/dlg/ Duel Links General

Duel Links General #66

Shirley is a shotafag edition.

Last Thread: Latest News
>A new legendary duelist will be arriving after maintenance today/tonight. Place your final bets now
>The duelist level cap is being raised from 35 to 40 in the same update as the above
>Ranked Duels are going to be changed in July. There will be additional tiers, new rewards, and display changes. Check the in-game notifications tab for more information
>New box Crimson Kingdom is out. Lots of Zombie, Fire, and Red Eyes support, as well as good generic beaters
>The "Duel-A-Thon" event is here until the 20th/21st. Get extra rewards for grinding every day and throughout the event
>Yami Bakura will return with a gate based event at the end of June
>Still no limit/ban list update

Useless (Duel) Links
>sites with good info on LDs, skills, deck lists, beginner guides, etc.

>android emulators

A few tips for new players
>What is this game? It's mobile Yu-Gi-Oh! using the speed duel format and a smaller card pool. Great if you played the TCG previously and feel nostalgic about it, and not too difficult to learn if you're new
>Create and link a Konami ID to play on multiple devices and save your progress in case of a crash
>Turn your battery/power usage bar up to max in the settings menu for a smoother experience
>Decide on what deck you want to build before spending gems. If you're really unsure about what to buy, Crimson Kingdom has high attack 4-star monsters at low rarities
>Some people recommend not leveling your stage past the 30s. Doing so nets you some gems and jewels from missions at the cost of tougher Standard Duelists with no extra duel rewards
>Level up Mai and Keith first to unlock Windstorm of Etaqua and Metalmorph
>The Kuribohs and other pack opening effects don't guarantee shit

Other urls found in this thread:


mokub is cute, cute!

Damn I should've gone with "butthurt edition."

>Not "Mokuba Episode" edition
>No evil Mokuba from season 0 in the OP

Come on

What gift UR should I get

>place your final bets
>literally confirmed Mokuba

Ok so I still don't understand, is Mokuba gonna be a new playable character we get from an event like Paradox/Bakura/Pegasus, a duelist like Yugi, or a new gate duelist who is forever available and unlocked through the gate?

None, retard

Any bets on them making S0 references with Mokuba? Bakura had two

fuck off nigger

It's weird because even though english obviously doesn't take itself completely serious, it's still serious "enough". As in some of the bullshit is simply played straigth and it makes you wonder.

Just one of those fun things to think about, I guess.

Apparently he'll be a full on playable character. Which makes me butthurt because my boy Yugi is only an event duelist


give me a quick rundown on S0

Not that guy, but you know how Yugi was crowned "King of Games" but only played duel monsters?

In season 0 it was ANY game, he'd go around a force the villain of the episode into a shadow game which could be anything from cards to the one finger game to proto duel monsters. Then he won and they suffered some yami marik-tier bullshit except they woke up the next day. Mostly.

Do I need to make this deck if I wanna use Dark Paladin, and do I need more than 1 Dark Paladin? Can't I just include him and the summoning requirements into a deck and it'd be ok?


>A Threat?
>Sure, why not. So what's it gonna be?

>Kaiba relents


>literally confirmed Super Kaiba
I don't trust those shit anymore.

>There's a Tier 1 Dark Magician deck that's so good at consistently getting it out that Dark Magician might unironically be the first card on the banlist
>"hurr how2mak Palydan if ONLY we had a DEK"

turn 1 paladin is op homeboy

My point is, why are you fucking around with Buster Blader and this other retarded shit instead of making a solid deck that does the same thing without putting all your eggs in the same basket

>It's not confirmed
Pic related you fucking retard. I hope you die in an accident on your way home this week

he has hungry burger in his deck

I've been farming almost exclusively with the Paradox Brothers since their release and I have yet to see lab builder or 3sd drop. Every time I see guardian call drop for 15 gems I want to throw my goddamn phone at the wall. Anyone in my same boat?

No but I'm having the same issue with Pegasus and Toon World, I've gotten extra extra about a dozen times now.

Nope, I got 3SD after a few duels and thanks to it I managed to get to KoG three times now.

Is there a list of the cards that aren't available from the card trader anymore? I know about Gardna and Bad Reaction to Simochi. Not sure what to pick as the SR reward yet and I already have all the ones that can be farmed.

Obnoxious celtic guard isn't available anymore, I believed.

What's that a reference to?

Rate my gemini deck

>tfw you will never have a pet crocodile that you carry around in a little backpack harness

I have one OG and don't even need that one. I have one Simochi as well.

What do you need Supervise for?


What's a good counter card to knight of the red lotus? Mostly against hhg

That's fake, retard.



To combo it with blazewing butterfly

But Blazewing is only live when you have a Raptinus on board.

Supervise + Blazewing = A shit ton of beatsticks

>fuse raptinus
>summon blazewing
>equip it with supervise
>activate its effect and bring both monsters you just fused
>have 3 2000+ beaters on your field in one turn
Its like you dont even know how to read card effects

>buy three Delta Magnet Warriors
>never build a Magnet deck

Can someone recommend a good one? I have all magnet warrios three times.

Do I need all of those cards and more than just 1 Dark Paladin? Or could I just add the few necessary things then use other stuff?

If I need more than 1 Dark Paladin I'm either gonna have to reroll and try to get him within the first 10-20 packs, which will probably take a while, plus I'll be missing out on the current and probably upcoming event(s), or I wait and wait until I have enough gems to, knowing my shit luck, buy the whole box again to get a 2nd Dark Paladin. Then what about 3 Fusion Sages? No fucking way would I be able to do that.

This is what I've been running. Thinking about dropping Valkyrion/Future, but I've actually used Delta's second effect to clutch a few times already. Still on the fence with Acquisitiveness and Conversion but they've pulled their weight.


>get winstreak from silver 1 to gold 5
>lose deciding match for plat because shit hand + 30 card shitter opponent would topdeck relinquished and i had no answer to it

if you want to play it for more than just fun, more paladins would certainly be better as you'll be having to rely on blue dragon summoners so someone doesn't stall until they draw michizure. without the linked deck you won't consistently get the paladin out early. you could replace a few cards for tribute dolls though if the deck is too expensive. it's just extremely gimmicky and user is right, you may as well throw a poly in a DM 3sd deck if you want to use the paladin.

oh shit

>tfw I used this as the jumping off point for the Super Kaiba rumor.
>it spread from here to many other sites

The Mokuba one is really out of V Jump though

>but your monster can't use its effect
>it's not a monster...
>it's a god


Why do you want this shit. Stop encouraging this power creep.

>Stop encouraging this power creep.
It's Konami, user. It's gonna be worse.
However, I prefer the other low-powered alien monsters


Supervise makes it live regardless

please no

>burners btfo

Gozuki is unironically becoming one of my favourite cards. Not even mad I got 2 if them now

cute. I will one day get the balloons and pumprinces to make these 2 almost useable.

Wait, I thought Joey dueled in DSoD?

it's still pretty good in modern decks as well, can easily put two into a skull servants deck for example and it'll work wonders

Are E Heroes even that good? I don't remember the archetype that well but weren't they forced to return to your Extra Deck after you fusion summoned one of them?

That's just the shitty Neos ones.

Nope, it's the Yugi & Kaiba Show FT. Donut Steel

Wake me up

Ah okay, that's the one. I remember watching GX a long time ago and wondering how Jaden won so many duels using such a shitty archetype.

This shit is a lot of fun in casual duels but I wouldn't even attempt to play it in ranked though.

You know it would help if I added the picture.

>dueling another ishizu player
>they're playing a mill deck
>wondering why not tea for duel, standby
>uses no mortal can resist
>wondering what the fuck is going to happen
>uses the shallow grave
>forced to resurrect a skull servant
>they get hiro's shadow scout and sets them

I like comboing it with red eyes spirit for an easy red eyes zombie. Or you can send the other Gozuki to the graveyard to activate it's other effect and get a special summon from your hand. So many possibilities

Balance FAIL


your balance for your spells is fucked up.

What? It's 10 monsters and 10 spells/traps so I get two of each in my starting hand?

Is Dino's viable again

still weak hombre, but that's likely the best you'll get them

Is the update going to be in a few hours or tomorrow? As it usually for me falls on the early morning around 2am

>not using big evolution pill + black Tyranno

If I symbols of duty to summon a harpie I can get a huge tempo swing

Maintenance typically occurs at the same time. For me it's 10PM PST.

That combo is terrible lmao

tribute doll would be better

>kaiba never beat yugi nor atem
>still thinks one victory after years would make them even


>they get first turn

Don't you want to guarantee Poly in your starting hand?

Not necessarily. I thought about trying some balance of 5 Polys and Sages but that's too many dead cards. I'm experimenting with the deck and might even try just 3 polys and maybe some different skills.

I need to write something to practice, and this fucking game and the show hve been consuming my mind for the past week

Give me something heart of the cards related to pen down fags

Something that resembles fan fiction but contains no actual eroticism.

Red-Eyes. Needs more zombies and wyverns though

Way ahead of you, I can't write porn.

Maybe I'll just make up those theme duelists people talk about in the threads sometimes and come up with an animeduel so I'll at least have something done.

Stumbled across a yugioh x Harry potter fanfic once. Maybe you continue on something in that vein?

>Harry Potter
No; God, please no

what about some fresh /dlg/ linguine ???

yea, what about that


I think I know what you're trying to ask, but I also don't think I understand what you really mean

I mean I can produce spaghetti easily, but /dlg/ is full of metashit so I can't make spaghetti out of that


>DSoD is Kaiba being a smarmy asshole for 2 hours
How do I play that game /dlg/?

Marik and Bakura duel, but as the duel plays out the deadly rivalry turns into something else...

Vanguard or DMG for prismatic gift?

Another VA duel coming through, because these are just fun

It's Yugi vs Mai this time!


>tfw Mirror Wall for no life cost

How horrifying

DMG or ur gay

Holy shit are the Tag Force duels between A.I. scripted? I'm playing Tag Force 1 and the duel between Misawa and Chazz was fucking anime tier.