more relevant than siglemic, cosmo, trihex, and iateyourpie?