Think about it - In normal traffic these are the safest vehicles for you to be in
Are guys who drive these actually scared?
>texting soccermum in her Audi SUV t-bones you
>...what was that noise?
>get sued by her husband for having her go to soccermum heaven
>That Semper Fi sticker
> all of my keks
The only thing that scares these trucks are wild shopping cards and other paint scratching objects
Got an F-650 with CAT diesel as a work truck.
It's fuckin trash.
>Push a cart at someone's lifted F-650
>It rolls under and through to the other side, hitting your shitbox
What do you do now?
These things are so ludicrous that they're kinda cool in a way
it'd be cool as fuck to go through a huge desert with it.
Otherwise only practical truck is a trophy one
so shopping carts are on airbag suspension now? because no regular shopping cart is going under this
This. These things drive like total fucking garbage
Thousand times this. Too bad i'm broke and cannot afford a lifted chadtruck. In this you are literally king of the road, and plebs in their sedans will make way and shiver in fear. Any collision = minor scrathes for you, TOTAL FUCKING LOSS for any carlet.
Found the dicklet.
t. 7" cawk, hawt wife, Mazda 3
>takes 30 seconds to reach 40mph
i drive an f-750 at work sometimes and it is the pits.
>still can annihilate anything on its way
I dunno. Around here soccer moms often drive huge SUVs (Suburbans, Yukons, etc) and sometimes even pickups these days now that they are so luxurious.
Soccer moms drive big cars so that when they run into stuff while texting they and their kids will survive to murder an innocent driver once again in the future.
You'd have to catch them first. Even a fucking Prius could outrun one of these monstrosities
>fuccboi in his civic thinks he's a racing driver
>understeers into you, the oncoming traffic
>slides right towards you at 120mph
>.. *plop*
Top heavy, they flip surprisingly easily once a lower car hits it. And you never know what the day will bring.
>they flip surprisingly easily once a lower car hits it
Does that mean we found their weak point? Can we create a truck-killer car now? Maybe regular cars can still be saved!
Big car, small dick
nah m8,
its got torque
somethin your corolla dont
>turning public traffic into an arms race
yeah it's got torque, it also needs that torque to get it's massive weight moving so does a semi just because your 8000lb truck has 600lbft of torque doesn't mean it's fast
a weapon to surpass metal gear
More importantly it'll run out of revs in its giant diesel around 70 mph, and the offroad tires will drone like torture devices at that speed, while the whole thing does 7 mpg. Lifted trucks on offroad tires are absolutely clownish heaps of shit.
Looking at the front wheel wells it's reminding me a lot of a semi. I bet the hood opens forward and flips down doesn't it.
This thing is weird it's like an international fucked an f250
You cannot do that here.
>babby's first realization that medium duty trucks exist
Box trucks, fire trucks, ambulances, medium sized tow applications.
Cannot do what? I posted the first comment, got interrupted and wrote it again thinking I hadn't written it yet.
What would they be scared of?
Well memed!
Isn't that the American way of life?
Seems that way.
>Vegas wouldn't have happened if the festivals goers had brought Brownings to defend themselves with
I actually saw someone on the otherside of the road at a light rear end a lifted truck like that. Their Camry and the front crunched in while there was no visible damage to the truck.
>Daily driving your medium-duty truck
>Coming up on a green light
>Texting dipshit in a Prius makes a left turn in your path
>Front wheel of your truck meets the front end of the Prius
>Sloped hood launches one side of your car into the air like a ramp
>4 tons of truck lands on its roof
SUVs are for soccer moms and men with tiny penises so yeah
>Are guys who drive these actually scared?
no, just everyone else in traffic
Exactly if every concert goer had opened up on the mandalay bay far fewer concert goers would have died
never mind all the other people in the hotel rooms they would have shot
Wedge cars. This Alfa isn't smug for no reason at all. Alternatively, I always thought DMC12s would make for decent interceptor cars (if they were faster) since they are wedge shaped and could flip over anything.
scared? why would they be scared? what moron in their right mind goona fuck with a ford f450/550/650?
>what moron in their right mind goona fuck with a ford f450/550/650?
That's exactly why they're driving that car and OP pointed that out. You're not the brightest, are you?
How long until burgers are using road trains for dailies?
We have actual trains. A pretty extensive network of them too.
Stay poor
Kind of feels like they already are. Saw a 90s Tacoma today in front of a 2017 and I just could not believe it. F150s are even more ridiculous.
Then again I drive a 192" sedan that's a monster compared to anything from my youtb.
I pulled up to a f250 at the lights with my little commodore ute last week and now I think I know how it feels to be a manlet.
when are Australians going to get railroads
We have them. They're just slower and less reliable.
>her Audi goes under the car and is dragged for 20 miles
>"so that's what that noise was"
>driving trucks
>not driving landyachts
> Civic
> 120 MPH
Pick one
>not having portals
It's almost like you want to have your diff caved in by a big ass rock
>can't build a railroad across flat open country with no snow
How are you fuckers still breathing?
These aren't made for offroading. Normally they're medium duty truck chassis for road operations, but there are dimwits who think it's a good idea to put all terrain tires and pickup beds on them. They'll never see dirt in their lives.
Kek, maybe the one in the OP, but otherwise built diesels are pretty fucking fast
Try almost 1000 ft/lbs stock for new ford diesels.
>no fun allowed
>can't read a post
Is this why burgers need millions of mexishits?
>Mfw my Nissan hardbody has 14" of ground clearance and still is shorter than a stock f-150
>cant make a gud railroad
>I-I’m not scared, you’re scared!
why'd you ruin it user?
>pic related
We have rail roads. They've just fallen out of favor because road trains are faster and more reliable.
Brb train hit a cow and derailed 500km from nearest shithole town. No food for Darwin for a week.
Cars today are huge compared to just a few years ago. A new Grand Cherokee weighs OVER ONE THOUSAND POUNDS more than a 1997.
>his sedan is only 192" long
212" here
and my truck is 218"
I want one so bad dude hardbodies look fucking mean and they're dead simple. And you didnt ruin it you completed it
>derail a train
negative ghostrider
It's about to get even better
Forgot pic
>bounces off the tire and nails your shitbox
Bought a Sierra 1500 a few weeks back, it is fucking enormous compared to my tacoma
Notice how the tires are about 6" smaller than the wheel wells. After you work on one you will notice other off things too. Like how the brackets on the bumpers have an extra set of holes 2 inches up, and how all the hoses in the engine bay seem to long. You will notice the the front suspension is mounted on a plate extending 2" higher than the center of the frame rail. I am simply returning this truck to what it was intended before it was rebranded a "gas saver" truck by the marketing faggots.
I daily a slightly lifted truck, with a few off road mods.
One of my classmates has a lowered honda, and we were bored one time, and wanted to see how far under the front bumper it could go on my truck.
It was fully under. And I have skid bars and a plate down to the IFS centerpiece. In the event of a head on collision, I would go right the hell over it and probably fall over.
>In normal traffic these are the safest vehicles for you to be in
Their center of gravity is too high.
Thus, anything that causes it to go up in the air has a better chance of causing it to flip over on its side and then the roof since the momentum will keep it rolling once it starts moving that way.
I've got bad news m8.
Well it's a truck so..
yeah bro cows derail trains all the time it totally habbens
Read that as Vega (plural) at first, kek
Found the actually insecure guy.
Nice bump fuck tard
Is it a dana?
Up until bubba runs out of skill, has to swerve and it rolls over, crushing the cab like a tin can.
was this taken near Atlanta, I think I drove by this very accident years ago.
Dude the road trains do a lot if driving on unsealed dirt roads too.
Large country with a sparse population means not much money for infrastructure. Simple as that
>for when you need a double dose of small penis compensation
Sports car drivers are more likely to have a small penis
Spotted thr lifted brotruck driver and his boyfriend I snapped a picture of.
>what is reading comprehension?
brutal cringe
Primarily yes
They are so insecure that letting you get into their lane so you can get off the freeway would compromise their masculinity.
I don't use my turn signal around these guys, if you turn it on to get over in the lane they close the gap.