Heroes of the Storm General - /hotsg/

"Undertuned" they said Edition

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>Malthael's Bargain; Now LIVE
>The event lasts until June 26

>Malthael, Aspect of Death; Now LIVE

>Latest In-Development video
>Malthael, Summer fun skins, and more

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>Where can I talk to like minded individuals to discuss shitposting?
"/join Veeky Forums" in game chat

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rpboyer15.github.io/sounds-of-the-storm/vo/vo_bg/Map - Towers of Doom/FieldofSlaughter_Horseman_Laugh05.ogg

>reroll common box from the shitty brawl

2nd for



Might be, I don't play enough Diablo to be able to accurately tell. But it definitely feels like it's a lot better than the other talents on that row, since it opens up the possibility of QEQ to pickoff a squishy

So, I currently have a hardon for mages and am considering buying Guldan. Hows he? Worth it? Can I solo queue with him?

What other mages do you play? Guldan has no CC (other than ult) and it's much more a pick for pressuring the enemy health bars down than bursting them.

ridiculously overpowered

fun to play too

Who the FUCK is Maiev????

Ive got Jaina, Li Ming and KT. Good eith Jaina, passable with Li and horrible with KT.

How the fuck does Butcher outrun literally everyone in the cast when he is so fat?
How does he do it?

Like most mages in the correct match-ups Gul'dan carries hard.
If the enemy has enough dive and or anub'arak he gets cucked at every opportunity though.

its the power of love

Nth for remove BRs

>Play all the team league games in the history of hots with my bro
>He has only played team league with me too
>In last season we got diamond 3 after placements
>Now i got plat 1 and he got diamond 3
>He has not played solo ranked and i were master in solo last season (if that even matters at all)
So explain to me how the placement system works again?

has nice waveclear
has nice dps but not really bursty
has no stuns or escapes until 10 and 20 respectively
after playing chromie, li ming or increased icebolt range jaina, it might be hard to adjust to his fel flame range though

he's got slow with his E talent but isn't the Q build better

post lewd elves

He is maybe the second or third best mage in the game. He has retarded damage, absurd pressure on the enemy team, requires at least 2 divers on the enemy team (who better have followup or they'll get horrified and die instantly to a free hunter's mark on a 3s aoe fear) to deal with and is also stupidly good in lane.

If you have a healer and somebody who peels he has basically no weaknesses.

Yes. The E build is only somewhat better if for some reason you don't have literally any support on your team, but then picking Gul'dan is suicide anyway.

Proud and noble.
Not lewd.

Whos the best?

Where the FUCK is Maiev????

How should I be playing Ragnaros? I go meteor build for everything but minion maps (Shrines, Golems, Garden) and for those I put into the Hammer. I do stun ult on two lane maps and lava on 3 lane. Also go for better D still at level 20.

>Be from Dota
>Decide to try hots
>It's pretty fun
>Decide to calibrate after getting 10 people to 5
>1st match seeing Gold 2's and 3's
>"Cool I'm on the cusp of platinum right off the bat"
>Keep losing for various reasons
>Silver borders have appeared


>place Bronze1
>in Team League

What's an efficient method to commit sudoku, /hotsg/?

post your guldan builds so i can learn
i always thought the E quest was the best
the other E talents are shit though, because the slow only happens 6s after you hit them, and you're not likely to hit someone with 3 Es even with the completed quest

are any of the drain life talents worth taking or are they blizzard designed noob traps?

Ah, now I know how those diablos were so tanky, they had a lt morales with them.
I could just jump in whenever I wanted, toss people around, and my health wouldn't drop, or barely drop.

Really, where is Maiev right now? I remember watching a Legion cinematic where she was releasing a few demon hunters and that's it.

Kael or Li

Imagine when Mercy gets put into the game

>Morales and Mercy healing
>2 immortal tanks
>Li Ming or any other good Assassin killing shit from the back

why even care? Hero League is such garbage with the match making and luck can effect you more than anything else. It's a fun game and I love it but it has serious issues to truly be "competitive" I mean hell, you can fuck up just right late game where in less than a minute you can give the badly losing enemy team: 2+ lvl adjustment, 60 seconds free on the map to get camps and eat a lane (and if obj is up that is very possible) and camps. That kind of swing in power play is awful and shows how weak the design is for it.

>Die and play like shit for the first 10-12 minutes
>Get to the 40-60 second cool down
Learn how to play faggot. If its late game killing you should have a bigger impact than anything else.

It may be the dota in me speaking, but I don't think the core's have enough health.

Mercy would be a morales with mobility and a damage boost, as well as aoe res. I don't think they would ever put her in the game

>reghar and chen are both common picks in tournaments
explain this

I'm the flip and moat of my games are comebacks where the enemy team gets wipe and because we have been getting kick in so hard reorganize and push a win usually. The nature of the game makes it too easy to shit out a win dude to either dumb luck or bad timing for on minute.
I think you are half right or rather the Core needs reworks somehow but I'm not sure how, on one hand it seems nuts that a full wave of minions can clear it out in 30 seconds give or take but at the same time if you make it the minions can't overpower it then split pushing becomes much less useful.

agreed, sooner would they put in Bastion which would just be St. Hammer: Machine gun edition.

Whats wrong with Rehgod? Decent heals, mobility, AOE slow, no mana problem, can bite peoples asses. 3rd best supp right there.

>people underestimate Tass' Lazer AA, they let me attack em freely, sometimes b stepping while at it
>only 5 minutes in, already completed that AA quest
>ends up top hero damage(100k+) despite having force wall as ult.

Templar's Will and Prismatic Link is bullshit OP, only a matter of time before people caught on.

elves are made for loving though

you mean people ever built him differently?

Yes. Archon was popular for a while after the rework despite Prismatic link and Templar's will still being better at the time.

Quality of game is monster ass right now.

Also fucking love a good old MMR reset. Can't believe there's some diamond pleb right now riding a lucky streak.

I think being able to 100-0 a core with no minion wave is stupid as fuck

muh team am i rite?

>tfw nobody to friend and get 15 ai games with

We should get a Nazebo edit of this.

when is the teaser for the next hero going to come out
how long does blizzard take between each release/teaser?


Probably like 2 more weeks for any news

Timeline goes like this every release

>Week 1: Hero release
>Week 2: PTR patch fixes
>End of week 2: Teaser for next hero
>Beginning of week 3: Reveal of next hero
>Tuesday week 3: PTR
>Tuesday week 4: New hero release
>Rinse repeat

Here is what a random QM looks like after MMR reset.

how do i see my qm mmr?

Uploading replays to hotslogs.

>tfw all the heroes you like are shit in QM


>too beta to just queue with randoms in New Player Chat

>MMR reset

At the start of a season.

Everyone would rather talk politics and have fruitless internet arguments. I've been asking for about 20 minutes now.

how do you counter malthael
want some free wins now that everyone is picking him

silence or stun deleted him

i meant some good chars that are guaranteed to stomp him

just play a ranged assassin
focus him down if he tries to jump in and fuck you
avoid his single skillshot
bait him into overextending and cc him

Pretty much any ranged assassin, since he wont be able to meme you.

How? every fucking looking for group team that's all they fucking want to do.
I just finished power rushing 10 3 minute beginner ai games, I didn't even want to do them, I just got tried of trying to find a QM and just gave in.

i thought the high variance was only for people on the extreme end of the mmr spectrum but if you're getting this kind of shit mm at 2k mmr this game is beyond hope
this is the bracket with 90% of playerbase and you still get 300-500 diff

Alarak fucks him into next week
Lunara also
Nazeebo does pretty good
Valla wins trades as does Greymane

All of these of course mean you need to actually be good at any of these to actually "stomp", no counter is perfect.

Valla rapes him

most ranged anything more so if they have a stun/root like Kal. Hell Cassai kicks his shit in.


They're begging for ai farm parties 24/7.

Hotslogs data is beyond fucked, do not take those values seriously

Everyone eventually gets settled and they start to look more like this.

>Thrall dies once
>A player has left the game!

It's like pottery.

Blizzard has said it is pretty accurate. It is also internally consistent. Good enough for making comparisons between players.

but why
what is this chase for rank and status?
whats the point?
do you play to see a number get bigger?

Yeah, at last year's Blizzcon. People stopped using it a while ago.

We won't know how fucked we really are until they release their own API.

>when your life is so shitty that all you have going for it is your the best at a free to play Moba than most people

>1st pick tank
>go afk thinking it will be alright
>come back to this

That's only for HL isn't it

>People stopped using it a while ago
Before I started uploading replays there was a surprising amount of my games up. It's also not that uncommon to see duplicates when I upload replays. Still seems to be pretty popular.

>trusting hotslogs data after they pulled the adblock bullshit
They probably lost half of their userbase with that

When I did my placement matches last season 4 out of the 10 were on it and I didn't upload any of them. There has to be quite a few people still using it for a random player to have 40% of their ranked matches on it.

who types like this?

how do i play alarak

Supposedly. QM has been especially bad since the start of the season though. Matches like that would happen before but it is way more common now. On the plus side tanks also seem to be way more common.

What's wrong with it?
Do you not change what you're typing based on new information?

Xth for Johanna.

Very tanky
Very CC-Happy
Very unstoppable
Doesn't die ever after level 20

Really great hero.

You forgot that she has the best D.

zap people with your abilities
e on cooldown
w combos into Q
w people towards your team or out of position, not just always straight towards you

Stitches is really fun recently. I love the new Hungry Hungry stitches, although it makes taking his new heal talent really hard to consider.

>Write name
>Jump back
>Add some letters
>Jump to end
>Add some letters

>mfw I realized that the Raven Lord and the Grave Keeper are actually friends and "Towers of Doom" is just a game they play using some disposable "Heroes"

more like the gayven lord and gayve keeper

Are you suggesting that the reason the raven lord hasn't just consumed the grave keeper yet is because he enjoys the rivalry?
Because that's anime as shit.

How utterly droll.

Even if that's true, they have a hell of a time doing it

>dat Raven Lord Laugh

rpboyer15.github.io/sounds-of-the-storm/vo/vo_bg/Map - Towers of Doom/FieldofSlaughter_Horseman_Laugh05.ogg

Yes, and?

Stealthily, the wild Azmodan and Sergeant Hammer hide in the bushes. Only pesky diminutive heroes can pick up on their plans, usually other Azmos or Hammers. They will usually duel. It is unclear who will win, but an Azmo is usually screwed against multiple. It avoids confrontation unless it has team support as well.
I am David Fuckwit, and we'll check in next time for a look at the elusive Tracer Zarya combo and the autism of the Genji.