best streamer edition
whose ur favorite streamer?
Best guns in the game (according to PCgamer)
For those who can't remember how how the plane flew:
Official stats for all the guns/gear
best streamer edition
whose ur favorite streamer?
Best guns in the game (according to PCgamer)
For those who can't remember how how the plane flew:
Official stats for all the guns/gear
Other urls found in this thread:
pubg ownage
What happened to that other thread? Why is this thread about streamers?
>Play squad
>Team agrees to land together in hot zone to fight it out
>One guy lands far away to loot by himself
>be in city
>"stack together, two buildings max"
>2 minutes later
>guy on the other side of block.
please kill yourself
yih boi
You know those games where absolutely everything goes perfectly?
New thread, no cancer.
reported for spam
>they're adding a new gun
>it's crate only
Oh boy, just what we need, more crate guns/
connection issues for everyone?
Third game in a row where I get an image error and then after walking a bit "Client not responding"
Im having not only lag issues, but a Weird memory crash that let me keep play for like 45 secs, and then just pops a Client not Responding Game error, which just kicks me out the match.
Anyone can relate?
Yup. They have a tweet about it. It's an ongoing issue. Probably not worth trying to play, I just got booted ~5 times in a row.
Dead game
Servers seem to be working again.
>Top 5 in singles
>4 kills
>Wooded hilltop final circles
>Move out of position to fire on a sniper slug
>Get doubled teamed by two guys with sks'
There's nothing wrong with this, I'm just unhappy about it :/
>game is garbage
>stop playing for two weeks
>game has gotten worse with seemingly no patches
how do they manage that
Picking up shit is so fucking broken
Game is garbage
I really don't get how to "win" this game. What are the best tactics to prevent dying like a dog in a corn field?
you should only be winning 1 out of 100 games
Man I just got to #2... Would have won easily if I wasn't a brain-dead retard trying to loot #3 who I just killed.
looting is the worst thing you can do late game
>We rekt anyone in the last circle
>had 1 kill 2 minutes right before the end
>last enemy is a guillie faggot on a spot with too much vegetation
>Tell my mates i'm going to be the bait and run
>the faggot really stands up to shoot me
>i go down
>but he dies too
>get that chicken
I like how he could flank us the whole time but didn't move up to us
Looting is only an option if you have no first aid left or no more ammo.
That's something i have to tell my mates every round.
Vaulting patch when
Yeah they're apparently putting in parkour! Jumping out of windows and shit
anyone else just like to play solo squad sometimes? for some reason i play way better when im doing that. so easy to disorientate large squad battles and sneak in a bunch of kills.
I play solo because I've always played solo in games. I don't even have a real reason behind it, I know people who I could play with.
I was talking about solo squad, user. Que into squad but play by yourself. You should try it, it's fun.
I do it a lot too, haven't won a game yet.
Niggas need to learn to LOOK AROUND. Most games I can rack up 4 kills just by spotting some retard running through a field without looking for people around them.
When I have a squad of 3 and we get auto-matched with a squad member, I've had great experiences surprisingly. I get on the in-game VOIP and tell them what my group of 3 friends is doing and virtually every time they're cooperative and a great help. Solo squadders are GOAT.
what makes this game so good? i played the arma 3 battle royale mod, and it was kinda ok, but is there something special about this?
>use alt-look 90% of the time every game
>essentially have 360 vision anytime I'm traveling
>get shot at from god knows where, end up dying without ever seeing them
Maybe I just suck at noticing things.
For my first 10 hours in this game that was my experience, but I got significantly better at spotting given some experience. Try turning shadows to very low, it makes spotting people in tree cover significantly easier. Also, looking isn't about seeing the widest angle possible at any time, it's about paying most attention to where people are most likely to come from or be.
>tfw you love squads but almost all of your friends are absolute garbage at the game and mostly worthless as teammates
Mixed feelings, man. It frequently feels like we're playing as a duo in squads except we have to share loot with two more people as well
>share loot
wat? When I play squads with my friends, whoever finds loot first gets it, and if somebody is dropping something or passing up a primary or something we let the others know so they can pick up if needed. That, combined with sanitary comms makes it virtually impossible for a shitter in our squad to disadvantage us as individuals significantly. Seems like you're doing it in a really shitty way.
Right, and then one of the guys who can't aim finds a Kar98 and an 8x and you don't. If it were solo or duos, I or the other competent person would have that, but now it's effectively being wasted because the other guy found it first, and I don't wanna be a dick.
I donno man, it just seems that you're unreasonably upset about it. In my experience specific "top-tier" gear doesn't make a massive difference in my gameplay, with the exception of zoom optics for long-range engagements. The game spawns decent loot enough so there's enough for everybody to be reasonably well set-up within a few minutes. I've won plenty of games with an M16 and a 4x with any shotgun to back it up, which you should be able to find even with loot-grubbing friends. In my experience, having more guns shooting, even if they're shitty players, helps.
I should say that as far as shitty teammates go, an ability to clearly communicate and not shoot is preferable to a decent shot that screams "OH GOD I'M BEING SHOT OH HE'S OVER HERE! NOT THERE, OVER HERE!"
instead of
"Contact, 4 squad, heading 210 on me. 3 assault rifles, 1 sniper", etc.
which should be a reasonably easy fix. More players = more info, meaning you can make smarter decisions than if you were in a duo.
Yeah I don't disagree at all with what you just said. The loot isn't that big of a deal, I was just trying to explain what I meant since that's what you focused in on in my original comment. And it's not that I'm upset about it. I'm just tired of feeling like I'm playing 1 or 2v4 when squads could easily be 10x more fun if everyone could pull some of the weight. This isn't something new to us playing PUBG either. We played a shit load of CS together for a couple years, and it was the same deal. It's just tiring, man. I love my friends and all, but when you win more games in Rainbow Six playing with randoms than you do with your friends who have 100+ hours in the game, holy fucking hell.
Oh they fucking don't do that either, lol. It's more like they go, "I see a guy," start shooting, and when you ask where the fucking guy is they say, "He's by that tree over there." And even hearing the way other people call shit out, and even when you ask them to be more specific, it's always the same.
Yeah, I gotchu. I have a similar friend, he never drops with us, never gets any kills, gets killed in the first 5 minutes trying to run over to us, then gets upset. He has like 60 hours in the game at this point and still hasn't improved. I think the only solution is to play other, more casual games with them, lol. It sucks trying to include them.
Yup, that's exactly the kinda shit one of mine pulls. You're right about finding more casual games to play. That's a large part of what I'm looking forward to about Destiny 2 and CoDWWII. It'll be nice to just chill play PvE stuff or not give a shit about winning.
here's some shit I found quite helpful
Sorry I thought the text was included in the image
ive only had 1 fgt and he was like 8 and a britbong who was just spammimg nigger pussy over chat and legit cried when he died
If your plane will take you directly over your desired drop location, is it better to bail out early and long glide, or bail out directly overhead and dive straight down?
Fastest way to the ground is to dive straight down at, like, 220 km/h, and then, just before the altitude bar at the bottom left reaches the white area (the top of the white is when your chute auto deploys), let your hands off your mouse and keyboard. It'll sort of speed drop you for a significant portion of the parachute duration. Might be good to check youtube for a better description of how to speed drop.
why does /pubg/ never link to its next thread
because the threads die occasionally before bump limit
ded game
Taking all bets!
What's gonna happen with next monthly patch?
A. Delayed by a month
B. Breaks everything and update rolled back
C. Net code fixed and running perfectly
A & B
maybe if youre bad lmao
when is it due?
Are there going to be new shitty outfits i can sell to autists?
Promised in June. No exact date said, that's the reason for betting
>oh this game looks fun
>wonder if it'll run on my gt 730
I guess not.
>get 4 kills with shotgun in the first 2 minutes
>game crashes because net.framework bullshit
Half my friends are good, half are garbage. It's like a game in and of itself trying to play with the good guys without having the bad guys also play.
>the guy who always runs ahead of the group and dies first
Why do some eu streamers queue on na servers on purpose?
Just like NA players queueing on asian servers. The high ping makes it harder for people with good latency to hit them.
Hallo Herr Wicht!
Don't worry, we got it
Oh, I see user, thanks
Is there a shooting training range somewhere in the game or plans to do it? I suffered from lack of it back in h1z1
>competitive game
>no sandbox mode
>shaking my head
We don't have one of those thankfully. We've got the the guy who is always behind because "sniper" and doesn't snipe well, who is also the same guy who doesn't stop looting when we call we're leaving because blue is coming-- waiting until blue is literally there, who is the same person who will continue looting when we call out that there are people on top of us and we're engaging.
Then there's the guy who doesn't understand lag compensation and waits behind the corner until the enemy turns it and easily kills him first. Who uses f to pickup and then complains the other guy picked up faster. etc
>±3000 rank on duo's in general and kills in squads
nice, what percentage is that even
nvm found it already, guess i'm in the top 10%
thats higher than i thought
I don't get why they are adding more crate weapons now. 4 AR's, 3 shotguns, 3 SMG's, 2 snipers and the VSS can be found around the map. Considering how many loot locations there are it doesn't take very long to find your preferred weapons and get going, it doesn't feel like scavenging as much. And as it stands now for every crate you just cross your fingers and hope it's the M24 or the AWM, everything else feels like they aren't powerful enough to really feel you got a leg up from the crate.
I hope snipers end up getting hit with a bit of a nerf, they are way too powerful for what they do and win fights easily at anything beyond vector range. One shot downs are insanely powerful as every weapon had a fairly high TTK compared to most games, especially at range. They become game winning towards the end with the headshots and it's much more rare to find a situation where you would prefer your SMG as fights end up at a distance the majority of the time.
It can be frustrating to hit many locations and even a crate and find no sniper, and someone else has access to one that will just kill you instantly. I mean I'm totally fine with the RNG in the game but sniper rifles are the only thing that really push it and that's due to the 1 hit down power they have. Of course if they don't down in 1 headshot then they are fucking worthless so who knows what to do beyond severely limiting their spawn rates. I wouldn't be opposed to making the 8x and 15x as well as any sniper rifle crate exclusive, making fights for crates that much more important and making them very rare to come across, forcing fights to occur in shorter ranges unless you git gud at long distance fire with a 4x or 2x.
SKS also feels over nerfed and I would be fine with leaving that on the map and buffing it a bit.
Or if the dude you just Merced has an AWM on him, then it may be worth the risk.
wow another weapon I will only use for the first 2 minutes until I find any primary
it's the G18 which has full auto at least, and can probably fit the micro uzi stock as well.
what's the new gun?
>yfw silenced machine pistol with extended mag (and wire stock) without dropping your AR and sniper rifle
Groza was announced at E3 as crate only
Another gun from the movie.
hi im autist, can you put out black camo pants?
How exactly do I tell where a shot is coming from?
I know to listen for the pop of the gun, not the whiz or impact of the bullet. Still doesn't help.
I have good headphones.
>kill myself by flipping the motorcycle again
jesus christ it's like you're playing google earth 2014
Probably A.. its an early access after all. Fuck this shit, I have mixed feeling about being memed into buying this game. There is so much potential though.
100% agree, I wish there was a way to get this message across to them
drops are so uniform if you survive into the top 40 most runs feel the same
in the reveal vid on twitch they specifically correct someone saying it's full auto, specifying that it will be semi auto
put the dots in
>clips twitch tv
then, slash:
it's the best game at the best price I've bought on release in a while, feels alright
You can use the whiz of the bullet to limit the origin location to two directions.
Control your speed, I have yet to die from the two seat bike
>tfw my kills are carrying my rating
anyone experience this game not launching when you press play? trying to help my friend out cause his game won't work
what site is this from ?
>not going at 140kph every time