/bnsg/ - Blade and Soul General

She did nothing wrong Edition

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>Server Transfer Information

>/bnsg/ Servers
NA Group 2 (Mushin/Old Man Cho)
EU Group 1 (Windrest/Wild Springs/Highland Gate)

>/bnsg/ Raid Contacts

>/bnsg/ Clans Info

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1st for Yun are #1

2nd for finding a way to wake up jinsoybean

>psychokiller blowing people up left right and center, trying to end the world because people hailed as heroes covered up her adoptive mother's death
>nothing wrong
(you) edition.

>nip version getting the update with the L55 skills and the dungeon featuring some blonde pirate with a keyhole eyepatch and that whore from bamboo village dressing like some kinda bedlah haremette
did you fags in NA already have this? I'm trying to guess how many months minimum I've gotta wait to pewpew shit.

xth for submitting to the bloom gods

We have nothing of that sort.
I think the last real content update was Act7, Gunwon City, Celestial basin and Sanctum.

Reminder that I hate you all

I like this user

It's been too long.
Xth for brownies.


even me?


why does she have a pillow under her shirt?

Good morning!

Not even 13 replies in and you already got mods deleting posts here, new record lmao

Hey there


>submitting to the "all white things glow in the dark" gods
for what purpose.

>Paizuri Police still in the /bnsg/ clan pastebin


It's still active as it was 1 year ago.

It isn't a /bnsg/ clan though

Let's teach that racist a lesson together, werety-sama

Is there a bonus for using multiple venture tokens? Like if I were to open 5 at once instead of indivual?

Every one there is from /bnsg/ Maybe we have one normie, but I don't even know who it is
You should swallow less meme pills.
While It's true that Trolli pulled a Courante with PP, yet the difference is that No Seku was ded after while PP was alive the very next day.


Which is why the thread goes at a glacier's pace and dies constantly during EU hours? I would say the most active posters from EU aren't even in PP. They're all in Frenzy or in no clan at all.
You're a discord clan at best.

>yet the difference is that No Seku was ded after while PP was alive the very next day

Because anyone that cared about the game and didn't want a meme tier clan leader went straight to truneet.

Face it, your meme clan is a shell of its former self. Even trolli abandoned PP to go play with the normies.

Best Hair

How do I farm gold in 2017? I don't feel like leeching cross-server, since I got the bracelet.

>Every one there is from /bnsg/
No they are not lmao, I have seen your discord, there are a fuck ton of normies and literal whos

This is thread ded 24/7. It's much more comfy to discuss the game in discord without all the shitposting. Even NA moved to discord.

Trolli is still in PP.

We are talking about PP here, not discord.

>PP here
Same shit, still a fuck ton of normies and alts, no wonder half of your bnsg people left and joined red

Thread is far more active during NA hours.
Admittedly the bar isn't being set very high by EU.

>Trolli is still in PP
Unless they rejoined AGAIN during the last two weeks or so that's not true.

>Talking about PP here, not discord
So it's not the clan's discord server then?

>trolli is still in PP

More like rejoining after passing lead to remu and fucking off to play with normies.

NA DC + Events #271693

11 oclock lobby here and ready to go

i'd rather have normies and literal whos than anyone from NA in this thread

yeah but you are also gay so your opinions dont matter

People join red because they can farm SSP, windrest is mostly red while PP is blue.

>Thread is far more active during NA hours.
Compared to how active this thread was before, it's ded.

>So it's not the clan's discord server then?
No, never was. It's EU discord.

That is not true, we all know Kyoppi is your slave master.

>People join red because they can farm SSP
Sure thing buddy, just accept the fact that your shitty clan accepted normies and that you are no longer part of /bnsg/, now fuck off

regards: NA normie clan dwelling shitter

>No, never was. It's EU discord.
it used to be the eu bnsg discord but half the people are in it are normies so now it's just an eu discord?

>Shitposting this hard
wew lad.



By EU discord, I meant eu bnsg discord.
>half the people are in it are normies

>No Seku was ded after
everyone just switched to truneet
same clan different name

>when you think someone was your friend but they just remove you

You're not even in PP why do you care?

>Just switched to Red for SSP
>Just joined Frenzy for BT
For someone who gets so up in arms over PP being insulted you didn't seem to care much about it beforehand

i just like calling out shitty NA players

Someone gift me a fleeso please

They may just be going through hard times user. Give them the benefit of the doubt and remember those good times.

call yourself out then

It's pretty obvious that's not it

why is this autistic fag so butthurt lol

but I'm not shitty NA

am i the one butthurt here? :^)

So we should just be ignoring any input you have on this because it only boils down to "t. NA"

Which is funny because you actually think you're popular on EU outside Frenzy.

Why would i be thinking that? I'm not autistic enough to care about "popularity" like you NA "people" lmao

NA does have some obsession with popularity.

Wasn't this the fag that cried about how no one likes him and he has no friends? I mean he tries to come here and act like discount Eristic and gets btfo every time. Pic related

you are shitty NA lmao
your dps in NA is pathetic af

And EU has a weird obsession with NA but never the other way around.

I want to fuck kyopee

>never the other way around.
Um NA legit posts "LMAO EU IS SHIT" every 2 seconds

That's what I'm talking about.
EU doesn't give a shit about NA outside of replying to your posts from time to time.
And even then they don't know who they replied to since most of us are user here.

Don't forget "Don't reply to EU" posts.

What is the correct way to hug a male lyn?

>EU doesn't give a shit about NA outside of replying to your posts from time to time
so your biggest avatarfaggot who replies to every post like his life depended on it isnt EU? news to me.

>Any criticism must be from the other region

we dont even need that faggot, we could say the same shit about kyoppi nigger

You come into the thread and act like a retard baiting for reactions what do you expect? People aren't going to be welcoming of you they're just going to give you hostility. No one even bothers to shitpost "best hair" jin now they actually post lobbies and shit, hell no one shitposts Combat blaze either and he actually tries to give us funny content. You come into the thread, act like a retard don't be surprised when the thread treats you like a retard. This isn't your special circlejerk discord so don't expect things to be that way.

Two hands across the neck and then squeeze. Don't let go till they stop breathing.

From behind, with your breasts pressed their back, one hand on their ___, and your lips at the base of their ear whispering lewd things.

Alternatively,a chokehold in a gas chamber, you decide!

>tfw no gonf mistress to milk you

>tfw no gonf to milk

How does the breast milk of the different female races differ in taste?

please fuck off

Tastes like a ban

Reminder that this is your average EU poster

Jesus christ, fuck off already.

Reminder that his your average NA poster

this is the most pathetic forced topic change i've ever seen. no surprise its a faggot male lyn that did it too lol

but where does lyn milk come from? they don't have nipples

fuck off alibi

None of the races have nipples buddy
go put a summer outfit on any male and search for them

>check thread after quitting since over a year ago
>thread is either people trying to keep it from falling off of page 10 or people flinging shit at eachother
i didn't know there could be a general worse off than /terag/

There isn't.

>not a new ip
ok eu tard

>doesnt play the game
>has an opinion about the general
ye ok bye

sometimes its comfy if you catch it at the right time

But you're looking at it

Wait until you see people posting characters from second life fucking because their players had drama going on in bns.

>This general

You must be fucked in the head

Where? I only have /bnsg/ open.

>make shit up
>make more shit up
wow guiz dis general badder than /[insert some shitty genera]/ heheXd now give (You)s

>He thinks people actively keep an eye on the IP count.
Sure, buddy

Give me the (You)s instead

>What are Veeky Forums addons
stop being rused because you got called out for fishing (You)s lmao

I gotchu dog.

The thread is regularly dying before a new one is made and is only kept alive by shitflinging and ERP
At best it's as bad as /terag/

What's up dog

>The thread is regularly dying
Yeah we hear that shit everyday since release, go shitpost some other general now