League of Legends General - /lolg/

ayy lmao where da thread go edition
ur "league waifu" a shit

Fucking jani what the fuck is his problem???

Actual thread that was created first:

Who is the best? Riven is the best.

Stop shitting up the threads you virgins and faggots



Post ducks before thread disappears

This is the chosen thread


Fuck mods

lulufag is sperging out and deleting all the threads

Okay before the thread gets deleted. user who was asking about the orbs. If you plan on getting either event skin I would get the icon plus border. If not choose whether you like soul stealer vayne or hex tech Annie more and get that orb.

the last thread got nuked instantly after that photo of destroyer was posted

feels good

i hope fish never gets nerfed or picked against me




Why are the mods deleting the threads.

xth for breast metal waifu

> Mods so buttblasted by Constantly Losing Games getting deovured by a superior team that they delete /lolg/ threads

how tight do u think jinx is?

inb4 this thread goes 404 too

Mods are cucks
Just imagine some neckebard lulufag got made a janny from the recent recruitment, and now he's deleting any thread that doesn't start with his whore waifu

Suck it fag you're using my thread now.

>Janitor has to make his own thread and delete all the other ones just to feel special


xth for snake cuties

Alright, hopefully the mod doesn't get butthurt about Lulu or someshit.

What should I build on Pantheon? I run out of mana quickly, how do I stop that?

Can you ever get more refunds after using your 3?

Honestly, I'm glad we can blame Lulufags either way on this whole ordeal.
Maybe other obnoxious waifufags/fags will take the hint.

delet this

My friend builds a tear of he is ahead. He is also gold so I don't know if this would help or hurt you in the future.

That sounds smart. He doesn't build it into anything right?

>30 minutes
>77 cs
What the fuck

If he is crushing he builds it into a muramana usually he just sells it for tank later on though.

xth for Karthus is for Kayle!

>enemy team has fiora
>our team multiple times groups up for objectives and kills her off
>she flips her shit and every time she dies call us pussies and says 1v1 her
>at some point she kills off somebody who stayed in their jungle 1v1
>Yeah pussy not so tough now!
>ask her if she realizes how silly this is
>not only is this a TEAM game, but you are mad about the other players not going 1v1 against a duelist?
whats next, assassins crying about adcs not 1v1ing them?
Or assassins crying about not being able to delete tanks?

Elixir should be all your mana, really. In some matchups you want to poke poke poke and zone, in others you want to poke a just bit saving mana for straight up combos.

Also you farm like absolute shit geez.

It's my second time Pantheon, so I'm still getting the hang of CSing with him. And after I got first blood, Ivern managed to pull off a couple of ganks on me and helped Aatrox get ahead.

Thanks for the tip bro


>leaning on an invisible manlet

Proposing this as the next OP picture, since they're going to keep deleting threads anyways

Ahahah Janitorbabs. Lulu is shit

Lulu wasn't even the OP of the last 6 threads which have been deleted
The guy is just fucking gay

comfy bfs~


How did your climb go today, /lolg/?

The time of man has come to an end.

It's too hot...

interesting build

Pretty sure if he is gay he would leave these threads alone.

>banning kennen
>reckless isn't on either team

People severely undervalue Triforce on J4

The magic, it calls to me.

>still no moth champ
>riven yasuo on either team

Triforce + Duskblade + Tabis + Yommu was a fun time

Yes now that he sees a half naked male in the OP he won't delete the thread

does huhi even know how to play victor?

what if xerath spells could proc black cleaver

>in silver

Oh yeah, assassin J4 is fun but not solo queue viable compared to bruiser

TriHard ================C :watermelon:

what if kennen could build tiamat

Monarch Kog'Maw could be your moth gf

>Rakan is literally a half naked bird thing from the game
>not allowed in Veeky Forums

> Put top
> Hey man can I support? Diamond 1 support
> Diamond 5 player locks in Taric

feels bad

>enemy team has a two item ori
>we have a three and a half item adc
>ori flashes onto them with her full combo
>they instantly die

how? she wasn't even overleveled or anything. equal level to our adc

she had morello ludens sorcs and two drings

it would have taken our adc several autos to kill her but she can just one shot any squishy even while really behind?

People severely undervalue Triforce on AD casters.

>free ability with 200% base ad ratio


Monarch as in BUTTERFLY
I won't be tricked

That too


What if Malz voidlings proc'd tiamat


cleaver is usually more standard since it has armor shred vs other tankier top laners

Huhi can play Victor like Kuro plays Azir

This is why people lynch fags
Fuck off

>been a bruiser top/jungle main all my life
>recently try playing some mages mid
>enjoying the fuck out of Viktor

Sometimes it's nice to try new things
What other comfy mages should I try?

>nigga can't even link properly
yeah he mad

Black Cleavers only for people who actually build armor.

None of those matchups had anyone with more than a single armor item/tabis. At that point, the AS/Phage/Sheen gives you more DPS since Q shreds 26% armor anyway

well, say goodbye to this thread, they get nuked every time this is posted

Is Lemon Nation the single most reddit player in LoL history?

Vel and Galio

viktor is just a fun champion. Probably the funnest mage.

Cassio and syndra are also very fun.

I hate you so much, why have you not been banned

Lemon is so fucking chill dude you wot

is this the janny? or why is that when this gets posted the thread gets instanuked?

because it's destroyer

That'd probably be Doublelift

>get to silver
>every other game has a pentakill
silver is the real bronze

preparing the next thread

Who the fuck is this. I thought it was just a generic image of a fuckboy

welp thread is dead, get ready to move


What the actual fuck CLG

Who /birdcouple/ here?

No not Rakan and Xayah. I'm talking about Quinn and Valor

I finally found out how to play her. She's basically a second jungler once you hit six and you just gank top and mid and then tele back to bot after getting away with murder they are so perfect for each other.

This is my boyfriend Kled the cantankerous cavalier!
Say something nice about him or your next ranked team comp will be Riven/Lee/Yasuo/Vayne/Lux

And the first game looked so good too

don't mind me

Literally who