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>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
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>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
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Azura is shit
Tiki says hello.
Well, too bad, I don't like her. Goodbye!
Why does Thotja get green HP?
Why is Nino such a bad unit?
Azura a best!
Corrin is for loving!
Just gave him Fury 3 when I could have given it to my Lucina AMA
>tfw no Tiki
>tempest is a monthly thing
>top seals are locked at 50K
Ya prepare to grind every month?
Is Heroes worth picking up now, if you don't want to grind or spend money on it?
This. Can anyone explain the pic in the last thread?
There's no way to increase base HP in battle
Are they gonna add Fortify dragons and give it to all dragons in this game ?
The green HP thing is in the barracks, though. I have it on my +HP -Spd Tharja.
>Tempests are a monthly thing
>if you don't get at least 60k you miss 15 free orbs per month
What is this trash OP? Who the fuck allowed this?
I have a +HP Tharja and she doesn't have it.
Shes 4* though.
Does anybody else have it?
I stopped playing a month ago and really only log in now to get my daily orbs. So no. Once you get your favs, you really have no reason to play anymore.
What's wrong with a little girl and her papa you fucking fascist?
>tfw finally get the QP seal
>no real sense of accomplishment just close my phone and go back to doing other things
Its a bittersweet kind of feel.
no, please. I was already sick of it by 20k.
>have tiki, nowi and ninian
>no faye
Faye pls come home.
Smother him with love/ swords!
Who needs a 5* Maskes Marth
Who needs Quickened Pulse
Who needs Infernal Legion
Who needs them, amirite?
Yes. One of the best unit is on a banner right now, get him w/ +atk and everything becomes easy mode for you to hoard orbs for your waifu or some shit
>mentally ill
Fuck off
Best Hana build?
Brave sword/LaD/Windsweep/moonbow
Brave sword/LaD/Desperation/moonbow
Silver sword/LaD/Desperation/moonbow
Wo Dao/LaD/Desperation/moonbow
They all net a similar amount of kills above 100
>mentally ill is ok when julia in fact juliafags force it as a gift to mankind that lets you hotdog her butt
>BAD when camilla
You can atleast do the Infernal Legion now, user.
wo dao because it looks good on her.
I want to stab Mila with my Falchion!
It's already in game.
Ninian has it.
Still looking for Hone Dragons though
this game is dead with IV trash and muh sport trash like grandblue
>all my Fae have been -Atk and -Spd so they just got ate for Renewal
My dragon team needs that green but since Nowi and Tiki are near perfect I can't settle.
I meant Fae, not Faye.
Faye pls go back to the cuckshed.
I love the tempest. I can't get enough of bullying Veronica
Julia is cute and not yandere
Fortify dragons is already in the game.
Since no one is posting in the other thread, every single one of us is responsible for this.
Is Quick riposte good on Camus? I have 5 Tsubakis but no Lonks
It's Fathers Day
You mean the other late dootshit thread? Don't we have a doot thread every other thread? I swear it alternates with Lucina at this point
>being airheaded and autistic is the same as being yandere
Camillafags everyone
In order to complete the set
Doubt it, he's got good enough speed to double, especially with cav buffs
So you should be ashamed of posting that.
>Juliafag damage control and goalpost moving
You know at least when Camillafags are bad, it's just unconsciously, they don't know any better. Juliafags actively try to make an effort to be as cancerous and obnoxious as possible.
That it is
But Julia and Seliph is OTP.
I'll be mad if they remake the game and don't let you pair them up.
Why is Naruto starring at Noire's tits?
>Katarina does literally nothing, doesn't even fucking offer advice
Wow, what a worthless cunt.
Why the fuck did I carry her through a combat trial? I could have had a real combatant backing me up instead.
>damage control
Coming from the guy that tries to equate autism to "I'll cut off all your limbs if you try and leave me", I'll take that as a concession.
That picture is a really shitty pun on the term
should i play awakening or fates first
Did you do an Archanea one?
I WISH there were Patty image dumps.
Was Elincia the best female lord?
>Forced into position of leadership but did not try to escape or reject it, instead approached the responsibility to the best of her powers
>Understands firsthand the struggle of having to rule a nation knowing fully that there are those of her nation's people that resent and rebel against her
>Doesn't falter against having to compromise between losing her sister or giving up her country
>Most importantly, is a pega pony rider
Why is Elincia the best?
>He didn't get banned
I know what it says. A good father would never make those jokes or even think them.
Genny is a badass, she's not cute, she's dangerous.
It was at this point /feg/ realized that not even the greatest Fire Emblem dad could surpass Bowser.
>there are people who think NBR siblings are mentally ill for dating
There is nothing wrong with NBR dating
Anal press with Lucina!
In regards to Julia (Heroes), I see most sites list Fury as her best A skill but wouldn't TA be better?
I mean she's never doubling the likes of Linde anyways and G Tomebreaker lets her double Memenos and Cecilias regardless of speed unless they have it too. Wouldn't the extra offense and defense against blues be more valuable, especially since Reinhardt is just becoming more and more stupid with each addition to the game?
At ~31k points
Spend stamina pots to grind for that final 19k or is "marth" good enough?
This is some straight up wizardry bullshit.
I might do one later
They are only otp cause you have an incest fetish. You can easily view their few interactions as family and the only way to pair them was always just a glitch.
What are you implying user
Fuck off with your abhorrent art. Why didn't you fucking get banned yesterday?
Not really, just a lot of AI manipulation.
user, I appreciate you finishing the set but I did already do an Archanea one.
and actually pairing them up through that glitch doesn't even have ramifications on the story or ending at all
For now she can tank the thundercock just fine as she gets +2 res by baiting him (for what it's worth)
>all of raul's father art had to be requested/commissioned by him
cant make this up
do as many runs as you can until the last day then burn potions
you regen as much stamina per day as like 3 stamina potions so don't waste it and QP is a great seal
t. 37k
That you are mentally ill.
I'm the only one that thinks that Stamina recover rate is a bit too slow?
Not a lord.
Did you really have to post the 2 worst pictures you have in a row? Post the good stuff, like a good father would.
Patronage is usually how art spawns, stupid.
t. mad lucinafag
How did Raul not get banned after yesterday?
Neutral Fury Julia doubles neutral Hector IIRC, which means even if she takes a lot of damage she can kill him
Also +Spd Julia gets +4 Spd instead of the standard +3, and Fury brings that up to 33 Spd which is honestly not bad
I guess TA has its uses though
What does the TherjaAnon think of Machuya?
Fake news.
Only if your favourites aren't popular enough.
i mean i think it should be one stamina every 2 or 3 minutes but its not going to change ever so why bother complaining
Elincia is cute! I have over 200 orbs saved up for my waifu! Now watch her get staffed.
What rules did I break exactly.
I don't really have much in just father/daughter stuff, I wish I did. I mostly have family pictures
You can pull more shenanigans with fury. Like tanking hits of red mages/killing them on the counter with Dragon Fang/Iceberg, plus you hit 60 ATK if you have it as your boon with a hone and the seal which is really nice.
Elincia isn't a lord. Unless Geoffrey is a lord now.