Urgot rework when edition
last thread Patch 7.12 notes: euw.leagueoflegends.com
Champs stats and info: Champion gg or lolalytics com
Urgot rework when edition
last thread Patch 7.12 notes: euw.leagueoflegends.com
Champs stats and info: Champion gg or lolalytics com
First for the most alpha champ
xth for breast metal waifu
I want to explode my firecracker inside jinx!
Seriously? They finally purged them?
First for Xerath didn't deserve to be gutted.
xth for Syndra
Linking the post from the last thread just in case you guys missed it
If you don't know what I'm talking about let me know, I'm happy to answer questions.
>lost lane to a level 7 mastery Riven with the new skin
>as fucking Darius of all champs
>the loss was mostly my fault and I fucking know it
I want to die
I'm curious how Jhins "art" usually looks like. But Riot probably isn't going to release artwork of shit like that.
Oh well.
Nice try beta.
xth for Lulu did nothing wrong
>"""support""" Brand
I wouldn't be so sure about that since I assume they all ban evade
all long range mages are pure aids and xerath is the poster child of it
reminder that Riven has 54% winrate in diamond with 20k games played
>they don't rare ship
C'mon guys. Break the mold.
Teach me some girly manners that will improve my game performance
Suck your ADC's cock.
identifying losses in champion select
>your jungler picks udyr
They could use Orianna in which she needs upgrades or trying to be more "human".
Your ADC hovers Ezreal.
Is Kassadin in Blood Moon anything comparable to what he was like in S3?
No MR items besides EoN means utterly melting everything. I built meme as fuck but I got 3.2k mana and got 172AP from a single item (Archangels) due to how easy it was to spam E.
I also figured out something neat, Kass can Ult for free more or less since you regenerate so much missing Mana when out of combat and his W restores so much. I was never out of Mana, ever but ult stacks hovered at 400-800 most of the game. I could R+Q for a kill or 99% of one every single time
>picks ahri
>"which skin should i use xD"
Contest Guy, may I ask you something?
Anime Riven When?
That would be terribly distracting for both of us
flame chicken posts on /lolg/ ????
What are you crying about
The event doesn't have to be hard
It's good with what it is. What are you bitching about.
There are 2 feeling that are fuckawful when it comes to laning: winning lane vs a better laner b/c jungle camped u and made losing impossible, and losing lane to an awful player b/c their jungle camped you.
75% Mpen was truly patrician, you have no taste.
>Lux support
>Ryze mid/top
>Ezreal ad carry
Riot needs to nerf the hobo.
>jungler wants mid
>say sorry but no
>proceeds to steal my farm and when I was dived under tower and the orianna only needed literally 1 aa to die, when she had no summs he wouldn't go in for the kill even though he was right there (literally just passing by in front of the turret)
Is this a summer break thing? Or is it just faggots that cry because they didn't get the role they wanted? This is the exact fucking reason team builder was made. So stupid cunts could have the role they wanted.
It would give a huge boost to your ADC's morale though.
>pick support Zyra
>accidentally end up carrying even without cs
Every game
No, he just has fans who like league
>has "hi im _" in his name
Who's drawing?
Why immediately believe he's being spiteful?
People actually play this game terribly.
nujabes music is overrated. anything of theirs with lyrics is trash
Isn't the point of missions to get people to play more without changing the game itself?
Seems like they're working, desu.
Coming mid to do literally nothing but take farm, wasn't even trying to scare orianna it happened when she wasn't even in lane, and literally standing within E range, he was playing xin, but not going for the kill after she dived me is fucking spiteful.
>Riot needs to nerf the hobo.
RIOT already removed Summoners from the game. What more do you want?
>SKT T1 Azir from Chaos Orb
How do I Ivern?
Okay so i dont get the riven or yasuo skin for siding with one of the two
why even do the event then?
Tank items are so shit that tanks should just build support
> Banshee's is for mages
> GA is for ADcucks and assassins
> Doran's shield is for everyone
> Sunfire cape is for nobody
> But at least tanks got Adaptive Helm hehe
Swallow your pride, get a Locket and Knight's Vow and accept you didn't deserve a solo lane. You didn't buy that Titanic Hydra for damage, you bought it to CS.
Note: Galio is not a tank, Galio is an overpowered mage with a taunt.
For free legacy skin shards, you idiot.
Why are there 2 suggestions with 5 lines describing about Sona and 3 lines about the girl the suggestion supposedly should focus on?
It's pretty clear that Sonafags are just trying to get another pic through a different girl's name, it's ridiculous.
I agree some songs are meh, and when people praise him it's like they are witnessing the second coming of Jesus so I guess he's kind of overrated. I still love him though.
Lulu: That tasted purple!
Jax: Hah hah haaah! Who's next?
Mundo: *unzips*
I want her gutted. Throw her mains under the bus.
>borders (if you eventually acquire the skins)
>key fragments
>legacy skin shards, small chance at soulstealer Vayne or Hextech Annie
As somebody who doesn't spend RP on these events I rather like this one.
LOL, good one my friend.
you get a special border for whenever you do get the skin
Well, basically you just I HAVE 2 THUMBS AND A SHIELD and then you MY FAVORITE COLOR IS SPRINIG, but you have to make sure DAISY or else you'll TAKE ALL MY GOLD I DON'T REALLY NEED IT
Is there a champion more smug than this fucker right here?
He's just going to put his big dick yeti flag in your jungle, cuck you out of your camp right in front of your eyes, and then stare at you like this.
Definitely the most alpha of champs.
He basically kills fun.
xth for Kayle is for Karthus
I must drain fun from your soft, vulnerable shell. It weakens you.
Dark star Syndra would look so cool, shame she won't be getting a skin anytime soon because of the SKT skin
Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. Especially if you're playing below Diamond 2, the players in there are just THAT bad.
>3rd duo bot I've had today
why is it always me. league needs to be solo only.
Dark Star Syndra would basically look like her base skin.
>this yasuo states that she's a girl first thing in the lobby for no fucking reason
>lulu is her friend
>tell them that they both have smite
>lulu: "lol no we don't xd"
I fucking hate gamer gurls. I really fucking hate them. This dumb cunt had 30 cs top lane at 15 minutes
Which champion has the THICCest ass
Oh wait, you're the 14 year old edgelord everyone talks about. Nevermind. Here have a (You).
>Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity
You're a fucking idiot. The cunt literally was doing the shit because he didn't get mid. He was doing proper shit for top lane and bot but not me. Fucking stupid players, bronze V 0lp mother fuckers would have gone for the kill.
Are you ready to watch TSM lose
jesus christ you've been this mad since last night just because of one game that probably was a normal game
No I'm watching CLG
I think this shit that you're doing right now all falls back to the /lolg/ premise of "THE JUNGLER IS NEVER WRONG" the same shit that reddit thinks.
>duo bot
I don't get these fags.
They're so afraid to interact with the rest of the team and act superior as fuck for no reason 90% of the time.
And the support always plays either hyper aggressively or way too defensively and can't transition out of the laning phase for shit.
t. gamur gurl xd
I'm only posting it again for the conversation of how gamer gurls are one of the things hurting league. Either you're a gamur gurl or you're a beta orbiter.
Stepa way Grandma, this is year 2017
>Be support main
>Your autofilled jungle begs to swap roles because he's duo with the adc
>they get dicked
>the support of the duo rushes knights vow (it was the patch before it was buffed) on thresh (a ranged champion, half effectiveness) and binds it to his 0/6/2 adc
really refills your potions
how is the report system actually working?
Just get to Challenger then.
That's your real issue with this. Don't lie.
>t. gamur gurl xd
>I'm only posting it again for the conversation of how gamer gurls are one of the things hurting league. Either you're a gamur gurl or you're a beta orbiter.
It's actually neither, but oh well.
Anyways here's a last (you) since i'm probably being baited right now.
>similar mmr to you
For trolls/feeders? I'm not sure it is.
>that instant feedback when somebody flames
somewhat satisfying tho
He's cool, it's like every jungler needs to be a wall jumping acrobat these days
> Elise
> Lee
> Gragas
> Nidalee
> Kha'zix
It's OK that other things can still exist.
Also I main Vayne and he helps me to purge with silver.
Can you post the highlight thing? I want a laugh.
Excuse me, but who is the most evil league of legends champion?
>had a bad game
>blaming one particular sterotype
I hate the hormonal teens that flood in and feel like they absolutely HAVE to carry the team since no one else is as intelligent or simply badass as them, but complaining about it is near pointless.
You're going to have bad games, this is a fact.
That person will learn and eventually look back on what a dumbass they were.
Or they won't and continue living in ignorance.
Either way, you gotta just go with the punches and keep on keepin on, friend.
More like the most sadomasochistic of champs, making sure that absolutely NO ONE gets to enjoy the game, especially you
xth for cute love
You really need to let that go now. The game is open to everyone, no one can make retards leave a free to play game just because they can't play for shit. Just move on, dude. You're probably never going to see them in your games again.
Would you carry Brandon out of silver?
>enemy zilean keeps showing off level 7 icon
>builds tear mid
that just activated my almonds. i'm a support main and i never let the idiots swap with me. i never had something good come of this. either the shit the bed or i get dicked in my secondary role.
Which one likes taking the BBC the most?