/scg/edg/ Star Elite: Citizen Dangerous General #171


>ED info:
Be aware, Thargs are currently grabbing ships out of witchspace and giving out complementary rectal probings, it is advised you shoot the fuck out of them whenever possible, or just go with it if that's your thing, I ain't tellin you how to live. Apparently the Ayylmaos are rumbling again, inquire within if this means goddamned thing or if its just Braben trying to scare up some more money.

announcement vid /w contribution from our lord braben: youtube.com/watch?v=PX49v8zYutI

>Frontier Official YT

Star Citizen Information:

3.0 Scheduled for release on or about June 29th make that July 12th, stand by for further delays in two weeks.
>Star Citizen Official YT
>Other games:
Above is a pastebin of games you can play while waiting for SC and E:D to become playable.

ded thred:

Other urls found in this thread:


The hero SC and ED deserve.

Ded games, ded thread

2 weeks, 90 days max.

Holy shit this thread is ded as fuk.

How many months has SC been on 2.6?

if only we ...played the game

>eve memes

Since January


3 Jan 16

so six and a half months.

That shit is just too buggy and not fun. The motion desync is still real, and AC is still a Hornet and Sabre orgy with a few masochistic Buccs.

Maybe Evocati this week? Not holding my breath.

The fuck you on about?

Last I heard Roberts said 3.0 was probably hopefully going to be out by December of last year. He... He wouldn't lie, would he?

they way the date keeps getting pushed back we'll be lucky if it's december this year

>keeps getting pushed back
It didn't get pushed back this week. Still over 2 weeks till the end of the evocati window, so at least a month before public PTU, at least.

I wonder will there be anything to discover in 3.0 or will it all be spoiled by the Evocati who will obviously find it first?

Space U-boat when?

No too bad really if you think about it

Im hoping its the end of the month still, they've completed alot of the scheduled stuff havent they?


..... are you retarded m9?

>no meaningful updates for 6 months
>none on the horizon for two more.
Fuck off ben.

>single character accounts
>CODE respawns in low after a gank flashing red

Imagine lol.

They haven't revealed anything recently. They updated the 3.0 deadline to soonish from soonish. It has been soonish for a year now.

>no meaningful updates for 18 months.
Ftfy. 2.0 released in Dec 15. we have been in this Crusader bullshit with the only new thing being Grimhex for over a year and a half.

rip thred

I really didn't think we would hit #200 before 3.0 hit. As quick as they die, we just might get there. We will definitely be beating and dragging this ded thred for at least another month unless we get ourselves hyped for one more big push for money in ED before 3.0 hits.


I've been putting off building a new pc, but my current one is 5 years old. Should I build a new one now, or wait until SC comes out?

Get a gym membership instead, save some money and live healthier.


if your current system runs everything else you play fine, no sense in upgrading now for a single game still under development. Once we get a proper release out of star citizen, then look at upgrading.

So what patch is the new cutlass projected to debut in-game?

Wait. Intel and AMD are having a pissing contest this year and you should wait till it is more settled if you don't have to upgrade. I was going to go Ryzen, but unless Threadripper has some amazing IPC benches, I'll probably go x299/7740 and get some Optane expansion for the constant load and unload from Megamap.

if you're going whole hog on intel you might as well get a dedicated nvme drive and skip the optane

I juse don't think we are seeing the best implementation yet. I think it will do well as a cache and save write cycles on my SSD. I'm hoping that with x299 I will be able to use the extra 4 Dimm slots for the upcoming Optane Dimm modules and have some ram expansion and drive caching.

not the person you're replying to but
>Intel AMD pissing contest
This'll only have a major effect on the higher end of the cpu market, right? I was considering getting an r5 1600. I was told 6 months ago to hold off on upgrading because ryzen was coming out, but ryzen isn't an amazing gaming chip. Is there anything that could happen in the near future? I'm running an fx-6300 and it's bottlenecking me.

If you are not targeting over $300 for your processor, then it is pretty settled. An r5 is better choice under $300. An X series is nice to have as well as the fastest certified ram you can afford.

I was told to buy the 1600x if I'm not planning on overclocking, but the overclock difference of the 1600x and 1600 was like 100 mhz for a cost difference of $30. I think my planned r5 1600 oced, 16gb 3000 mhz ram and gtx 1600 6gb is pretty well balanced, hopefully will be able to run SC at a decent 1080p/60 when it's optimized.

The X gets you the supposed automatic over clock ram timings automatically, but that hasn't worked as well on Ryzen and you can just set the timings manually, so yeah put that money towards cooling or better ram. We know that Vulkan is coming eventually, so AMD should be strong once the game is optimized. in a few years.

you can basically get the same overclock speeds out of a 1600 as you can from a 1600X

1600X doesn't come with a heatsink either

Don't buy the shit Wraith, get a decent air cooler like a Hyper 212 evo or better.

Have we heard anything on vulkan implementation recently? Is it planned for 4.0 or something? I'm excited to see the true capabilities of the API, it seems to have done DOOM well, we haven't seen much support vulkan otherwise though.
>tfw Roblox gets Vulkan support before we do
Would be nice if they sold the 1600 without the heatsink for a couple bucks cheaper. That would make it an amazing deal and let it compete directly with intel's k chips.

I haven't heard anything other that what the wiki mentions. It seems like that would be a sooner rather than later thing.

I'm no programmer, but it seems that the more development they do with DX11, the more rewriting that has to happen to support Vulkan. That's one of the things that worries me about CIG, it seems like they have to re-do everything they make at least once. That's how we get into gamedev hell and the only way that CIG could somehow run out of funding.

Retaliator or Polaris
First is old B1 bomber, second is a corvette that will fight by torpedo volley and retreat

see pict

The way I understand it is that Vulcan will handle all DX11 and prior calls the same way DX12 will, it's just that Vulcan is an expansion of those calls and adds more features.

see and

And I'm proven as clueless. :^)
At least my (((CONCERNS))) are not an issue.

If your recognized your error you are already more intelligent than many

Evocati starts the 3.0 testing tomorrow?


At the very EARLIEST it's happening on the 21st, and as you must know, nothing gamedev related happens in the earliest possible date.

Who will be sad if the Eclipse don't have a modular bomb bay and can only launch torpedo?
Because unlike what this pict show, that's apparently the plan, unique-role stealth torpedo-boat

The ship seems niche for stalking/assassination.
Its all it does. If the target is light and aware its fucked.

>m50 vs gladius for high skill/high reward
>cutlass vs freelancer for armed hauler

What do you think?

M50 if you enjoy punishing yourself. Gladius is more practical.

Freelancer is supposed to have a shielded cargo area and will probably be tougher than a Cutlass

The fuck is a "shielded cargo area"? Cutlass has no shields above cargo?

Thats a one man fighter ith three torps.
That's a torpedo bomber, not a sub.

The polaris alsmost fits, but its too fat and dedicated 1/3 of its internal space to being a pocket carrier. The Tally Is also close, but the low torp count and lack of stealth makes it more akin to a maritime patrol bomber.

I mean more literally a U-boat. Something a bit bigger than Constellation, but smaller than a polaris. A ~100 meter long, long endurance sneaky torpedo launcher.

>that's apparently the plan,

whom's't'ded did tell you this information, knave?


>>Will the Eclipse torpedo bay be modular, so that the ship can be used for other purposes such as electronic warfare?
>This is not something currently planned. The Eclipse was designed around this sole purpose, while something like the Vanguard series will be more flexible with its modularity.

Also the early whitebox model was made like that

and why does that picture show any difference to that? Its launching torpedoes.

Freelancers cargo hold is supposed to be particularly well protected and hardened against scans.


Design process of new SC ships.

Neither the M50 nor the gladius is high skill high reward. High Skill High reward is an Aurora LN, the reward is being able to do for $35 what most people spends $110 on.

If you want a fighter for $100 or less, get a Gladius, M50 is not a fighter. The Cutlass Outclasses the Lancer in everything but Cargo capacity. SO if you emphasis is "armed" get a cutlass if its "hauler" get a lancer.

Tbh you could get just the Cutlass, and forget the fighter entirely. theres going to be very few things that a Hornet or Gladius can do that cutlass black can't.

Not a word on the 300 series and lancer variants rework. Faggots.

So when is the actual 3.0 release date? I thought it was the end of June, but the website now says end of July. Did they shit themselves again or am I reading it wrong?

Stand by for further delays in two weeks.

Do they tell us when evocati testing begins or is it kept secret?

This is just garbage man.

But it's the closest to the truth.

It has been regularly delayed since october last year.

I think you misread, the problem is that it won't launch any other type of torpedoes, or missiles.
They don't seem to let you trade S9 for more S6, job "reserved to the Vanguard" apparently.

But maybe it's the only way to avoid a game-breaking ship.

>Hoplite has space for marines and wide ramp
>not a single cargo module


The cutlass will be larger and slower. It will be probably be forced to go gimbal and then its firepower is shit.

Around from 3:07 onwards..

The Vanguard, Retaliator, and Merchantman are all going to end up worthless ships. To slow to dogfight, to small to compete against larger ships.

I'm betting CIG will unveil a dedicated Drake heavy fighter

>no shield
>slow speed
>lot of gun

A solo salvage vessel is missing. It will be (well, it should be) either drake or MISC. If its aegis it will be over expensive and shit. If its RSI its because Chris got blown recently by Sandi.