On a highway, a shitty road like pic related

>on a highway, a shitty road like pic related
>some maniac tailgating me wanting to pass while i'm already going pretty fast
>take it as some kind of race/challenge or something, like the retard I am
>start going faster and faster to see if he catch up to me, already at 120km/h in that narrow and dangerous two-way road
>suddenly a corner appears
>realizes i'm going too fast, i will not be able to turn without going to the opposite way lane or slipping
>i'm going to die instantly if theres another car coming in the opposite way
>luckily there wasn't
>almost pull over to cry
It hurts the ego so bad guys, I felt like an irresponsible child afterwards ;_;

I obtained your license plate number through your ip and have reported you to the local police. Have fun losing your license, idiot. Take it to the track


Sure sure

>I felt like an irresponsible child afterwards
You almost had a disaster because you let your annoyed ego do the driving. I'm glad I wasn't on the road coming the other way to have you collide with me head on.


never happened. tailgating and brake-checking are 'murrican things

I'm alway tailgating because i'm impatient and can't help, never saw someone brake-checking though, why would anynone do a dumb thing like this?

>this road
What the fuck.
This road isn't narrow at all and the most dangerous thing are those fucking stupid deer walking out in front of you and then staring at your headlights like the fucking retarded deer they are.

>Amerilards call that narrow

i agree i have been on road limited at 90 kph where you can't have two car side to side

>shitty road like pic related
>posts pic of a smooth/straight road

The Audi language is universal you faggot

Do you even drive? Its dangerous at high speeds because its a two way road with only one lane per direction, its really easy for a head on collision to happen if you do any dumb shit

>asks guy who rides a bike if he drives because driving is dangerous
You know bikes are inherently more dangerous than cars right?
but yes i do.

>inherently more dangerous than cars
Not in this case, you'll have an way easier time manuveuring in that road compared to a car
If you do fuck up, you are way more likely to die though

Says the faggot that nearly lost it doing ~70mph

Git gud scrub

yeah and you should you fucking retard.

Tailgating is well and truly alive in Australia.

At 6AM in the morning on the way to work it's quite common to get tailgated on the single lane roads because tradies are stupid cunts who are always late and have to go 160km/h wherever they're going.

Theres no git gud, unless you are driving a F1 car you WILL lose control at that speed depending on the corner

>Not in this case
>If you do fuck up, you are way more likely to die though

Are you retarded? You are less likely to fuck up since you can maneuver and fit in tight spaces or just move to the side easily

Yeah unless you know the road and whats going on.. its better to slow and allow the overtake.

Its much easier to try and keep up.

...inevitably the guy infront will often let up or go on his way as long as you are not too agressive.

And you get to compare cars/drivers.

Im not here to race.

So why were you going that fast me peo driver?


Whelp, hope you learned you lesson user

The worst that happened is you had to put your tail between your legs. bretty gud if you ask me.