Are you part of the 21 bitcoin holder elite club yet?

Are you part of the 21 bitcoin holder elite club yet?

76 m8

chances for nocoiners to get inside the new elite: diminishing

I sold all my coins last weekedn

stop viraling your scam coin. it is never going to be successful

Funds are taking forever to arrive at coinbase, buying asap when they get there

Can you actually buy shit with memecoin?

I saw an ep of million dollar listing where someone bought a whole frickin house with memecoin. I wonder if he was from Veeky Forums....

most btc community is there for greed and not because of counter-economics

overpriced, proove me wrong

how much does it cost to produce a btc?
it costs 1100$ to mine every new gold ounce

I'm in the 63 bitcoin club bitchez.

That's 3 x 21 for you math challenged fucks

2013 wants his meme back


you'll sell along the way, most will, thus making 21 btc holders rarer and rarer.

I can't wait for a server crash to literally end your fake money.

Nah I've got ~$300,000 growing steadily in my low fee 401k though. (v:

>I can't wait for a server crash to literally end your fake money.


If you don't actually understand how bitcoin works in the slightest please don't comment on it.

That is the average nocoiner right there.

Have 12 BTC
had considerably more but my VPS decided to fuck me over, you live and learn.

part of the 101

when to buy? I'd buy now but I'm hoping it dips before the 28th on my birthday.

I'm in the 25 club

Decent bait, but still room for improvement.

>how much does it cost to produce a btc?
mining difficulty depends on the hashing power of the network
the hashing power of the network depends on how much energy miners willing to spend to get bitcoin, also innovation in ASICs

next stop 210 club.

21btc club reporting in, bought in for a total of 7k, I'm excited :)

I don't buy things that don't have tangible value.

Just because people currently value boogers, doesn't mean I'll invest in boogers.

>you'll sell along the way, most will, thus making 21 btc holders rarer and rarer.

this was my only motivation to get a job, so i can avoid spending my memecoins and have a guaranteed way to buy more.

t. engineer wagecuck

What gives something "tangible value"?

hardmode: If you use the phrase 'backed by" you have to explain what you mean by that too.

>t. has no clue what bitcoin is

you might have a point when you mean by tangible actually physically holding it in your hand, but that is not of importance in relation to the price whatsoever

its ok grandpa, go to bed.

No, but I'm in the rekt by china twice club. It's not as exclusive.

>the first & strongest decentralized trustless currency in history has no tangible value


oh boy