/mhg/ - Monster Hunter General

When a beloved franchise gets rebooted but fans are kind of tsundere they removed so much anime

>Monster Hunter: World
-MH:World revealed for PS4 and Xbox One early 2018, and eventually PC. youtube.com/watch?v=xe-RAeDfOMM
↳Information with sources: pastebin.com/TRFRGFn1
↳Extended footage: mmcafe.com/nico.html#http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm31388446
↳Blurry demo footage: u.nya.is/fzyrht.mp4 | mega.nz/#!XtAyQabZ!cpb1tCm8embSW0EwwSAZ9M05AuFJCl9k0JhPIq5J1Uo

-Monster Hunter XX Nintendo Switch Ver. confirmed for 8/25 in Japan, region free. youtube.com/watch?v=CvzTD_RYDXs
↳No current plans for XX localization "at this time". twitter.com/monsterhunter/status/875133030326652928
-Monster Hunter Stories is coming West this fall.

>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.

Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.

Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
Create or find a Gathering Hall
Passcode: 7243
In XX, ターグット: Gathering フィールド採集 (page 1, middle right)
In Generations, Objective: Gathering
In 4U, Target: Fishing

Tags: MHWorld, MHXX, MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, Stories, MHO, MonHun, /mhg/

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MHW for Switch when?


MHW is gonna be fun!

>30 fps

MHO update on the 27th will have:

>molten tigrex
>black gravios
>gold rathian
>forest and hills
>bushido style (not too sure about the brave style thing)
>weapon tree branching
>new skills

>Tfw can only have decent discussions at night when all the children have gone to bed

>tfw dumb enough for MHO

>molten tigrex

That's kind of surprising. And Bushido? 14 weapons when?


Yes. Bushido style is adept style.

>opens up giant kennel labled MHW

Come on, now. You're so close!

I know that, baka.

GoldFags need to be gassed
Worst metal

I will dethrone the king again, in HD!
I will make Baraq great again!

>solid Frontier monsters like Hypnoc and Lavasioth

You mean Yawn KutKu and Fire Plesioth?


Not gonna lie though if I didn't already have a Piss4r that's probably the one I'd get just for its sheer gaudiness.

Huh I think it's not actually the same molten tigrex from mainline. It's probably just some kind of lava tigrex just flame blangonga.

>14 weapons
>Insect Glaive
So did they cut medium bowguns?

>world adds Abiorugu
>starts hunting the first one you find
>another, much karger one shows up
>both battle for dominance
>your target is now the stronger, more terrifying Abiorugu.

That makes a lot more sense.

>they confirmed the pc version is not coming soon

I will wait as long as I have to. Not dropping $500 for 30 fps.

Yes, I think they made a press release about that and inform everybody except you, 8 years ago.

Good luck little bird

As a newfag, I can't believe this isn't a meme: monsterhunter.wikia.com/wiki/Medium_Bowgun

Sorry if i skipped all the nintendo titles

damn looks like im not buying it then
>delayed PC version
>no MHXX for the west
thats two sales theyve lost

Steve is honestly a much better fight than any of the Raths.
>That one-two air swipe
>Has a status effect that's unique to him
>Doesn't wind press and then fireball your face
>Doesn't teleport across the stage to poison claw swipe you

Can't wait for the mh official tier list to be canon. We all know that diablos is the true king of the desert.

>No tonfa
I'm still mad

>People complaining about monsters completely ignoring hunters to fight another monster

>What is animal instinct (Bigger = More threatening)
>What is displaying dominance

In the leak, Vulture-kun literally stops midair the moment him and Rathalos' AIs get too close so Rathalos can do that trailer move on him.

I'm more disappointed there's no new weapons.

Can't wait for HD Diablos!

>fighting deviljho
>konchu displays dominance and cucks up your shit


But what if the other monster is as small as your target monster?
Would it be just competing for food then?

Well, yeah, if you want to generalize them that much. But they were still fun monsters. Unique designs and plesioth's species was in dire need of a new member at the time. Also
>Hypnocatrice theme

actualy, you you look carfuly, there is a vespoind in the way, the vespoid's hitbox stoped a damn t rex mid air


vespoid displaying dominance

>jagras attempts to attack Anjanth
>they both fight
>hunter expects free hits like from leak
>Anjanath crushes Jagras, and starts swinging his limp body around in his jaws like a bludgeon to pulvarize the hunter.

>tfw projared said flexing was dumb

Are you the new "monster hunter vita" guy?

where do you get these qt mons
>tfw no more "tfw no monster hunter on vita" guy

Reminder that MHW will be the mainline messiah that saves us from Ichinose anime fuckery

>said that drinking slows you to a crawl
what other lies has this man polluted our minds with

Make Charge Blade anime again.

someone gotta field the void now he is dead

I honestly feel Monster Hunter World is going to be Tri 2.0. Just a bunch of weird features and design choices. Then the next game, World's p3rd, will be on handhelds taking out a lot of the features that didn't work while having more content with a few weird features of its own. Then World Ultimate will be the "complete" version where everything's ironed out and it's on both console and handheld.

Afterwards, we can look forward to 6th gen just being 5th gen with a gimmick of weapon/armor durability during hunts to simulate 'realism'

>I honestly feel Monster Hunter World is going to be Tri 2.0

I'd honestly been praying for 5 to once again be willing to throw tradition out instead of a huge nostalgia grind.

Y-....you know what? Good point.

Why can't they just casualize SpeedEating instead?
Better distribution, lower skillpoint threshold for the +2 effect, etc.
Heck, they can make it the default skill of the Expedition Scout set.

Sure it keeps the flexing but I'd rather have super sped-up flexing instead of ditching it completely. Who knows if the west might end up liking it instead of assuming it's too comical?


How big are Dalamadur's dicks?

>tfw no Monster Hunter World on Switch

MHW is kinda experimental, what will come after will obviously better
if it flop, capcom will probably change their mind and decide to do a new opus called MH5 this time with nintendo, that scenario would be tri 2.0

Arenas are smaller, monsters are faster, monster can gank you, I think a heal on the move is fine but sprinting while healing should drain 3x more stam.

>I think a heal on the move is fine
>but sprinting while healing should drain 3x more stam
200% heresy

>weapon durability
So, a sharpness overhaul?
>armor durabiility

i fucked up, meant for

>tfw I got into monhan thanks to that guy

monster v monster interactions

I wonder if any large monsters have cooperative relationships or if its only competition

Honestly, what the fuck is his problem?

Ok, let's keep the ball going and hope this general survives long enough.

Weapons steadily lose durability over hunts until they break, and which they can only be repaired by using monster parts to reinforce them again. Bouncing makes weapon's lose durability go away faster to make up for the fact damage isn't lost when hitting a bouncing part.

Armor sections can break during combat (negating whatever protection it gave you) if you get hit to much and has an overall durability like weapons where it must eventually be repaired.

I wonder how will MHW handle Bullfangos this time with the increased emphasis in monster interactions.

>No new portable game
>PC version of World delayed
They literally want me to pirate their shit

And after 6 consecutive portable games too

Will it even have them? My biggest fear right now is the fact that they need to make all new assets for all monsters, and being unable to copypaste Capcom is going to give us the smallest roster since Gen 1.

portable fifth on the switch!

I feel like i should be hype but capcom pr team is handeling everything in the worst possible way

>shitters finish every hunt completely naked
>can't afford new gear because they spend everything on repairs
>no effect on good players

They are delaying because of piracy threats. They don't want anyone who isn't financially invested in the game to talk about it.

japan only!
please enjoy world first

I really don't even care if they get the XX team to make some MHP game thats just 4U's gameplay minus mounting in a new setting.
They've had some of the worst PR at E3 as a whole with MHW and MvCI

*blocks ur path*

>it's a "bullfango survives two nukes, the black plague, world war 2, 3 and the heat death of the universe" episode

>finally found the bullfango
>rahian pops out
>bullfy sprints out to the other corner of the fucking map

Thats just a clip on for a phone.

>MH Portable
Why is this meme catching on? Nobody in the past 6 years would admit that the 3DS games are carrying the "Portable" spirit, especially for MHX, and suddenly that's all these people are talking about.

does anyone think sony is going to get back in the handheld game after Vita

>doesn't teleport across the stage to poison swipe you

Granted, but it's not like his flight and aerial attack animations stand up well to scrutiny either. Trying to make sense of some of his animations and especially his landings makes me convinced he was programmed by the same inbred hacks that did Skyrim's dragons.

Nope try again

It's already being made according to Sony job advertisements for manufacturing a new game console.

>Giant intimidating monster with earth-shaking roar appears
>Decide to charge the guy fighting it
Fuck these guys

No, the patent was just related to mobile.
Sony's higher ups nearly killed each other over the Vita I doubt Kaz could survive another PSP style incident.

>Nobody in the past 6 years would admit that the 3DS games are carrying the "Portable" spirit

im not sure what you mean?
monster hunter success has thrived on portables for 12 years now, that's why people want another portable MH game

has the "Portable" spirit changed with the 3DS games?

People were always clamoring that the 3DS games are the "main" games, especially because of Fujioka. And then they claimed that MHX is an "anniversary game" instead of Portable 4th.

I had a bullfango survive three enraged stygian claw slams then charge through his fucking legs and straight into me yesterday. I can't even begin to describe how mad I was.


but 3u and 4u are mainline games

>But Nintendo's victory might be short-lived: Sony apparently is working on a Vita successor.
This is the funniest part of this article
It makes me think that it was written by that IGN guy who loved the Vita and called people who hated ME3 entitled.

3U, 4 and 4U ARE the main games

capcom calls MHX an anniversary game and that's the only one debatable on whether or not its a main game

So how is world going to do the end all quest where you fight multiple monsters in one go when monster's fight each other now?

>monster is long enough to do 1/4 mile drag races on
>how big is its dick

Gonna hazard a conservative guess of "very."

It's a colossal faggot with no redeeming features. If you were a Bullfango you'd probably be pretty pissed off all the time too.

Got it from /v/

And they also claim that MHX is part of that grouping. But now with MHW's announcement, suddenly people are aware of this "portable" and started grouping MHX into that grouping. I guess you just need to be there to understand it. Acting all high and mighty about "main" games before, but now having to resort to begging for the "portable" scraps. They're all the same shit and a continuation of each other. Like MHW having a lot of MHX's contents.

Well now you backtrack. It may not be you, but it was the general consensus back then.

Monsters have their turf. Dont lure them to each other.


that sounds way cooler than rathalos and rathian.,....,,,,,,

Reus is a cute name for a wyvern son tho

>gangs in monster hunter now
Truely is a westernized monhun.