>/bbg/ Fight Club: Pthumeru - n6rc9jh8 Loran - jjpkdcgd Isz - 9v8qndas (every Saturday 6pm EST, general rules:imgur.com/1RjNbF4)
>/bbg/ Spelunking Club Password = /bbg/ Create a new S/FRC chalice dungeon and beckon anons to join OR Use the Short Root Chalice with the password /bbg/ to be summoned or invade (every Friday 6pm EST, anything goes)
>Resources Pastebin - Planners, Calculators, Spreadsheets, Stats Info, Where to go next in BB, Guide Scans & Wikis pastebin.com/aNR8TXUr
>Chalice Pastebin - General Info, Glyphs for Gems, Best Gems Setups, Multiplayer & Speedrunning pastebin.com/489M5NBv
Well fuck this shit. Why does Undead Giant lvl 2 (one with the cub) one shot me?
Adrian Rogers
Landon Taylor
Benjamin Russell
How do I progress at Segalt's NPC questline ?
Wyatt Stewart
No problem, happy to help. Have fun ripping and tearing Also Beast Blood Pellets don't do anything for elemental damage. Converted weapons build up beasthood but don't give you extra damage, you're just making yourself weaker. Don't use them on an arcane build
Jason Rodriguez
> sinister bell resonates with another. > adversary Kylie Jenner has arrived. Lol
Ayden Price
> Almost at the end of boss fight > Automatically expelled from the world Pleasant surprise
Cooper Green
>not even the hot one of the younger two Into the trash she goes.
Thomas Torres
The poor bastard, knowing how long SRRC invasions take. Any good gems?
Brayden Jenkins
>walk into a room >a fucking naked watcher with a mace rolling around 1 shots me >lose 237k souls trying to get back
That's enough bloodborne for today.
Isaac Rodriguez
I got a +65 Str Scaling, +12,5 Attk and Attk vs Kin down 10,5%. Im an arcanist though, Im here to get eyes
Carter Taylor
The next one needs to have Gascoine for Father's Day
Carson Hill
You start at Veeky Forums and navigate through Veeky Forums into /bbg/ then you must defeat captcha and leave a note saying "Ringing at (x) with pass (y)" and he'll show up pretty much instantly. Usually anyway. He's a little buggy but it's not a problem for most people. I got 2x kin down, one with Charge atk up and the other dura up. Also picked up a hp-10 one but other than that only my atk down one. Everything else has been non abyssal.
Nolan Cox
>237k If it's any consolation, that's honestly not a lot. You can make that in ~20 minutes farming 5pwujscd or 4vusedmb. But yeah, fuck those naked mace rollers. They get my jimmies going worse than those dual scythe pcp demons. At least those fuckers I can properly time a parry on.
Adrian Nguyen
Guys do one run without me, I'll make myself something to eat fast
Bentley Kelly
> finally get another abyssal > durability down What annoys me about these is that they're fucking shit but they're not shit in comparison to -hp or atk down, so if I bitch too much about it I'm just being a faggot but goddamn, why does there have to be like 9 fucking layers of RNG?
Nathaniel Powell
I honestly don't understand people's issue with dura down. If you have to stack them, they're an issue when you want to go spelunking, but having just one will make little to no noticable difference.
Juan Martinez
My character is lv 120 Bt 20, everything else 30 I fucked my chance oficina make a decent build?
Ian Reyes
*Of make a decent build Fucking autocorrector
Jeremiah Cox
Hello, Bloodfriends. Can Bloodfriends be summoned to help with Amelia? Me and a fellow Bloodfriend are having difficulties finding eachother, with password.
Nicholas Campbell
Guys I finally got a good one. Maybe even great. Not perfect but I'm happy about it.
Joseph Campbell
The host must have all the gates in the area opened before they can get help
Aaron Carter
Nice find, user!
Luke Sanchez
This last run and I'll be resting for today, that was fun
Luis Kelly
Same. I really appreciate the help though, segalt. You're the best.
Joshua Allen
Cheers, I hope good gems and plenty of eyes came to you both. If you'd like to continue farming some other time, let me know.
Gavin Flores
Yes you did sir. Just use that character for ng+
Noah Hernandez
I just got one shotted by this tall hunched creature using a skull to cast pyromancies surrounded by a mob.
What is it?
Julian Phillips
Adam Mitchell
I wish I could tell the Undead Giant that no one loves him.
Austin Cruz
Its a Witch of Ohko. She uses the skull to boil eldritch blood and imbibe its fumes.
Samuel Sullivan
>Sleep schedule is completely fucked, stay up to 4 AM and sleep to 2 PM >Try to sleep earlier, go to bed at 11 PM with the aid of a sleeping medication >Wake up at 2 AM wide awake, and body trembling when it's not even cold
Gavin Brown
Some of you guys are alright. Don't go to Byrgenwerth tomorrow.
Caleb Smith
get 3 hours of sleep one night go to bed at 11 profit
Noah Rodriguez
>tfw love BB but can't stand the thought of trying to grind top tier Blood Gems
Shit seems more nauseating than trying to get a Rathalos Mantle.
Connor Gray
I feel ya man, I'm just too fucking lazy to go through that shit. I'm gonna do it someday though.
Aaron Ward
>Doing some solo spelunking because it's dead hours. >Enter a large circular room. >See at least 4 witches of ohko. >Do the fucking hardest 180 I have ever done and run out of the room.
Asher Wood
Want to spelunk together
Aiden Jones
Why didn't you ask to coop, I could have joined
Daniel Rogers
My bad fellas. I'll open the chalice, please send help. There are 5 in there, can confirm. I'm on layer 2, glyph is 6rmv45gq , pass is snake
Josiah Ward
Is it fine if I SRRC?
Robert Sanchez
That's fine, the layer one boss was an Undead Giant so you might actually save time by skipping him.
Liam Foster
sorry friendos, i was asleep
Nolan Lee
>Seven minutes trying to SRRC
This is pain.
Luis Perez
Don't worry, the SRRC summoning ritual seems to have worked.
Parker Rogers
i fixed my sleep by forcing myself to stay away until most normies go to bed from the previous night, fixed it in one day
Lucas Green
Going to rush to Layer 2, would you help me with Undead Giant?
Nathan Morgan
Sure, gimmie a moment, I'll ring by the layer 1 lamp.
Joshua Green
I hate this fucking boss, holy fuck
Liam Williams
Jordan Bell
*360 no scopes u* psch, nuthin personnel
Jaxson Hughes
Any bloodfriends know why Eileen isn't appearing outside of cathedral ward? I talked to her in old yharnam already.
Xavier Johnson
? Eileen doesn't show up in Old Yharnam. Central Yharnam you mean?
you need to open the main gates of CW. the emblem gate etc that eventually leads to Amelia.
Easton Sanders
Okay maybe we should tackle that room last.
Andrew Barnes
But I already beat Amelia and BSB. But she isn't next to the rails like she should be.
Owen Fisher
Try opening all the usual shortcuts
Carson Anderson
Ebrietas is so fucking ugly.
Isaac Hall
>Room with two pigs >Room with six ritekeepers >>>>ROOM WITH 2 UNDEAD CANNON GIANTS AND A SCYTHE GIANT
Joshua Edwards
>5 Ohko witches in one room. >2 pigs in one room. >3 undead giants in one room. This fucking layer.
Hunter Diaz
Because layer two wasn't FUN enough
Robert Collins
But I've cleared the area and moved on, user-kun...
Dylan Cox
Just got to L3, srorry for taking so long
Adam Sullivan
So does the GOTY edition have the DLC built-in or does it just come with a code to get it?
I'm looking to get it second hand
Aaron Watson
built in. no prepatch infinite echoes.
Jack Rivera
>ganked by a dude that fucking summoned free willy out of the ground
This fucking game.
Ryder Morris
I've been out picked
Brandon Reed
You three still spelunking in that nightmarish glyph?
I'm thinking of hosting a spelunk soon. I'm a bit feverish and sick, so I have an excuse if something kills me.
Jaxon Price
We got a layer 4 bois. We are. It's been a blast so far.
Oliver Sanders
Going to ring Beckoning Bell, because I don't want to solo Pthumerian Elder
Also did you find anything good so far?
Brayden Diaz
Been keeping some track of what I'm getting, here are my hastily put down notes.
Ring of Betrothal in Pre-lantern area
----Undead Giant---- Lost Logarius' Wheel ----Watchers----
9 Yellow Backbone 9 Ritual Blood (5) 10Tomb Mold (5) 3 Great One Coldblood
Camden Gonzalez
Please help, user.
Chase Hughes
That's a really awesome glyph you guys got!
What's in layer 4? I can't wait.
Eli Hernandez
I can help you out with the Elder if that's what you're asking, I just thought you were SRRC'ing. I misread like a retard, sorry.
Brandon Richardson
Fug, alright. I'll SRRC in then!
Robert Foster
you're supposed to talk to her at the railing before touching laurence's skull, then you help her kill henryk
she might try to kill you now
Jaxson Ross
>finally find the labyrinth lever in a long layer >sigh of relief and walk towards it because room is supposedly clear >out of the silence and fog, a naked mace watcher belly flops me >jumped up and nearly threw my controller
Always stay on your toes.
Asher Hughes
fear your blindness
Jaxon Anderson
Wot. I got straight up ohko'd that time. I put my hat on and everything.
Michael Morris
I didn't even see him attack
Brody Torres
>note says ''take a step forward'' >take a step forward >fall off a cliff and die
Am I doing it right?
Noah Nguyen
>Got my build to 98 >Realise I'm 2 skill short to use the Church Pick I don't want to go to level 100 but I really want to use a bolt church pick
Ryder Rodriguez
>Bolt Pick Just use a Saif instead, Church Pick won't do any thrust damage after you convert it. It'd basically just be a fancy Saw Spear at that point. If you really want to use the Church Pick, you're better off making it fire to make use of its serrated bonus.
Parker Stewart
>mfw just realized I forgot that I never equipped my Choir Trousers
Hopefully you guys got the Pthoo in Loo
Leo Adams
>It counted. We fucking did it. That fourth layer was underwhelming, given how aidstacular the rest was. Still, very fun! Thanks for joining me, Albatross and Cheesecake.
Adam Thomas
Probably my favorite spelunking experience so far, always a pleasure to play with you.
How good is Steak Dinner for PvE/PvP
Blake Ross
Glad to hear that. Hopefully we can spelunk together another time. I need sleep.
Dylan Adams
Very fun.
Matthew Jackson
It's ok for PvE, I managed to get through the game with it an no method of parrying, so it's definitely not total trash. The tricked form sees very little use though, so your moveset is quite limited. The charged tricked R2 is actually really solid for certain bosses (Amygdala comes to mind)
I've not tried it in PvP, but my guess is that it's anus because of low reach, small hitboxes that don't cover a wide area and predictable moveset. However, as displayed here, if you somehow land a charged hit, you win the fight. Period. >Pic related, is your opponents stupidity viable?
Brandon Lee
Hosting a spelunk ()
Glyph: 43ngzck9 (It's an Ihyll FRC)
Yo get in here
Nicholas Jones
I'd come sure! Pass?
Nathan Phillips
Josiah Martin
couldn't you change it for something less generic? I've noticed that srrc takes a lot longer if you use that.
Ethan Ortiz
Sure thing family. New pass is bbg20
David Carter
oh, didn't know it loses the thrust damage. Still, not sure if it's worth going above 98 for a single weapon