Y-you need to s-support local b-businesses!

>Y-you need to s-support local b-businesses!

Why? Amazon is better in every way.

Other urls found in this thread:


>all small local businesses are finally crushed
>Jeff Bezos grinning while he personally turns the amazon.com master price control dial on his desk from "competitive" to "we're not even giving you the courtesy of lube, because we know you can't go anywhere else"

I haven't purchased anything on Amazon since they were primarily a book store. Kind of shocking to me that other companies just let them have the online retail space.

You've never heard of capital flight, have you? Read some basic economics.

>Amazon is better in every way

yeah because all those sellers arbitraging or dropshipping from walmart/target/ebay are stupid.

the reason normies are lazy/stupid doesnt mean amazon is better.

because all the local sellers are on the amazon market place

As a communist excelerationist im all for automating as many jobs as possible. The faster we force the government into a UBI or MadMax scenario the faster we can all enjoy being neets and stop being wage slaves.

this - Amazon is good for some stuff but otherwise is full of shit that sellers find at either walmart, or fucking goodwill.

i found amazon overly expensive every time i checked something out. the shipping is also shit. ordered a few things from ebay but don't use that much either.

>big box stores don't even have the shit I am looking for
>small time stores overcharge by a crazy amount

Amazon it is

It's only cheaper if you buy the prime membership. If you don't shop online enough to justify the membership then Amazon is actually more expensisve than just going to the store to buy it.

Why don't u just get smart man? How stupid are you ? What , u work at a grocery store?

local business like walmart and amazon never existed

they were called sears and kmart

Let me know when Amazon starts selling groceries Mr. Bezos.

Buddy, they do have a grocery service


Sure, just let me run to my neighborhood electronics store and buy a new pc fan.

WHAT?! There isn't one?! Sheeeit.

Or if there is, an $8 fan goes for $20.

amazon doesn't make money selling merchandise.

Think of amazon as a social network, where the buying and selling of goods are the communication.

Bezos uses this flow of users to sell higher margin items, like digital goods.

Like I'm going to trust some minimum wage faggot millennial to know how to pick groceries.

Amazon is way beyond "local business service", AWS is fucking massive and they provide other services besides selling stuff.

Because supporting big businesses in a capitalist economy fuels the corruption of our legal system.

Why would I waste my valuable time walking around inside a store when I can just spend a couple minutes online ordering instead?

Phoner charger on amazon
>11 bucks at most
Average phone charger at staples or at walmart
>20 dollars from shitty brand

I dare anyone to argue how physical stores can compete

good goyim

Lol, they're already ripping you off. Take the last thing you bought and look it up on aliexpress. I can guarantee that it will be at least 25% cheaper

>Kill every business by aggressive loss taking
>Remove free shipping and increase the cost of shipping

>Why? Amazon is better in every way.

Most tech sellers from amazon have 50/50 non working or defective products. I swear it is just warehouse clearing cheaper than E-wasting. Otherwise I just have it for the books I buy otherwise plebs go to the Barns and Nobles for the Starbucks Wifi.

The smart people who got in on Amazon at $300 are wetting their pants and selling as fast as possible. Only dumb fuck hippie neckbeards are still buying this shit at $840.


What if your local business is also online and does shipping faster than Amazon?

Check mate kiddo


Because I refuse to contribute to Jeff becoming richer