I wanna bee with Lulu edition!
I wanna bee with Lulu edition!
Other urls found in this thread:
Right im going to make a new account
Give me a sick name for my new account
I wanna bee with (you)
I want to marry Lulu and abuse her for eternity!
something naruto related
i hope lulu dies out with all the other bees
Who's the best? Riven is the best.
xth for Syndra
I'd pollinate her alright if you know what Im sayin'
(Against her will)
>all missions are simple shit that has to be done in 24h and only give 10 tokens
Small Indie Company
I expected shit like weeklong quest to get 100 assists or X kills with Y class. But no. We got shit that can be done in 2 games tops.
Is there a link to the EUW lolg discord?
tfw they think they can bully you as nasus but then you go AP and theres nothing they can do about the immense magical pressures of a literal god dog spamming E
where are my tits
why am I not a cow
>complaining about easy free shit
What's wrong with you?
Obviously didn't mean to quote.
>everyone has lv2 powerspike
uh huh
These names really
the should make an AP item with and active that doubles your AP for your next spell cast
>Evelynn is getting reworked
>she's also getting a visual update
I like challange. And 10 tokens is fucking nothing.
>they should make an item which breaks the game
no thanks
I think you would fit in with the Riot balance team.
what lego legends stuff do I draw
I cant draw "people" very well so I prefer scenes or cities, nature, forest stuff like that.
Really wish I could draw lewds though but its not my thing
draw yasuo and riven players
>that one toaster that loads for ten minutes and then disconnects anyway
>tfw im that toaster
draw the famous league of legends tree
>have a toaster
>youtube videos at 720p60 are unwatchable
>still load as one of the first
I wonder at what rig these people are playing.
Has anybody here actually been live to any of these games? Can you drink beers in the studios or stadiums?
Cowtits are best tits.
is there anything more depressing than having to play against malphite?
>youtube videos at 720p60 are unwatchable
Jesus dude
having to play against jayce/kennen/fiora
Just got access to exhentai.
Can someone link me to good lol hentai stuff please.
xth for Kayle x Karthus
Yeah I know. I burnt my GPU to crisp and the rest is obsolete anyway so now I am collecrting money for a new PC.
In a month I will finally have a full league experience again.
having to play against cassio
draw a tower firing its magic bullets
at least those players are having fun though
Playing League
I got you
How is that not taken by some discord meme meister?
Where is the guy that just did welsh accent from? Scotland?
>be supp
>get to diamond
>vs Cait&Thresh
>vs Cait&Thresh
>vs Cait&Thresh
>vs Cait&Thresh
>start banning Cait
>vs Twitch/Ashe&Thresh
>vs Twitch/Ashe&Thresh
>vs Twitch/Ashe&Thresh
>vs Twitch/Ashe&Thresh
>ban thresh
>Cait & Janna
draw a street in zaun
All riot ever does is nerf shit what are you talking about
You don't like a free lane?
Cute monster hugs!
post more please.
Forgot Skarner exist.
I want to play something that will get me free hate, tell me your secrets lolgen
Play Yasuo, Riven, Fiora or Lee Sin.
just play any of the ebin outplay champions
AP Fiora with Nashor's
I want to give Skarner and Kog the D!
Vayne is pretty sexy
Anyone else agree?
Healslut doing her job by blowing.
Draw Yorick ghouls, Zz'rot ayyliens and some minions heading towards a tower.
They're all deformed anyway!
No, because she reminds me of a gf I had and I don't want to remember her.
xth for pure love
thanks Im going to do one of these
*pure slut and boislut
but ezreal isn't a girl
In my timeline hearthseeker vayne has a mole.
That's a false OTP.
>Random CS tournament having TWICE the amount of views as EU LCS
It's over bro.. League is FINISHED...
/d2g/ is laughing at us bros
>"We've never even talked"
>Ezreal probably just took some pictures of her
>This means he is too much of a cuck to even talked to his crush.
>He just stalk her everytime he can
>Also write fanfics were he is lux bf.
>Trying to play league
>Its 149819819818 degrees outside
why are you playing league outside
>playing league outside
Sup, Darius.
Reminder that the best thing that can happen to NA is if TSM self-destruct and fail to make it to worlds, forcing them to have a complete reset in their team from top to bottom.
wu kong players on suicide watch lmao
Not in the slightest.
Even if they failed to make it to worlds they would only maybe get rid of svenskeren unless somebody else seriously underperformed
>>BE Draven+Soraka
>>Versus Cait+Jana
>>Dude wtf it's 15 min, you should be fed on Draven by now
Best thing that can happen to NA is our guys CLG winning this split then winning worlds
Which league girl is a good target for abuse/rape without negative consequences
Obviously not for example Katarina, she'd murder you easily. Or ahri, you cant rape the willing
tfw you stomp qt so many times in a row he quits league to go play final fantasy
All of them are good targets for rape besides taliyah
literally every female in the game would murder you easily, even soraka or lulu
I think bjerg, if he really wants to succeed as a player to the best of his ability, would consider other options if he failed to make worlds with TSM this year.
Watching tsm legends, he was really frustrated talking to reginald about how it always comes down to bjerg to makes calls. He needs a team that has good shotcalling built in it, other carry threats (preferably the jungler), and has international experience
Ironically, huhi is probably clg's biggest weak link right now.