League of Legends General - /lolg/

Mana potion edition

last thread: Patch 7.12 notes: euw.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-712-notes

Champs stats and info: Champion gg or lolalytics com


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What a cute girl. What is this from

Cute love

>the disused urinal of balls

someone edit Tarric into that

1st for DIG

Small potion.

She still plays league, you just have to spectate.

>Azir, Lucian, and Tahm Kench are manageable.
They've all had multiple changes to their numbers and kits and are always either cancer or garbage. I agree CertainlyCancer's champs are overloaded fucks, but he's just as bad if not worse due to his Donald Trumpesc twitter and reddit outbursts in Riot's name.

Seriously, Lemon is playing like shit. Why not give her a shot?

Is sejuani a good choice to main in bronze? Crafting wants me to main her. I got traditional, bear cavalry, poro rider and sejuani dawnchaser from chests, almost all in a row.

>morphling has a targeted 4.25s stun with a 10s cd

I wonder what'll happen once that new Tuxedo Mask skin is released for Ezreal.

Will Jinx get hard-cucked in the Star Guardian AU lore (as well as fan art?)

xth for Lulu

>tfw no old morde
>tfw no old GP

How the fuck does a Fiora loses to a Nasus?
And I'm not talking about small shit like going 0/1 or 0/2.
I'm talking about hard feeding, to the point it looks like she might as well be inting because of how much she died.
I was the ADC and I had to clear up on his first death because our Fiora and Fiddlesticks weren't enough to kill him past a certain point and he just 2v1ed them.
After laning phase Nasus could just slow me to 99% and kill me with 2 Qs because Thresh would miss every hook, then throw a lantern and get out of range before I could reach it.
I hope I never get autofilled to ADC again, I swear if I don't get top, the guy on my team will always manage to shit the bed.

Yes, she's a more complex amumu (and her rework made her a better ganker).
Traditional and Dawnchaser are best, but their splashes are shit. Poor rider and bear cavalry have good splashes, but their ingame models are fucky.

>Will Jinx get hard-cucked in the Star Guardian AU lore

I don't know what I'm looking for, in terms of ways to improve. Like, I have no idea what I could have done better, only that I've done several things wrong.

>hear Tobias Fate got banned on his main account for inting
>check to see if he killed himself
>he was just playing on one of his alts in ranked
Fuck I was hoping his it would be the final straw

>jungle TF dead
>adc TF dead
>kayle hard nerfed losing attack speed runes, cdr runes, and fervor
>any champs that need scaling cdr blues nerfed
>miss fortune loses 24 lethality and deathfire touch
>almost all thunderlords users lose lethality/mpen
>all lethality champs lose 14 lethality off of items

shits gonna be interesting, at least if the new masterys are actually decent maybe some of these champs will still work but for the most part other than tanks and supports I think everyones getting nerfed

NTR is the best fetish.

Never doubt CLG

I have fed nasus before, I forget who I was playing as though. He had perfect cs and I just couldn't keep up. I'm absolutely shit at top lane though. Correction, I'm shit at league.

Nice angles. Too bad she got exposed as a hon when she was in the LCS. Turns out that Riot doesn't go out of their way to make sure she looks good with grainy cameras and flattering angles.

Yeah, it's unfortunate.

Play something less cheese/snowball-reliant. Amumu, Shyv or Warwick, perhaps.

Fiora is not even remotely weak enough early to justfiy how utterly bullshit she is mid/late game

keep play the donger, top or mid

The thing is, Fiora hard counters Nasus.
He shouldn't be even able to get near the minion wave.
Any poke Fiora gets from his E can be healed back from her passive.
And by the point Nasus has put more points in E, she should have some lifesteal, making his poke even more useless.
Yet he managed to stack his Q as if he was playing a farm lane or something.

Okay, but I feel like there are other mistakes I'm making
But I changed to jungle because jungle felt better to play than laning.

one step ahead, duh

There are.

I just think it'd be easier/better for you to learn the jungle on something other than Eve, who dies if you fail to kite camps properly.

I dare you to post a better splash art.

>"I'm in series so lets win this"
>locks soraka
>goes on to feed like a fucking animal and gets carried by the skin of their teeth
>has the second lowest vision score on our team and third lowest in the game

>face is weird
>blue lines on suit
>guns covers hips
7/10 at best


Just a shit player

I had a Fiora lose to Soraka top today as well so there is that

I thought this was irelia when I saw it on loading screen

DZK has a huge fetish for CertainlyT too, he always rushes to defend him or praise him whenever anything appears.
Explains why they're both the worst champion designers in the game.
What I don't understand is that all the designers pat CertainlyT on the back for cancer champion designs while the actual player base shits on him. He must suck a lot of cocks to still be hired by Riot.

Doesn't even fucking LOOK like Caitlyn.

I really like this one.



>goes on to feed like a fucking animal and gets carried by the skin of their teeth
>has the second lowest vision score on our team and third lowest in the game
Oooooooooo, you're just an asshole.

It's sad you have friends with low enough self-esteem to deal with your bullshit. You are a parasite in their lives. You stop them from being happy just because you aren't happy. I can't wait for them to finally be rid of you.

I replied last thread, don't know if you read it.

At least you're aware you're fucking up on something, a lot of people are too proud to admit that they're the ones making bad decisions.

>riot adds new keystone
>Immediately reworks runes and masteries
rlly jogged my nog

I think my problems is I don't know what champions I like other than Teemo and I also have come to hate laning, so I guess I should ask if teemo jungle is even possible, since it seems to combine the two things I like, but it also seems like absolute fucking garbage

i really like this one but something about her eyes put me off, maybe the overly bright glow?


Play something else in the jungle or keep playing heimer since he got changes recently and can shit on retarded bronzies who let themselves get hit by the turrets

Honestly this splash and the Zigs mage one has to have the best done art in all

Last thread meme (not me)
This will always be my favorite

>i really like this one but something about her eyes put me off, maybe the overly bright glow?
It's the look she gives you when she's about to step on your dick with her heels.

Homie, people make mistakes even when they take things seriously. Fuck, study history for once in your life you dumb fuck. Jesus, read the fucking news.

Not Him but kill yourself You fucking shitter

>finally get a game where no one feeds and team is winning
>Still lose because we didn't end the game before 30 minutes versus Veigar and Vayne

lmao trannies posters are so saddening pretending like they are even getting a reply

Why is this allowed sexist Lolbabs?

The new Gangster splash for Twitch is amazing as well, at least on a technical level. Same thing with Hyena Warwick.

>26 mins in and Jensen still doesn't have any boots

The state of NA LoL lmao

Reminder Karthus is for Kayle!

There is no contest, sorry bud

I mean Riot has really stepped up their art game over the years. If you can say anything good about the company it's that they produce good splash arts.

He's playing Cassiopeia You dumbass, He can't buy boots!!

Oooooooooo, you're just an asshole.

It's sad you have friends with low enough self-esteem to deal with your bullshit. You are a parasite in their lives. You stop them from being happy just because you aren't happy. I can't wait for them to finally be rid of you.

Haha, omg how silly! LOL

Either pic related or or even ww Orianna.

Famous last words from our ADC
>I think I can 1 v 1 Xin Zhao

Are you pretending to be retarded

Why does Annie have so many skins ?
and why is every single one of them so great?

>Riven will never ask you to ride with her across Valoran

feels bad

>he took the bait

Are you pretending to be retarded

Swain should be reworked or removed from the game. Prove me wrong

That and their music department.

Actually, I'd go as far to say that nearly every single department of theirs has drastically improved within the least 3 or so years, the only major exceptions are champion balance and communications. Both of which are still utter dog shit - the former being so fucking bad that it's still holding back the entire game/IP's quality as a whole.

See also see

>the fucking state of talon as a champion right now

1 kill in a 32 minute game

Well, umm... You see it's... There 's a certain way t-...


A1 steak sauce right here

How many jinxes does Sona weigh?

A shame in-game this skin looks like garbage

1.5, 2 at best.

Exactly 2.37 Jinxes


Babby's first mid laner.

>Enemies tries to escape kill them
>Teammate freaks out that I ks
>Tell him I don't care I just want them dead
>Tries to say I would be mad I if I got ks
>Let them have some kills
>Don't freak out about it

I don't see why would anyone want to have no assist or kills just because they don't like others having kills. I would even try to help them get a kill but they fuck up so we don't get anything out of it.

>the state of my friend who still think Talon is a good champion and is a high kill champion
Send help I think he's stuck in a time wrinkle where Lethality is still good.

How many Jinxes does Lulu weigh?


Yee, those don't sound like great ganks. I've seen it in normals and it's mostly people trying to goof around, it may be better if you think about it a bit more. Or test things until something feels right, but then try to commit to it.

Champion design (CertainlyT and DZK) and the client update team have also been shit (though I guess client update is and DZK twitter shit can also be put on communications). The client update was so heavily shitty that even redditfags raged for a couple of days when they took out the legacy client, and even their own "xD reddit memester cactopus couldn't console them.


How much does Jinx weigh?

I think about .47 to .56

exactly as much as 1 Jinx

Probably about 100 pounds, maybe less


based froggen

Rolly Mole



This should be updated tbqh.